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Standard assimilators

David Anderson edited this page Jan 11, 2024 · 1 revision

The sample assimilator

BOINC includes a sample assimilator, sample_assimilator. It does the following:

  • For successful workunits, it writes the canonical instance's output files to the directory PROJECT/sample_results/. If there is only one output file it is named WU_NAME. If there are more than one they are named WU_NAME_0, WU_NAME_1, etc. If there are no output files, an empty file WU_NAME_no_output_files is created.
  • If the workunit failed (e.g., too many errors) it appends a line to sample_results/errors containing the workunit name and the error code.

The sample assimilator can be used as a placeholder while you are developing your application. In some cases you may be able to use it in production.

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