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Frank Weinberg edited this page Nov 3, 2024 · 12 revisions

This gives an overview of all the channels/keys used in the WS communication between backend and frontend and in exported JSON files. For documentation on how to use them see WebSocket Commands.


  • Channels with a value type of "-" are commands. Set them to true on order to ecxcute the command.
  • Types ending in "Id" are the Id of an element of the corresponding type.
  • Valid Values for _position_ are Jammer, Pivot, Blocker1, Blocker2, Blocker3. (As in the regular paperwork, the Pivot position is used for the 4th Blocker if there is no Pivot.)
  • Valid values for _clock_ are Period, Jam, Lineup, Timeout, and Intermission.
  • TimeoutOwner in versions before 5.0 is "1" for Team 1, "2" for Team 2, "O" (the letter) for Official timeout, or "" for an untyped timeout.
  • Starting with version 5.0 TimeoutOwner for Team 1 is "<gameId>_1" and for Team 2 it's "<gameId>_2". "o" and "" are unchanged.
  • All times are in ms unless stated otherwise. Walltime is ms since some fixed point. (Usually midnight 1970-01-01)
  • Durations that are still ongoing are set to 0 if set.
  • If a writable value is a copy of another value, writing to it will write to the original value.
  • For elements with subkeys writability indicates if you can add/remove entries.

Elements in ScoreBoard

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no from 4.1.1 always empty string
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
CurrentPeriodNumber number no before 5.0 copy of CurrentPeriod->Number
CurrentPeriod PeriodId no before 5.0
InPeriod bool no before 5.0 copy of CurrentPeriod->Running
UpcomingJam JamId no before 5.0
UpcomingJamNumber number no before 5.0 copy of UpcomingJam->Number
InJam bool no before 5.0
InOvertime bool no before 5.0
CurrentTimeout TimeoutId no before 5.0
TimeoutOwner TimeoutOwner during timeout before 5.0 copy of CurrentTimeout->Owner
OfficialReview bool during timeout before 5.0 copy of CurrentTimeout->Review
NoMoreJam bool no before 5.0
OfficialScore bool yes before 5.0
Clock(_clock_) Clock no before 5.0
Team(_number_) Team no before 5.0
Period(_number_) Period no before 5.0 There is a Period(0) for technical reasons. Just ignore it.
Jam(_number_) Jam no before 5.0 Should only hold one element at a time pointed to by UpcomingJam.
PenaltyCodes no PenaltyCodes before 5.0
Game(_id_) Game yes from 5.0
CurrentGame CurrentGame no from 5.0 change ScoreBoard.CurrentGame.Game to set the current game
Rulesets Rulesets no
Settings Settings no
Twitter Twitter no before 5.0.10
Media Media no
Clients Clients no from 4.1.1
PreparedTeam(_id_) PreparedTeam yes
PreparedOfficial(_id_) PreparedOfficial yes from 2025.0
Version(_type_) string no Version(release) is the version number of the running server
Reset - - before 5.0
StartJam - - before 5.0
StopJam - - before 5.0 Also used to stop timeouts.
Timeout - - before 5.0
ClockUndo - - before 5.0
ClockReplace - - before 5.0
StartOvertime - - before 5.0
OfficialTimeout - - before 5.0
BlankStatsbookFound string yes from 5.0.6 bool before 2023.4. Possible values: none, checking, broken, true
ImportsInProgress number yes from 5.0.10

Elements in ScoreBoard.Game(*) and ScoreBoard.CurrentGame

All values under ScoreBoard.CurrentGame are copies of the corresponding values of the game pointed to by ScoreBoard.CurrentGame.Game.

