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Host machine (PC)

Jason Webb edited this page Jun 17, 2017 · 10 revisions

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Hardware specifications - Login information - Operating system - Software

Hardware specifications

  • Make/model = HP Z220
  • RAM = 2GB total (2 x 1GB DDR3 1333MHz)
  • CPU = Intel Core i5-3470 @ 3.20 GHz
  • GPU = Intel HD Graphics 2500 (integrated with CPU)
  • Hard drive space = 300GB total, ~285GB available

Login information

  • Username = tcmaker
  • Password = tcmaker

Operating system

  • Debian 7.9 "Wheezy"

Host software

The primary application used to interact with the CNC machine itself is called LinuxCNC, and is used for everything from parsing and simulating G-code to communicating directly with the machine via the 5i25 expansion card.

LinuxCNC is complex and somewhat difficult to learn, so more thorough documentation is being made available on the dedicated Software page.