All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- fix: remove unused noaa_mrms_qpe colormap by @pjhartzell in [#149]h(ttps://
- Add stac-api-validator by @gadomski in #148
- HTML-escape inputs before templating by @mmcfarland in #155
- Quote escape qs values before templating to map by @mmcfarland in #156
- Upgrade AKS to supported version by @mmcfarland in #158
- Add io-bii colormap by @pjhartzell in #159
- Upgrade pgstac and use queryables by @mmcfarland in #131
- Use conda for tiler dependencies, support LERC rasters by @mmcfarland in #169
- update titiler.pgstac by @vincentsarago in #173
- Updated stac-fastapi-pgstac to v2.4.5 #163
- New endpoints under
that server collection level Mapbox Vector Tiles (MVT) #147
- Move to using Azure AD based RBAC for AKS #114
- Use pgstac backend for queryable endpoint contents #131
- Adds function-based API endpoints for image and animation (ported from Explorer) #115, #119
- Publish Azure Function packages to GitHub Pages based repo 117
- Adds timeout middleware and less verbose logging for debugging gateway timeout issues #120
- Configure CORS correctly at the nginx-ingress level #127
- Make config cache access thread safe to prevent key errors #130
- Upgrade starlette (via fork) to prevent middleware errors #130
- Better request tracing #130
- Include hostname in redis cache keys #98
- Update titiler-pgstac version and forward Request in reader #91
- Upgrade uvicorn #106
- Relative URLs on assets are rendered as absolute #57
- Update titiler-pgstac version to
#46 - Move render config, queryables and mosaic info into Azure Storage Tables #48
- Upgrades fastapi, stac-fastapi, and pgstac to 0.4.5 #61
- pcstac moves to Python 3.9, uvicorn, and min/max database connections limited to 1 #73
- Upgrades fastapi to 0.75.2 and fixes SwaggerUI vulnerability #82
- Render config generates correct querystrings when
contains list-like values #85 - Upgrade to pgstac 0.6.2 and corresponding stac-fastapi version. Supports more effecient hydration of STAC items and improved search performance. #81
- Added support for /queryables endpoint #44
- Added
endpoint #48 - Added caching and rate limiting to STAC API #52
- Added endpoint for interval legend classmap #83
- Fixed bug in legend/colormap endpoint #53
- Fixed tiler for Ground Control Point datasets, implemented for Sentinel 1 GRD #90
- Fixes and tests for item render links #43
- Fixed renderconfigs for item tile links #41
- Fixed hostname setting for URLs used in item links
- Upgraded stac-fastapi and pgstac versions to bring support for CQL2-JSON filter support #20
- Organized and updated documentation markdown docs #11
- Upgraded TiTiler to 0.4, includes changes to tile parameters #22
- Improved access logging #23
- Allow SAS URL variable to be passed to PC SDK in tiler service #33
- Upgrade to stac-fastapi 2.3.0 #35