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no
Game GameId yes only in CurrentGame
Name string no was not previously in ScoreBoard; overwrite NameFormat with a fixed string to set
NameFormat string yes was not previously in ScoreBoard
State State no was not previously in ScoreBoard. Possible values: Prepared, Running, Finished
CurrentPeriodNumber number no copy of CurrentPeriod->Running
CurrentPeriod PeriodId no
InPeriod bool no copy of CurrentPeriod->Running
UpcomingJam JamId no
UpcomingJamNumber number no copy of UpcomingJam->Number
InJam bool no
InOvertime bool no
InSuddenScoring bool no from 5.0.10 copy of CurrentPeriod->SuddenScoring
InjuryContinuationUpcoming bool no from 5.0.10 copy of UpcomingJam->InjuryContinuation
CurrentTimeout TimeoutId no
TimeoutOwner TimeoutOwner during timeout copy of CurrentTimeout->Owner
OfficialReview bool during timeout copy of CurrentTimeout->Review
NoMoreJam bool yes
OfficialScore bool yes
AbortReason string yes was not previously in ScoreBoard
Ruleset RulesetId yes was not previously in ScoreBoard
RulesetName string no was not previously in ScoreBoard; copy of Ruleset->Name
HeadNso OfficialId yes was not previously in ScoreBoard
HeadRef OfficialId yes was not previously in ScoreBoard
SuspensionsServed string yes was not previously in ScoreBoard
UpdateInProgress bool no from 5.0.10
StatsbookExists bool yes from 5.0.6
JsonExists bool yes from 5.0.6
ClockDuringFinalScore bool yes from 5.0.10
ExportBlockedBy string no from 2023.0
Clock(_clock_) Clock no
Team(_number_) Team no
Period(_number_) Period no There is a Period(0) for technical reasons. Just ignore it.
Jam(_number_) Jam no Should only hold one element at a time pointed to by UpcomingJam.
Rule(_id_) string yes was previously in ScoreBoard.Rulesets.CurrentRule(_id_)
PenaltyCode(_code_) string yes list of verbal cues; was previously in ScoreBoard.PenaltyCodes.Code(_code_)
Label(_id_) string yes was not previously in ScoreBoard
EventInfo(_id_) string yes was not previously in ScoreBoard
Nso(_id_) Official yes was not previously in ScoreBoard
Ref(_id_) Official yes was not previously in ScoreBoard
Expulsion(_id_) Expulsion yes was not previously in ScoreBoard
StartJam - -
StopJam - - Also used to stop timeouts.
Timeout - -
ClockUndo - -
ClockReplace - -
StartOvertime - -
OfficialTimeout - -
Export - - was not previously in ScoreBoard
StartBoxTrip - - from 2025.0
StartJammerBoxTrip - - from 2025.0
Copy - - from 2025.0

Elements in ScoreBoard.Clock(*), ScoreBoard.Game(*).Clock(*), and ScoreBoard.CurrentGame.Clock(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
Name string yes
Number number for timeout & lineup clock
Time number yes
InvertedTime number no
MinimumTime number yes before 4.0.1
MaximumTime number yes
Direction bool yes true indicates countdown
Running bool yes
Start - -
Stop - -
ResetTime - -

Elements in ScoreBoard.Team(*), ScoreBoard.Game(*).Team(*), and ScoreBoard.CurrentGame.Team(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
Name string before 5.0
FullName string no from 5.0
LeagueName string yes from 5.0 copy of PreparedTeam->LeagueName when PreparedTeamConnected is true
TeamName string yes from 5.0 copy of PreparedTeam->TeamName when PreparedTeamConnected is true
Initials string no from 5.0
UniformColor string yes from 5.0
FileName string no from 5.0
Logo file name yes without path - will be taken from images/teamlogo/; copy of PreparedTeam->Logo when PreparedTeamConnected is true
Score number no copy of RunningOrEndedTeamJam->TotalScore
JamScore number no copy of RunningOrEndedTeamJam->JamScore
TripScore number yes copy of CurrentTrip->Score
LastScore number no copy of RunningOrEndedTeamJam->LastScore
Lost bool yes copy of RunningOrEndedTeamJam->Lost
Lead bool yes copy of RunningOrEndedTeamJam->Lead
Calloff bool yes copy of RunningOrEndedTeamJam->Calloff
Injury bool yes copy of RunningOrEndedTeamJam->Injury
NoInitial bool during initial & first scoring trip if JamScore is 0 copy of RunningOrEndedTeamJam->NoInitial
DisplayLead bool no copy of RunningOrEndedTeamJam->DisplayLead
StarPass bool yes copy of RunningOrEndedTeamJam->StarPass
StarPassTrip ScoringTripId no copy of RunningOrEndedTeamJam->StarPassTrip
CurrentTrip ScoringTripId no
Timeouts number no
OfficialReviews number no
LastReview TimeoutId no
InTimeout bool no
InOfficialReview bool no
RetainedOfficialReview bool after team has taken a review copy of LastReview->RetainedReview
NoPivot bool yes
RunningOrUpcomingTeamJam TeamJamId no
RunningOrEndedTeamJam TeamJamId no
LastEndedTeamJam TeamJamId no before 4.0.1
FieldingAdvancePending bool no
PreparedTeam PreparedTeamId yes from 5.0
PreparedTeamConnected bool yes from 5.0
Captain SkaterId no from 5.0 set/unset the Captain flag on the skater instead
ActiveScoreAdjustment ScoreAdjustment yes from 2023.0 clear to stash active score adjustment
ActiveScoreAdjustmentAmount number yes from 2023.0
TotalPenalties number no from 2023.1
AllBlockersSet bool no from 2025.0
Skater(_id_) Skater yes
Position(_position_) Position no
TimeOut(_id_) TimeoutId no Capital O
BoxTrip(_id_) BoxTrip no
AlternateName(_type_) string yes
Color(_type_) string yes
ScoreAdjustment(_id_) ScoreAdjustment yes from 2023.0
AddTrip - -
RemoveTrip - -
AdvanceFieldings - -
Timeout - - small o
OfficialReview - -
ClearSkaters - - from 2025.0

