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UniformTypeIdentifiers macOS xcode14.0 beta1

Manuel de la Pena edited this page Jul 19, 2022 · 3 revisions


diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	1969-12-31 19:00:00.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-05-31 15:04:15.000000000 -0400
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+//  NSItemProvider+UTType.h
+//  Copyright © 2022 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+NS_HEADER_AUDIT_BEGIN(nullability, sendability)
+@class UTType;
+API_AVAILABLE(macos(13.0), ios(16.0), watchos(9.0), tvos(16.0))
+@interface NSItemProvider (UTType)
+// MARK: Initialization
+/// Initialize this instance with the contents of a URL
+/// \discussion The filename of the URL is copied into the \c suggestedName property
+/// \param fileURL The URL of the file.
+/// \param contentType The content type associated with this file, or \c nil to deduce the content type from the
+///                    file extension.
+/// \param openInPlace Pass \c YES to allow this file to be opened in place.
+/// \param coordinated Pass \c YES to use file coordination to access this file, even if it is not opened in place.
+///                    If \c openInPlace is set to \c YES file coordination will be used and this parameter is ignored.
+/// \param visibility The visibility of this representation.
+- (instancetype)initWithContentsOfURL:(NSURL *)fileURL
+                          contentType:(UTType *_Nullable)contentType
+                          openInPlace:(BOOL)openInPlace
+                          coordinated:(BOOL)coordinated
+                           visibility:(NSItemProviderRepresentationVisibility)visibility NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT;
+// MARK: Registration of additional representations
+/// Register a representation backed by an \c NSData
+/// \discussion The load handler must call the completion block when loading is complete. Pass either a non-nil data
+/// object, or a non-nil error. If the load handler returns a non-nil progress object, it should report loading progress
+/// and respond to cancelation.
+/// \param contentType The content type associated with the data representation.
+/// \param visibility Specifies which processes have access to this representation.
+/// \param loadHandler A block called to provide the data representation.
+- (void)registerDataRepresentationForContentType:(UTType *)contentType
+                                      visibility:(NSItemProviderRepresentationVisibility)visibility
+                                     loadHandler:(NSProgress *_Nullable (^NS_SWIFT_SENDABLE)(void (^completionHandler)(NSData *_Nullable data, NSError *_Nullable error)))loadHandler NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT;
+/// Register a representation backed by a file
+/// \discussion It is permissible to provide a URL pointing to a folder. A folder requested as \c NSData will yield a
+/// data object containing a zip archive holding a copy of the source folder tree.
+/// The load handler must call the completion block when loading is complete. Pass either a non-nil url, or a non-nil
+/// error. Pass \c YES to \c coordinated if the file should be accessed using file coordination even if it is not opened
+/// in-place. Files registered as open-in-place are assumed to need coordination, and this parameter will be ignored
+/// in those cases. If the load handler returns a non-nil progress object, it should report loading progress and respond
+/// to cancelation.
+/// \note Not all files specified as openable in place can be opened in place by the destination. System security or
+///       privacy policies may restrict which files can be opened in place.
+/// \param contentType The content type associated with the file representation.
+/// \param visibility Specifies which processes have access to this representation.
+/// \param openInPlace Specifies whether the file should be openable in place.
+/// \param loadHandler A block called to provide the file representation.
+- (void)registerFileRepresentationForContentType:(UTType *)contentType
+                                      visibility:(NSItemProviderRepresentationVisibility)visibility
+                                     openInPlace:(BOOL)openInPlace
+                                     loadHandler:(NSProgress *_Nullable (^NS_SWIFT_SENDABLE)(void (^completionHandler)(NSURL *_Nullable fileURL, BOOL coordinated, NSError *_Nullable error)))loadHandler NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT;
+// MARK: Content query
+/// Registered content types, in the order they were registered
+/// \discussion Content types should be registered in order of fidelity. Prefer using content types that appear earlier
+/// in the array.
