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(Widget) Microphone

github-actions edited this page Nov 11, 2024 · 4 revisions

Microphone Widget Configuration

Option Type Default Description
label string '{icon}' The format string for the microphone widget. Displays icon or level.
label_alt string '{icon} {level}%' The alternative format string for the microphone widget. Displays icon or level.
icons dict {'normal', 'muted' Icons for microphone widget
callbacks dict {'on_left': 'toggle_mute', 'on_middle': 'toggle_label', 'on_right': 'do_nothing'} Callbacks for mouse events on the memory widget.
container_padding dict {'top': 0, 'left': 0, 'bottom': 0, 'right': 0} Explicitly set padding inside widget container.

Example Configuration

  type: "yasb.microphone.MicrophoneWidget"
    label: '<span>{icon}</span>'
    label_alt: '<span>{icon}</span> {level}%'
      normal: "\uf130"
      muted: "\uf131"
      on_left: 'toggle_mute'
      on_middle: 'toggle_label'
      on_right: 'exec cmd.exe /c start ms-settings:sound'

Description of Options

  • label: The format string for the microphone widget. Displays the microphone icon or level.
  • label_alt: The alternative format string for the microphone widget. Displays the microphone icon or level.
  • icons: A dictionary specifying the icons for the microphone widget. The keys are normal and muted, and the values are the unicode characters for the icons.
  • callbacks: A dictionary specifying the callbacks for mouse events. The keys are on_left, on_middle, and on_right, and the values are the names of the callback functions.

Example Style

.microphone-widget {}
.microphone-widget .widget-container {}
.microphone-widget .label {}
.microphone-widget .label.alt {}
.microphone-widget .icon {}