Elements in ScoreBoard.Game(*).Team(*).ScoreAdjustment(*) and ScoreBoard.CurrentGame.Team(*).ScoreAdjustment(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no
Amount number no
JamRecorded Jam no
PeriodNumberRecorded number no copy of JamRecorded->PeriodNumber
JamNumberRecorded number no copy of JamRecorded->Number
RecordedDuringJam bool no
LastTwoMinutes bool no
Open bool no
AppliedTo bool yes write in order to assign the adjustment
Discard - -

Elements in ScoreBoard.Team(*).Skater(*), ScoreBoard.Game(*).Team(*).Skater(*), and ScoreBoard.CurrentGame.Team(*).Skater(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
Name string yes copy of PreparedSkater->Name if PreparedTeamConnected is true in the parent element
Number string yes before 4.1.1
RosterNumber string yes from 4.1.1 copy of PreparedSkater->RosterNumber if PreparedTeamConnected is true in the parent element
PenaltyBox bool if currently fielded copy of CurrentFielding->PenaltyBox
HasUnserved bool no from 2025.0
CurrentBoxSymbols string no copy of CurrentFielding->CurrentBoxSymbols
CurrentPenalties string no from 5.0
PenaltyCount number no from 2025.0
Position PositionId no copy of CurrentFielding->Position
CurrentFielding FieldingId no set Role to field the skater
Role string yes
BaseRole string no
Flags string yes initially copied from PreparedSkater->Flags but not synced afterwards
PreparedSkater PreparedSkaterId no from 5.0
Pronouns string yes from 2023.0
Color string yes from 2023.0 only Jammer and Pivot currently have an effect
PenaltyDetails string no from 2025.0
ExtraPenaltyTime number yes from 2025.0
Fielding(_id_) FieldingId no
Penalty(_number_) Penalty yes Penalty(0) is foul out or expulsion.
Pronouns string yes from 2023.0
Color string yes from 2023.0 only Jammer and Pivot currently have an effect

Elements in ScoreBoard.Team(*).Skater(*).Penalty(*), ScoreBoard.Game(*).Team(*).Skater(*).Penalty(*), and ScoreBoard.CurrentGame.Team(*).Skater(*).Penalty(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
Number number no
Previous PenaltyId no
Next PenaltyId no
Code string yes
Jam JamId yes
PeriodNumber number no copy of Jam->PeriodNumber
JamNumber number no copy of Jam->Number
Serving bool no copy of BoxTrip->IsCurrent
Served bool no
ForceServed bool yes
BoxTrip BoxTripId yes
Time number no Walltime when the penalty was entered
Remove - -

