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Running a job (#1): machine setup and checks

Jason Webb edited this page Jul 11, 2017 · 5 revisions

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Mechanical - Mobile control station and electronics

Before working on the computer and software side of things, or even securing your workpiece to the spoilboard, let's first make sure that the machine is in good condition and that all the electronics are still working as intended.

This machine is very hacky and temperamental, so you can never really be sure that everything is OK without taking a look yourself. You wouldn't want to have your job fail halfway through due to something you didn't take a minute to look at!

In order to keep the machine running for the community as long as possible, please run this checklist before running any job on the machine. Since we don't have a dedicated maintenance tech we all need to do our part to identify and prevent problems from getting out of hand.


  1. Clear any debris away from the aluminum extrusions and angle iron ways using your hands or a soft brush.
    • You don't want those v-wheels getting stuck on anything!
  2. Clear any excess debris from the leadscrews, especially around the drive nuts.
    • These suckers are robust as heck, but keeping them clean will decrease the chance of your job failing.
  3. Check the condition of and clear any debris around all of the v-wheels throughout the machine.
    • If any look to be unusually worn down, visibly broken or spinning freely, contact the CNC or Wood Shop manager and let them know. It may not necessitate stopping your job completely, but do make sure to test the movement of the machine by jogging.

Mobile control station and electronics

  1. Check that all stepper motors cables are firmly plugged in to the appropriate connectors on the interconnect panel.
  2. Check that all endstops cables are fully plugged in to the appropriate connectors on interconnect panel.
  3. Check that the spindle cable is fully connected to the white cable coming through the hole in the side of the box (3-pin XLR).
  4. Plug the dust collector power cord into the AC outlet labelled "DC", if it is not already.
  5. Plug in the 110V power cord that hangs out of the hole in the box.
    • The outlet fans should immediately light up blue when power is supplied.
  6. Turn on the host machine PC if it is not already on. The login information is available here.
  7. Check that the stepper driver board is ON, indicated by the green light on the interconnect panel.
    • If the green light is not lit, flip the switch labelled "Step Drive".
    • If the light still does not come on, check that the power cord is plugged in to a working socket. Also check that the power strip inside the control box has not had its fuse tripped.
  8. Plug in the 220V power cord hanging out of the box to the nearby 240V twist-lock outlet.
  9. Turn on the coolant pump and VFD using the toggle switch on the interconnect panel labelled "Spindle".
    • You should see the blue coolant begin to flow through the tubing and into the spindle.
    • Check for any coolant leaks coming from the mobile control station, the interconnect panel connectors, or the connectors on the spindle itself.