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Vitalii Koshura edited this page Apr 10, 2023 · 2 revisions

Project selection in the Manager

Currently the Choose Project page in the Manager shows an alphabetic list of project names. Hovering over a project name brings up a balloon with the project description.

This UI is useful only for users who want to run a specific project, and who know its name. It's not useful, e.g., for users who want to volunteer for environment-related projects.

Other specific problems:

  • Balloons don't wrap (on Win) and text is lost.
  • Funky balloon behavior: they persist even when move mouse.
  • Text is not translatable.
  • Info about project area, subarea, and institution is not shown, even though it's available to the manager

Proposed redesign

  • The Choose Project page has left and right panes.
  • The left pane is a scrollable list of project names, grouped by area (Biomedicine, Environment, Astronomy/Physics, etc.), alphabetic within area. Each area is preceded by a header row.
  • The right pane shows a description of a particular project, including
    • Area
    • Subarea
    • Institution
    • description (scrollable if needed)
    • link to project web site
    • whether project can use your multicore CPU or GPU
  • Hovering over a project name in left pane brings up its info in right pane
  • Everything is translatable (even, potentially, project names).


  • Moving the mouse from left to right pane would be tricky. Maybe it's better to click on project name rather than hover.
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