Elements in ScoreBoard.Team(*).Position(*), ScoreBoard.Game(*).Team(*).Position(*), and ScoreBoard.CurrentGame.Team(*).Position(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no will be teamid_position
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
Skater SkaterId yes copy of CurrentFielding->Skater
Name string no copy of Skater->Name
Number string no before 4.1.1 copy of Skater->Number
RosterNumber string no from 4.1.1 copy of Skater->RosterNumber
Flags string no copy of Skater->Flags
CurrentFielding FieldingId no
PenaltyBox bool yes copy of CurrentFielding->PenaltyBox
CurrentBoxSymbols string no copy of CurrentFielding->CurrentBoxSymbols
CurrentPenalties string no from 5.0 copy of Skater->CurrentPenalties
Annotation string no copy of CurrentFielding->Annotation
HasUnserved bool no from 2025.0 copy of Skater->HasUnserved
PenaltyTime number no from 2025.0 copy of CurrentFielding->PenaltyTime
PenaltyCount number no from 2025.0 copy of Skater->PenaltyCount
PenaltyDetails string no from 2025.0 copy of Skater->PenaltyDetails
ExtraPenaltyTime number no from 2025.0 copy of Skater->ExtraPenaltyTime
Clear - -
UnendBoxTrip - - from 2025.0
StartBoxClock - - from 2025.0

Elements in ScoreBoard.Team(*).BoxTrip(*), and ScoreBoard.Game(*).Team(*).BoxTrip(*), and ScoreBoard.CurrentGame.Team(*).BoxTrip(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
IsCurrent bool no
CurrentFielding FieldingId no
StartFielding FieldingId no
StartJamNumber number no copy of StartFielding->Number
StartBetweenJams bool yes
StartAfterSP bool yes
EndFielding FieldingId no
EndJamNumber number no copy of EndFielding->Number
EndBetweenJams bool yes
EndAfterSP bool yes
WalltimeStart number yes
WalltimeEnd number yes
JamClockStart number yes
JamClockEnd number yes
CurrentSkater SkaterId no from 2025.0 copy of CurrentFielding->Skater
RosterNumber string no from 2025.0 copy of CurrentFielding->SkaterNumber
PenaltyCodes string no from 2025.0
TotalPenalties number no from 2025.0 copy of CurrentSkater.PenaltyCount
TimingStopped bool yes from 2025.0
Time number no from 2025.0 copy of Clock->Time
Shortened number no from 2025.0
PenaltyDetails string no from 2025.0
Fielding(_id_) FieldingId yes
Penalty(_id_) PenaltyId yes
Clock Clock yes from 2025.0
StartEarlier - -
StartLater - -
EndEarlier - -
EndLater - -
Delete - -

Elements in ScoreBoard.Period(*), ScoreBoard.Game(*).Period(*), and ScoreBoard.CurrentGame.Period(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
Number number no
Previous PeriodId no
Next PeriodId no
CurrentJam JamId no
CurrentJamNumber number no copy of CurrentJam->Number
FirstJam JamId no
FirstJamNumber number no copy of FirstJam->Number
SuddenScoring bool no from 5.0.10
Running bool no
Duration number no
WalltimeStart number yes
WalltimeEnd number yes
LocalTimeStart string yes from 4.1.1
Team1PenaltyCount number no from 2023.1
Team2PenaltyCount number no from 2023.1
Team1Points number no from 2023.1
Team2Points number no from 2023.1
Jam(_number_) Jam no
Timeout(_id_) Timeout yes
Delete - -
InsertBefore - -
InsertTimeout - -
AddInitialJam - - from 2025.0

Elements in ScoreBoard.Jam(*), ScoreBoard.Period(*).Jam(*), ScoreBoard.Game(*).Jam(*), ScoreBoard.Game(*).Period(*).Jam(*), ScoreBoard.CurrentGame.Jam(*), and ScoreBoard.CurrentGame.Period(*).Jam(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
Number number no
Previous JamId no
Next JamId no
PeriodNumber number no copy of Number from the parent
StarPass bool no
Overtime bool yes
InjuryContinuation bool yes from 5.0.10
Duration number no
PeriodClockElapsedStart number yes
PeriodClockElapsedEnd number yes
PeriodClockDisplayEnd number yes
WalltimeStart number yes
WalltimeEnd number yes
TeamJam(_number_) TeamJam no
Penalty(_id_) PenaltyId no add/remove penalties to/from the skater
TimeoutsAfter(_id_) TimeoutId no
Delete - -
InsertBefore - -
InsertTimeoutAfter - - from 2023.0

