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(Widget) Custom

github-actions edited this page Nov 25, 2024 · 6 revisions

Custom Widget Configuration

Option Type Default Description
label string "{data}" The format string for data
label_alt string "{data[city]} {data[region]}, {data[country]}" Example of label alt.
label_max_length int None The maximum length of the label.
class_name string "custom-info-widget" The CSS class name for the widget.
exec_options dict {'run_cmd': 'curl.exe', 'run_interval': 120000, 'return_format': 'json', 'hide_empty: false'} Execution options for custom widget.
callbacks dict {'on_left': 'toggle_label', 'on_middle': 'exec cmd /c ncpa.cpl', 'on_right': 'exec cmd /c start{data[ip]} '} Callbacks for mouse events on the IP info widget.

Example Configuration to get IP Address

  type: "yasb.custom.CustomWidget"
    label: "<span>\udb81\udd9f</span> {data[ip]}"
    label_alt: "<span>\uf450</span> {data[city]} {data[region]}, {data[country]}"
    class_name: "ip-info-widget"
      run_cmd: "curl.exe"
      run_interval: 120000  # every 5 minutes
      return_format: "json"
      hide_empty: false
      on_left: "toggle_label"
      on_middle: "exec cmd /c ncpa.cpl" # open network settings
      on_right: "exec cmd /c start{data[ip]} " # open ipinfo in browser

Example Configuration to get Nvidia Temp.

  type: "yasb.custom.CustomWidget"
    label: "{data}<span>\udb81\udd04</span>"
    label_alt: "{data}"
    class_name: "system-widget"
      run_cmd: "powershell nvidia-smi --query-gpu=temperature.gpu --format=csv,noheader"
      run_interval: 10000 # run every 10 sec
      return_format: "string"
      hide_empty: false

Description of Options

  • label: The format string.
  • label_alt: The alternative format string.
  • label_max_length: The maximum length of the label. Minimum value is 1. Default is None.
  • class_name: The CSS class name for the widget.
  • exec_options: A dictionary specifying the execution options. The keys are run_cmd, run_interval, return_format, hide_empty. return_format can be json or string. If you run custom function which result empty data, you can set hide_empty to true to hide the widget.
  • callbacks: A dictionary specifying the callbacks for mouse events. The keys are on_left, on_middle, and on_right, and the values are the names of the callback functions.

Example Style

.custom-widget {}
.custom-widget .widget-container {}
.custom-widget .widget-container .label {}
.custom-widget .widget-container .label.alt {}
.custom-widget .widget-container .icon {}