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David Anderson edited this page Aug 13, 2024 · 2 revisions

Work fetch with max concurrent constraints


rr sim: (pick_jobs_to_run) if project reaches a MC limit,
	stop picking its jobs
	(and take it out of the simulation)
	Need to do this to avoid starvation.
work fetch: don't fetch from a project at MC limit

problem: we don't buffer work for projects with MC limits


rr sim:
	keep simulating project even if at MC limit
	keep track of MI(P,R) = max # instances used by MC projects P
		how many instances the project is able to use, given its MC restriction.
		It may be all instances.
	maintain "MC shortfall" MCS(R,P) for each MC project P
		in update_stats()
			y = MI(P,R) - #devices in use by P
			x = min(y, nidle)
			MCS(R,P) += x*dt

allow work fetch from MC project P, but use MCS(R,P) instead of shortfall; don't request if it's zero

examples (suppose min_buf is 3, max_buf is 6)

4 device instances
p = project with max concurrent constraint
x = other projects
. = idle

example 1: P has lots of jobs, and can use only 2 instances

1	pp..
2	pp..
3	pp..
4	pp..
5	pp..
6	pp..
7	pp..

In this case shortfall is 6, but we don't want to request any more work from P

example 2: p has only a couple of jobs. It can use 1 or 2 instances, depending on which app versions run

1	ppxx
2	pxxx
3	p*xx
4	p*.x
5	p*..
6	**..
7	....

In this case the MC shortfall for P is 5 (the *'s). If P had the highest scheduling priority, we'd ask it for 5 units of work. After that, it wouldn't be eligible for work fetch because the MC shortfall would be zero. But we'd be able to ask another project for 4 units.

(Aug 2024) MC limits (per app or project) are in terms of jobs. But jobs can use > 1 processor of each type.

work_fetch.cpp has, for the max # of instances a project can use given MC constraints:

max_nused = p->app_configs.project_min_mc

where project_min_mc is the min of max_concurrent over project and apps

This is wrong. Instead, for each project P and resource R compute

x = max usage of R over P's app versions that use R

mc_max_could_use = min(m*x, R.ninstances)

where m is P's smallest max concurrent value (over all apps)

Use this as the basis for determining shortfall.

This is an improvement, but it's still very crude: e.g. the MC limit might be on a single app, but we're taking the min over all apps. Also, we're taking a min over apps for which there might be no jobs.

But I think that these approximations can only cause over-fetching, rather than starvation

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