Elements in ScoreBoard.Period(*).Jam(*).TeamJam(*), ScoreBoard.Game(*).Period(*).Jam(*).TeamJam(*), and ScoreBoard.CurrentGame.Period(*).Jam(*).TeamJam(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no will be jamId_teamnumber
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
Number number no jam number
Previous TeamJamId no
Next TeamJamId no
LastScore number no copy of Previous->TotalScore
JamScore number no
AfterSPScore number no
TotalScore number no
OsOffset number yes
OsOffsetReason string yes from 5.0
Lost bool yes
Lead bool yes
Calloff bool yes
Injury bool yes linked with Injury on the other team's TeamJam
NoInitial bool no
DisplayLead bool no
CurrentTrip ScoringTripId no
CurrentTripNumber number no copy of CurrentTrip->Number
StarPass bool yes
StarPassTrip ScoringTripId yes
NoPivot bool yes
Fielding(_position_) Fielding no
ScoringTrip(_number_) ScoringTrip no
CopyLineupToCurrent - - from 5.0

Elements in ScoreBoard.Period(*).Jam(*).TeamJam(*).Fielding(*), ScoreBoard.Game(*).Period(*).Jam(*).TeamJam(*).Fielding(*), and ScoreBoard.CurrentGame.Period(*).Jam(*).TeamJam(*).Fielding(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no will be jamId_teamnumber_position
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
Number number no jam number
Previous FieldingId no
Next FieldingId no
Position PositionId no
Skater SkaterId yes
SkaterNumber string no copy of Skater->RosterNumber, ? or n/a
NotFielded bool yes
SitFor3 bool yes
PenaltyBox bool yes
CurrentBoxTrip BoxTripId no
BoxTripSymbols string no
BoxTripSymbolsBeforeSP string no
BoxTripSymbolsAfterSP string no
PenaltyTime number no from 2025.0 copy of CurrentBoxTrip->Time
Annotation string yes
BoxTrip(_id_) BoxTripId no
AddBoxTrip - -
UnendBoxTrip - -

Elements in ScoreBoard.Period(*).Jam(*).TeamJam(*).ScoringTrip(*), ScoreBoard.Game(*).Period(*).Jam(*).TeamJam(*).ScoringTrip(*), and ScoreBoard.CurrentGame.Period(*).Jam(*).TeamJam(*).ScoringTrip(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
Number number no
Previous ScoringTripId no
Next ScoringTripId no
Score number yes
AfterSP bool yes
Current bool no
Annotation string yes from 4.1.1
Duration number no
JamClockStart number no copy of Previous->JamClockEnd or 0
JamClockEnd number yes
InsertBefore - -
Remove - -

Elements in ScoreBoard.Period(*).Timeout(*), ScoreBoard.Game(*).Period(*).Timeout(*), and ScoreBoard.CurrentGame.Period(*).Timeout(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
Owner TimeoutOwner yes
Review bool yes
RetainedReview bool yes
OrRequest string yes from 2025.0
OrResult string yes from 2025.0
Running bool yes
PrecedingJam JamId yes
PrecedingJamNumber number no copy of PrecedingJam->Number
Duration number no
PeriodClockElapsedStart number yes
PeriodClockElapsedEnd number yes
PeriodClockEnd number yes
WalltimeStart number yes
WalltimeEnd number yes
Delete - -
InsertAfter - - from 2023.0

Elements in ScoreBoard.Game(*).Nso(*), ScoreBoard.Game(*).Ref(*), ScoreBoard.CurrentGame.Nso(*), and ScoreBoard.CurrentGame.Ref(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no
Role string yes
Name string yes
League string yes
Cert string yes
P1Team TeamId yes
Swap bool yes
PreparedOfficial PreparedOfficial yes from 2025.0
Store - - from 2025.0

Elements in ScoreBoard.Game(*).Expulsion(*), and ScoreBoard.CurrentGame.Expulsion(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no
Info string yes
ExtraInfo string yes
Suspension bool yes

Elements in ScoreBoard.PenaltyCodes

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no from 4.1.1
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
Code(_id_) string no not in 4.1.1 value is comma-separated list of verbal cues
PenaltyCode(_id_) string no only in 4.1.1 value is comma-separated list of verbal cues

