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Releases: getsentry/sentry-ruby


04 Apr 07:50
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  • Add Mechanism interface and default to unhandled for integration exceptions #2280

Bug Fixes

  • Don't instantiate connection in ActiveRecordSubscriber (#2278)


15 Mar 14:00
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Bug Fixes

  • Fix NoMethodError / Make session_tracking check consistent (#2269)


13 Mar 17:01
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  • Add support for distributed tracing in sentry-delayed_job #2233
  • Fix warning about default gems on Ruby 3.3.0 (#2225)
  • Add hint: support to Sentry::Rails::ErrorSubscriber #2235
  • Add Metrics support
    • Add main APIs and Aggregator thread #2247

    • Add Sentry::Metrics.timing API for measuring block duration #2254

    • Add metric summaries on spans #2255

    • Add config.metrics.before_emit callback #2258

    • Add code locations for metrics #2263

      The SDK now supports recording and aggregating metrics. A new thread will be started
      for aggregation and will flush the pending data to Sentry every 5 seconds.

      To enable this behavior, use:

      Sentry.init do |config|
        # ...
        config.metrics.enabled = true

      And then in your application code, collect metrics as follows:

      # increment a simple counter
      # set a value, unit and tags
      Sentry::Metrics.increment('time', 5, unit: 'second', tags: { browser:' firefox' })
      # distribution - get statistical aggregates from an array of observations
      Sentry::Metrics.distribution('page_load', 15.0, unit: 'millisecond')
      # gauge - record statistical aggregates directly on the SDK, more space efficient
      Sentry::Metrics.gauge('page_load', 15.0, unit: 'millisecond')
      # set - get unique counts of elements
      Sentry::Metrics.set('user_view', 'jane')
      # timing - measure duration of code block, defaults to seconds
      # will also automatically create a `metric.timing` span
      Sentry::Metrics.timing('how_long') { sleep(1) }
      # timing - measure duration of code block in other duraton units
      Sentry::Metrics.timing('how_long_ms', unit: 'millisecond') { sleep(0.5) }

      You can filter some keys or update tags on the fly with the before_emit callback, which will be triggered before a metric is aggregated.

      Sentry.init do |config|
        # ...
        # the 'foo' metric will be filtered and the tags will be updated to add :bar and remove :baz
        config.metrics.before_emit = lambda do |key, tags|
          return nil if key == 'foo'
          tags[:bar] = 42

      By default, the SDK will send code locations for unique metrics (defined by type, key and unit) once a day and with every startup/shutdown of your application.
      You can turn this off with the following:

      Sentry.init do |config|
        # ...
        config.metrics.enable_code_locations = false

Bug Fixes

  • Fix undefined method 'constantize' issue in sentry-resque (#2248)
  • Only instantiate SessionFlusher when the SDK is enabled under the current env #2245
  • Update backtrace parsing regexp to support Ruby 3.4 (#2252)
  • Make sure sending_allowed? is respected irrespective of spotlight configuration (#2231)


09 Jan 14:20
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Bug Fixes

  • Pin sqlite3 gem for building because of failed release #2222


08 Jan 14:12
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  • Add backpressure handling for transactions #2185

    The SDK can now dynamically downsample transactions to reduce backpressure in high
    throughput systems. It starts a new BackpressureMonitor thread to perform some health checks
    which decide to downsample (halved each time) in 10 second intervals till the system
    is healthy again.

    To enable this behavior, use:

    Sentry.init do |config|
      # ...
      config.traces_sample_rate = 1.0
      config.enable_backpressure_handling = true

    If your system serves heavy load, please let us know how this feature works for you!

  • Implement proper flushing logic on close for Client Reports and Sessions #2206

  • Support cron with timezone for sidekiq-scheduler patch #2209

  • Add Cron::Configuration object that holds defaults for all MonitorConfig objects #2211

    Sentry.init do |config|
      # ...
      config.cron.default_checkin_margin = 1
      config.cron.default_max_runtime = 30
      config.cron.default_timezone = 'America/New_York'
  • Clean up logging #2216

  • Pick up config.cron.default_timezone from Rails config #2213

  • Don't add most scope data (tags/extra/breadcrumbs) to CheckInEvent #2217


18 Dec 17:33
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Bug Fixes

  • Fix sample_rate applying to check-in events #2203


18 Dec 12:21
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  • Expose configuration.background_worker_max_queue to control thread pool queue size #2195

Bug Fixes

  • Fix Sentry::Cron::MonitorCheckIns monkeypatch keyword arguments #2199


05 Dec 15:00
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  • You can now use Spotlight with your apps that use sentry-ruby! #2175
  • Improve default slug generation for sidekiq-scheduler #2184

Bug Fixes

  • Network errors raised in Sentry::HTTPTransport will no longer be reported to Sentry #2178


27 Nov 14:26
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  • Improve default slug generation for Crons #2168
  • Change release name generator to use full SHA commit hash and align with sentry-cli and other Sentry SDKs #2174
  • Automatic Crons support for scheduling gems
    • Add support for sidekiq-cron #2170

      You can opt in to the sidekiq-cron patch and we will automatically monitor check-ins for all jobs listed in your config/schedule.yml file.

      config.enabled_patches += [:sidekiq_cron]
    • Add support for sidekiq-scheduler #2172

      You can opt in to the sidekiq-scheduler patch and we will automatically monitor check-ins for all repeating jobs (i.e. cron, every, and interval) specified in the config.

      config.enabled_patches += [:sidekiq_scheduler]

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a deprecation in sidekiq-ruby error handler #2160
  • Avoid invoking ActiveSupport::BroadcastLogger if not defined #2169
  • Respect custom Delayed::Job.max_attempts if it's defined #2176
  • Fixed a bug where Net::HTTP instrumentation won't work for some IPv6 addresses #2180
  • Allow non-string error message to be reported to sentry (#2137)


09 Nov 14:18
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  • Make additional job context available to traces_sampler for determining sample rate (sentry-delayed_job) #2148

  • Add new config.rails.active_support_logger_subscription_items to allow customization breadcrumb data of active support logger #2139

      config.rails.active_support_logger_subscription_items["sql.active_record"] << :type_casted_binds
      config.rails.active_support_logger_subscription_items["foo"] = :bar
  • Enable opting out of patches #2151

Bug Fixes

  • Fix puma integration for versions before v5 #2141
  • Fix breadcrumbs with warn level not being ingested #2150
  • Don't send negative line numbers in profiles #2158