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(Widget) Weather

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Weather Widget Options

Option Type Default Description
label string '<span>{icon}</span> {temp}' The format string for the weather label. You can use placeholders like {temp}, {icon}, etc.
label_alt string '{location}: Min {min_temp}, Max {max_temp}, Humidity {humidity}' The alternative format string for the weather label. Useful for displaying additional weather details.
update_interval integer 3600 The interval in seconds to update the weather data. Must be between 60 and 36000000.
hide_decimal boolean False Whether to hide the decimal part of the temperature.
location string 'London' The location for which to fetch the weather data.
show_alerts boolean False Whether to show weather alerts.
units string 'metric' The units for the weather data. Can be 'metric' or 'imperial'.
api_key string '0' The API key for accessing the weather service.
icons dict { 'sunnyDay': '\ue30d', 'clearNight': '\ue32b', 'cloudyDay': '\ue312', 'cloudyNight': '\ue311', 'rainyDay': '\udb81\ude7e', 'rainyNight': '\udb81\ude7e', 'snowyIcyDay': '\udb81\udd98', 'snowyIcyNight': '\udb81\udd98', 'blizzard': '\uebaa', 'default': '\uebaa' } A dictionary of icons for different weather conditions.
callbacks dict { 'on_left': 'do_nothing', 'on_middle': 'do_nothing', 'on_right': 'do_nothing' } Callbacks for mouse events on the weather widget.
weather_card dict { blur': True, 'round_corners': True, 'round_corners_type': 'normal', 'border_color': 'System', 'alignment': 'right', 'direction': 'down', 'distance': 6, 'icon_size': 64 } Configuration for the weather card popup display. Controls visibility, appearance, and positioning.
animation dict {'enabled': True, 'type': 'fadeInOut', 'duration': 200} Animation settings for the widget.
container_padding dict {'top': 0, 'left': 0, 'bottom': 0, 'right': 0} Explicitly set padding inside widget container.

Example Configuration

  type: ""
    label: "<span>{icon}</span> {temp}"
    label_alt: "{location}: Min {min_temp}, Max {max_temp}, Humidity {humidity}"
    api_key: "3bf4cf9a7c3f40d6b31174128242807" # Get your free API key from
    show_alerts: true
    update_interval: 600 # Update interval in seconds, Min 600 seconds
    hide_decimal: true
    units: "metric" # Can be 'metric' or 'imperial'
    location: "Los Angeles, CA, USA" # You can use "USA Los Angeles 90006" {COUNTRY CITY ZIP_CODE}, or just city.
      on_left: "toggle_card"
      on_middle: "do_nothing"
      on_right: "toggle_label"
      sunnyDay: "\ue30d"
      clearNight: "\ue32b"
      cloudyDay: "\udb81\udd99"
      cloudyNight: "\ue311"
      rainyDay: "\udb81\ude7e"
      rainyNight: "\udb81\ude7e"
      snowyIcyDay: "\udb81\udd98"
      snowyIcyNight: "\udb81\udd98"
      blizzard: "\uebaa"
      default: "\uebaa"
      blur: True
      round_corners: True
      round_corners_type: "normal"
      border_color: "System"
      alignment: "right"
      direction: "down"
      distance: 6
      icon_size: 64

Description of Options

  • label: The format string for the weather label. You can use placeholders like {temp}, {min_temp}, {max_temp}, {feelslike}, {location}, {humidity}, {icon}, {conditions}, {wind}, {wind_dir}, {wind_degree}, {pressure}, {precip}, {uv}, {vis}, {cloud}.
  • label_alt: The alternative format string for the weather label. Useful for displaying additional weather details.
  • update_interval: The interval in seconds to update the weather data. Must be between 60 and 36000000.
  • hide_decimal: Whether to hide the decimal part of the temperature.
  • location: The location for which to fetch the weather data. You can use example "USA Los Angeles 90006" {COUNTRY CITY ZIP_CODE}, or just city. Location can be set to env, this means you have to set YASB_WEATHER_LOCATION in environment variable or you can set it directly in the configuration file.
  • api_key: The API key for accessing the weather service. You can get free API key API key can be set to env, this means you have to set YASB_WEATHER_API_KEY in environment variable or you can set it directly in the configuration file.
  • show_alerts: Whether to show weather alerts.
  • units: The units for the weather data. Can be 'metric' or 'imperial'.
  • icons: A dictionary of icons for different weather conditions sunnyDay, sunnyNight, clearDay, clearNight, cloudyDay, cloudyNight, rainyDay, rainyNight, snowyIcyDay, snowyIcyNight, blizzard, default.
  • weather_card: Configuration for the weather card popup display. Controls visibility, appearance, and positioning.
    • blur: Enable blur effect for the weather card.
    • round_corners: Enable round corners for weather card.
    • round_corners_type: Border type for weather card can be normal and small. Default is normal.
    • border_color: Border color for weather card can be None, System or Hex Color "#ff0000".
    • alignment: Alignment of the weather card. Possible values are left, center, and right.
    • direction: Direction of the weather card. Possible values are up and down.
    • distance: Distance of the weather card from the widget.
    • icon_size: Size of the weather icon in pixels.
  • callbacks: A dictionary specifying the callbacks for mouse events. The keys are on_left, on_middle, and on_right, and the values are the names of the callback functions.
  • animation: A dictionary specifying the animation settings for the widget. It contains three keys: enabled, type, and duration. The type can be fadeInOut and the duration is the animation duration in milliseconds.
  • container_padding: Explicitly set padding inside widget container. Use this option to set padding inside the widget container. You can set padding for top, left, bottom and right sides of the widget container.

Example Style

.weather-widget {}
.weather-widget .widget-container {}
.weather-widget .label {}
.weather-widget .label.alt {}
.weather-widget .icon {}
.weather-widget .icon.cloudyDay {}
.weather-widget .icon.cloudyNight {} 
.weather-widget .icon.rainyDay {} 
.weather-widget .icon.rainyNight {} 
.weather-widget .icon.snowyIcyDay {} 
.weather-widget .icon.snowyIcyNight {} 
.weather-widget .icon.blizzard {} 
.weather-widget .icon.default {}

/* Weather card style */
.weather-card {
    background-color: rgba(17, 17, 27, 0.5);
.weather-card-today {
    border: 1px solid #282936;
    border-radius: 8px;
    background-color:  rgba(17, 17, 27, 0.2);
.weather-card-today .label {
    font-size: 12px;
.weather-card-today .label.location {
    font-size: 24px;
    font-weight: 700;
.weather-card-today .label.arert {
    font-size: 12px;
    font-weight: 700;
    background-color: rgba(247, 199, 42, 0.05);
    border: 1px solid rgba(247, 209, 42, 0.1);
    color: rgba(196, 181, 162, 0.85);
    border-radius: 6px;
    padding: 5px 0;
.weather-card-day {
    border: 1px solid #45475a;
    border-radius: 8px;
    background-color:  rgba(17, 17, 27, 0.2);
.weather-card-day .label {
    font-size: 12px;

Preview of the weather card

Weather YASB Widget

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