Elements in ScoreBoard.Rulesets

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no from 4.1.1 always empty string
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
CurrentRuleset RulesetId yes before 5.0
CurrentRulesetId string no before 5.0 copied from CurrentRuleset->Id
CurrentRulesetName string no before 5.0 copied from CurrentRuleset->Name
CurrentRule(_id_) string no before 5.0 copied from CurrentRuleset->Rule
RuleDefinition(_id_) RuleDefinition no
Ruleset(_id_) Ruleset yes

Elements in ScoreBoard.Rulesets.RuleDefinition(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
Name string no
Type RuleType no can be Boolean, Integer, Long, String, or Time
DefaultValue string no
Description string no
Index number no
TrueValue string no only when Type is Boolean
FalseValue string no only when Type is Boolean

Elements in ScoreBoard.Rulesets.Ruleset(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
ParentId string yes before 5.0
Parent ParentId yes from 5.0
Name string yes
Rule(_id_) string yes might be number, time, or boolean encoded as string

Elements in ScoreBoard.Settings

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no from 4.1.1 always empty string
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
Setting(_id_) string yes

Setting Ids used by CRG

Id Values Versions Notes
Overlay.Interactive.BackgroundColor color name or color value default: transparent
Overlay.Interactive.Clock true, false values changed in 2025.0; default: true
Overlay.Interactive.LowerThird.Line1 text default: empty
Overlay.Interactive.LowerThird.Line2 text default: empty
Overlay.Interactive.LowerThird.Style ColourDefault, ColourTeam1, ColourTeam2 default: ColourDefault
Overlay.Interactive.Panel empty, PPJBox, RosterTeam1, RosterTeam2, PenaltyTeam1, PenaltyTeam2, LowerThird, Upcoming default: empty
Overlay.Interactive.Score true, false values changed in 2025.0; default: true
Overlay.Interactive.ShowJammers true, false values changed in 2025.0; default: true
Overlay.Interactive.ShowLineups true, false from 5.0 values changed in 2025.0; default: true
Overlay.Interactive.ShowAllNames On, Off from 5.0; before 2025.0 default: Off
Overlay.Interactive.ShowNames true, false from 2025.0 default: false
Overlay.Interactive.ShowPenaltyClocks true, false from 2025.0 default: true
ScoreBoard.AutoStart empty, Jam, Timeout from 5.0 default: empty
ScoreBoard.AutoStartBuffer time from 5.0 default: 0:02
ScoreBoard.AutoEndJam true, false from 5.0 default: false (changed in 2025.0)
ScoreBoard.AutoEndTTO true, false from 5.0 default: false
ScoreBoard.ClockAfterTimeout Lineup, Timeout before 2025.0 default: Lineup
ScoreBoard.Clock.Sync true, false default: true
ScoreBoard.Game.DefaultNameFormat format string from 5.0 default: %G %d %1 vs. %2 (%s: %S)
ScoreBoard.Intermission.PreGame text default: Time To Derby
ScoreBoard.Intermission.Intermission text default: Intermission
ScoreBoard.Intermission.Unofficial text default: Unofficial Score
ScoreBoard.Intermission.Official text default: Final Score
ScoreBoard.Intermission.OfficialWithClock text from 5.0.10 default: Final Score
ScoreBoard.Penalties.ForceServed true, false before 4.1.1 default: false
ScoreBoard.Penalties.UseLT true, false from 4.1.1 default: false
ScoreBoard.Penalties.UsePBT true, false from 2025.0 default: false
ScoreBoard.Stats.InputFile path from 5.0 default: empty
ScoreBoard.Operator_Default.StartStopButtons true, false before 2025.0 default: false
ScoreBoard.Operator_Default.TabBar true, false default: true
ScoreBoard.Operator_Default.ReplaceButton true, false default: false
ScoreBoard.Operator_Default.ScoreAdjustments true, false default: false
ScoreBoard.Operator__*.StartStopButtons true, false before 2025.0 default: false
ScoreBoard.Operator__*.TabBar true, false default: true
ScoreBoard.Operator__*.ReplaceButton true, false default: false
ScoreBoard.Operator__*.ScoreAdjustments true, false default: false
ScoreBoard.Preview_BoxStyle empty, box_flat, box_flat_bright default: box_flat_bright
ScoreBoard.Preview_CurrentView scoreboard, whiteboard, image, video, html default: scoreboard
ScoreBoard.Preview_CustomHtml path default: /customhtml/fullscreen/example.html
ScoreBoard.Preview_Image path default: /images/fullscreen/test-image.png (changed in 5.0)
ScoreBoard.Preview_HideLogos true, false default: false
ScoreBoard.Preview_HidePenaltyClocks true, false from 2025.0 default: false
ScoreBoard.Preview_SidePadding empty or number (in %) default: empty
ScoreBoard.Preview_SwapTeams true, false default: false
ScoreBoard.Preview_Video path default: /videos/fullscreen/test-video.webm (changed in 5.0)
ScoreBoard.View_BoxStyle empty, box_flat, box_flat_bright default: box_flat_bright
ScoreBoard.View_CurrentView scoreboard, whiteboard, image, video, html default: scoreboard
ScoreBoard.View_CustomHtml path default: /customhtml/fullscreen/example.html
ScoreBoard.View_HideLogos true, false default: false
ScoreBoard.View_HidePenaltyClocks true, false from 2025.0 default: false
ScoreBoard.View_Image path default: /images/fullscreen/test-image.png (changed in 5.0)
ScoreBoard.View_SidePadding empty or number (in %) default: empty
ScoreBoard.View_SwapTeams true, false default: false
ScoreBoard.View_Video path default: /videos/fullscreen/test-video.webm (changed in 5.0)