+@property (copy, readonly, NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY) NSArray<UTType *> *registeredContentTypes;
+/// Registered content types that can be loaded as files opened in place
+@property (copy, readonly, NS_NONATOMIC_IOSONLY) NSArray<UTType *> *registeredContentTypesForOpenInPlace;
+/// Return an array of registered content types that conform to a given content type.
+/// \discussion The returned content types are given in order of fidelity. Prefer content types that appear earlier
+/// in the array.
+- (NSArray<UTType *> *)registeredContentTypesConformingToContentType:(UTType *)contentType NS_SWIFT_NAME(registeredContentTypes(conformingTo:));
+// MARK: Data retrieval
+/// Load a representation as data
+/// \discussion If the requested representation was registered as a file, an \c NSData with the contents of the file
+/// will be provided. If the registered URL points to a folder, an \c NSData containing a zip archive containing that
+/// folder will be provided.
+/// \note The completion handler may be scheduled on an arbitrary queue.
+/// \param contentType Content type of the representation to load. Must conform to one of the content types returned
+///                    by \c registeredContentTypes
+/// \param completionHandler A block that will be called when loading is complete. It will either have a non-nil
+///                          \c data or a non-nil \c error parameter.
+/// \return A progress object. Use it to monitor loading progress, or to cancel loading.
+- (NSProgress *)loadDataRepresentationForContentType:(UTType *)contentType
+                                   completionHandler:(void (^ NS_SWIFT_SENDABLE)(NSData *_Nullable data, NSError *_Nullable error))completionHandler NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT;
+/// Load a representation as a file
+/// \discussion Except for files registered as open-in-place, a temporary file containing a copy of the original
+/// will be provided to your completion handler. This temporary file will be deleted once your completion handler
+/// returns. To keep a copy of this file, move or copy it into another directory before returning from the completion
+/// handler.
+/// \discussion If the representation was registered as \c NSData its contents will be written to a temporary file.
+/// \discussion If \c suggestedName is non-nil, an attempt will be made to use it as the file name, with an appropriate
+/// file extension based on the content type. Otherwise, a suitable name and file extension will be chosen based on the
+/// content type.
+/// \note The completion handler may be scheduled on an arbitrary queue
+/// \param contentType Content type of the representation to load. Must conform to one of the content types returned
+///                    by \c registeredContentTypes
+/// \param openInPlace Pass \c YES to attempt to open a file representation in place
+/// \param completionHandler A block that will be called when loading is complete. It will either have a non-nil
+///                          \c URL or a non-nill \c error parameter. The \c openInPlace parameter will be set to
+///                          \c YES if the file was successfully opened in place, or \c NO if a copy of the file was
+///                          created in a temporary directory.
+/// \return A progress object. Use it to monitor loading progress, or to cancel loading.
+- (NSProgress *)loadFileRepresentationForContentType:(UTType *)contentType
+                                         openInPlace:(BOOL)openInPlace
+                                   completionHandler:(void (^ NS_SWIFT_SENDABLE)(NSURL *_Nullable URL, BOOL openInPlace, NSError *_Nullable error))completionHandler NS_REFINED_FOR_SWIFT;
+NS_HEADER_AUDIT_END(nullability, sendability)
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2022-02-23 07:16:07.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-05-31 15:04:15.000000000 -0400
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
-UT_EXPORT_CLASS UT_SUBCLASSING_RESTRICTED @interface UTType : NSObject <NSCopying, NSSecureCoding>
 + (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE;
 - (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
diff -ruN /Applications/ /Applications/
--- /Applications/	2022-02-18 00:09:00.000000000 -0500
+++ /Applications/	2022-05-21 08:03:57.000000000 -0400
@@ -15,4 +15,6 @@
 #import <UniformTypeIdentifiers/UTAdditions.h>
+#import <UniformTypeIdentifiers/NSItemProvider+UTType.h>
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