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(Widget) Github

github-actions edited this page Oct 14, 2024 · 3 revisions

Github Widget Options

Option Type Default Description
label string '{icon}' The format string for the label. You can use placeholders like {icon} to dynamically insert icon information.
label_alt string '{data} Notifications' The alternative format string for the label. Useful for displaying additional notification details.
update_interval integer 600 The interval in seconds to update the notifications. Must be between 60 and 3600.
token string "" The GitHub personal access token.
max_notification integer 20 The maximum number of notifications to display in the menu.
only_unread boolean False Whether to show only unread notifications.
max_field_size integer 100 The maximum number of characters in the title before truncation.
menu_width integer 400 The width of the menu in pixels.
menu_height integer 400 The height of the menu in pixels.
menu_offset integer 240 The offset of the menu in pixels.

Example Configuration

  type: "yasb.github.GithubWidget"
    label: "<span>\ueba1</span>"
    label_alt: "Notifications {data}" # {data} return number of unread notification
    token: ghp_xxxxxxxxxxx # GitHub Personal access tokens (classic)
    max_notification: 20 # Max number of notification displaying in menu max: 50
    only_unread: false # Show only unread or all notifications; 
    max_field_size: 54 # Max characters in title before truncation.
    menu_width: 400 
    menu_height: 400 
    menu_offset: 240 
    update_interval: 300 # Check for new notification in seconds

Description of Options

  • label: The format string for the label. You can use placeholders like {icon} to dynamically insert icon information.
  • label_alt: The alternative format string for the label. Useful for displaying additional notification details.
  • update_interval: The interval in seconds to update the notifications. Must be between 60 and 3600.
  • token: The GitHub personal access token. GitHub Personal access tokens (classic) you can set token: env, this means you have to set YASB_GITHUB_TOKEN in environment variable.
  • max_notification: The maximum number of notifications to display in the menu, max 50.
  • only_unread: Whether to show only unread notifications.
  • max_field_size: The maximum number of characters in the title before truncation.
  • menu_width: The width of the menu in pixels.
  • menu_height: The height of the menu in pixels.
  • menu_offset: The offset of the menu in pixels.

Example Style

.github-widget {}
.github-widget .widget-container {}
.github-widget .widget-container .label {}