Elements in ScoreBoard.Twitter

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no from 4.1.1
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
AuthUrl string yes
CallbackUrl string yes
OauthVerifier string yes
AccessToken string yes
ManualTweet string yes
Status string yes
Logged_In bool yes
Error string yes
ScreenName string yes
TestMode bool yes
ConditionalTweet(_id_) ConditionalTweet yes
FormatSpecifier(_id_) FormatSpecifier no
Login - -
Logout - -

Elements in ScoreBoard.Twitter.ConditionalTweet(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
Condition string yes
Tweet string yes

Elements in ScoreBoard.Twitter.FormatSpecifier(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
Key string no
Description string no
Current_Value string no

Elements in ScoreBoard.Media

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no from 4.1.1
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
Format(_id_) MediaFormat yes

Elements in ScoreBoard.Media.MediaFormat(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no from 4.1.1
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
Type(_id_) MediaType yes

Elements in ScoreBoard.Media.MediaFormat(*).MediaType(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no from 4.1.1
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
File(_id_) MediaFile yes

Elements in ScoreBoard.Media.MediaFormat(*).MediaType(*).MediaFile(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
Src string no
Name string yes

Elements in ScoreBoard.Clients

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no
NewDeviceWrite bool yes
AllLocalDevicesWrite bool yes from 4.1.3
Client(_id_) Client no before 2025.0
Device(_id_) Device no

Elements in ScoreBoard.Clients.Client(*) and ScoreBoard.Clients.Device(*).Client(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no
Device DeviceId no
RemoteAddr string no
Platform string no
Source string no
Created number no walltime
Wrote number no walltime

Elements in ScoreBoard.Clients.Device(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no
Name string no
RemoteAddr string no
Platform string no
Comment string yes
Created number no walltime
Wrote number no walltime
Accessed number no walltime
MayWrite bool yes
NumClients number no from 2025.0
Client(_id_) Client no type changed from ClientId in 2025.0

Elements in ScoreBoard.PreparedTeam(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
Name string no before 5.0
FullName string no from 5.0
LeagueName string yes from 5.0
TeamName string yes from 5.0
UniformColor(_id_) string yes from 5.0
Logo string yes
Skater(_id_) PreparedSkater yes
AlternateName(_id_) string yes
Color(_id_) string yes

Elements in ScoreBoard.PreparedTeam(*).Skater(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no from 4.1.1
Name string yes
Number string yes before 5.0
RosterNumber string yes from 4.1.1
Flags string yes
Pronouns string yes from 2023.0

Elements in ScoreBaoad.PreparedOfficial(*)

Name Value Type Writable Versions Notes
Id string no
Readonly bool no
Name string yes
League string yes
Cert string yes
FullInfo string no
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