Releases: monkeytypegame/monkeytype
Thank you to all the contributors who made this release possible!
- profile: add level percentage when hovering over progress bar (vjgtigers) (#5276) (e37bf192e)
- word generation: use full width punctuation marks when typing in chinese (72fd51858)
- quote: add quotes in various languages (aarnav593) (#5266) (55d6da297)
- indicate typos: undefined hints in stop on letter (#5281) (2dbd7afa1)
- quotes: typo (Mintoo200) (#5279) (4344194a2)
- word generation: A A or A B A word duplicates could sometimes appear when using lazy mode (8755f450c)
Nerd stuff
These changes will not be visible to users, but are included for completeness and to credit contributors.
- fix: docker build hanging for frontend (fehmer) (#5280) (aeaedd209)
- style: make version history modal wider (82b74574c)
- refactor: custom text modal rework (#5278) (ff7816aac)
- refactor: move array related function to the arrays file (5701f94b6)
- refactor(utils): distribute color, numbers, strings and other group of functions into separate util files from misc.ts (sanidhyas3s) (#5254) (39e611d27)
Thank you to all the contributors who made this release possible!
- authentication: add signin with github (fehmer) (#5239) (7635d3784)
- language: add Xhosa (de-longhi) (#5231) (d1241d0a6)
- changed fps text color from hardcoded values to match user theme (vjgtigers) (#5271) (a6ccb2cea)
- theme: update catppuccin (refact0r) (#5247) (7c4435e14)
- csv export: change main delimiter from | to , (vjgtigers) (#5249) (a0403f79a)
- profile/account page: show leaderboard rank percentage (fehmer) (#5212) (a306ab4f3)
- layout: update optimot to version 1.6 (anakojm) (#5236) (0baabb150)
- quote: add quotes in various languages (sanchir2011, Mintoo200, filename24) (#5258, #5206, #5200) (673b5b83a, 365572f65, 8083390c2)
- settings: hide revoke all tokens section when signed out (0ce2f6afc)
- account page: use same rounding for top percentage as on leaderboard (fehmer) (#5270) (1890dbdff)
- notifications: clear all notifications from the command line not hiding clear all button (NadAlaba) (#5257) (17295d7b4)
- indicate typos: letters not displaying correctly in RTL languages or with ligatures when set to below (NadAlaba) (#5113) (c20964d18)
- custom text: preserve state of the textarea when applying (sanidhyas3s) (#5186) (b0cf7bc4b)
- language: russian_10k.json now contains 10000 words (#5232) (8d77c88dc)
Nerd stuff
These changes will not be visible to users, but are included for completeness and to credit contributors.
- fix(changelog): make sure to always add body property to avoid errors (0a23897ae)
- fix: self-hosting failing to run without valid serviceAccountKey.json (fehmer) (#5255) (ef72ca685)
- refactor: rename simple popup to simple modal (82b9323fb)
- refactor: run prettier (#5265) (0df1ed163)
- refactor: rewrite page constructor to use an object (fehmer) (#5253) (f7c37b0a1)
- refactor(ape keys modal): use new modal system (6f75abef7)
- chore: remove unused code (254e016d3)
- chore: remove plushie banner (e497a192f)
- chore(animated modal): add method to get previous modal in chain (7915df57a)
Thank you to all the contributors who made this release possible!
- login page: better error message (Estifanos12) (#5244) (abbed321c4)
- commandline: opening the commandline from the footer not showing custom themes (47f3163267)
- commandline: pressing esc always closing modal instead of going back in history (6357489b1d)
Nerd stuff
These changes will not be visible to users, but are included for completeness and to credit contributors.
- impr(changelog generator): include non user-facing changes (f27abd94de)
- fix(import export modal): import not working (7b86d5c606)
- refactor(animated modal): make setup async (a8a78eca6a)
- refactor: prefer for of instead of forEach (5a6d2eca47)
- refactor(word filter modal): use new modal system (6167506b89)
- chore: wording (1bd6bf46f2)
- chore: plushie banner 2 (e52cdef46c)
Thank you to all the contributors who made this release possible!
- automatically refocus the test when closing the command line on the test page (e551e043af)
- language: remove some vulgar words (e999fa2a87)
- quote search modal: update placeholder text to indicate that you can search by quote id (429c580a74)
- dont block keyboard shortcuts (like cmd + r) when out of focus warning is shown (db560d252c)
- lower user data download times (b4259b7b4d)
- show command key tip correctly (fehmer) (#5234) (fc3ac84147)
- login disabled after logout (fehmer) (#5243) (f3c6254933)
- commandline: languages sometimes didnt load in time, showing an error (c0500ce9c6)
- custom word amount: not being able to start an infinite word test (b339cd082c)
- commandline: previous commands being visible for a split second when opening (44e3d1b5ad)
- commandline: double scrollbar (05de8a5de5)
- enter quick restart not working on test page (#5227) (ed9fff5d41)
- website sometimes showing signup/login is disabled even though its not (da7e59a28a)
- Various style and refactoring changes
Thank you to all the contributors who made this release possible!
- sign up captcha challenge appearing under the modal, making it impossible to sign up (3a012bd3b9)
- language: remove misspelled word in english 450k (176e344b09)
- quick restart: always navigating to test page when pressing enter (22ccebc5e9)
- fix handling of undefined key in event handler (fehmer) (#5223) (902b32a0b4)
- mobile commandline button not working (d249633910)
- version history being too wide on narrow screens (32968d60e1)
- Various style and refactoring changes
Thank you to all the contributors who made this release possible!
- commandline: show active tags with a check icon (c1b71fb9ea)
- replace ß in all variations of swiss german (Jeanot-Zubler) (#5224) (0f6861d493)
- language: update estonian word sets (Ksaspar, fehmer) (#5222) (7d3c4be04d)
- commandline: presets and tags not showing up in single list mode (3aeba3098c)
- Various refactoring changes
Thank you to all the contributors who made this release possible!
- language: add klingon (fehmer) (#5201) (b31dba6b7a)
- language: add ook coding (fehmer) (#5203) (f63f3184a7)
- quote: add quotes in various languages (MordecaiO, TheExploration) (#5215, #5190) (33b08517f4, ab5c130b59)
- server: config saving with layout that includes a dash (mart-e) (#5193) (1bb0bdffb0)
- quote: update or remove quotes reported by users (9a4a3eab23)
- Various documentation and refactoring changes
Thank you to all the contributors who made this release possible!
- show total completed test percentage and restarts/test on profile (fehmer) (#5169) (d2d7b3e109)
- hide login/signUp button if user signup is disabled (fehmer) (#5172) (ca55b28135)
- about page: ad wrappers always visible even if ads are disabled (4b3c9f2308)
- prevent print dialog to open with ctrl-shift-p (#5199) (c4446e9fb0)
- caching: no longer caching external resources locally (8ca760dfd2)
- quote: missing dash (226f5de472)
- prevent automatic double newline when quick restart set to enter (sanidhyas3s) (#5184) (2fb77a1693)
- style: inconsistent focus border radius across buttons and links (cc30f6357e)
- fix two percentage symbols in leaderboard (fehmer) (#5174) (ff268ade7d)
- remove °C from estorian language (fehmer) (#5178) (ae21d04021)
- Various style and refactoring changes
Thank you to all the contributors who made this release possible!
- tab navigation: improve tab navigation (e093b51553)
Allow tab navigation on the test page when quick restart is disabled and when its set to enter.
Also allow pressing enter to trigger buttons even when quick restart is set to enter (when focused on a button).
- commandline: select exact command matches (#5164) (5431ab97af)
- commandline: prevent theme switch when opening the commanline from the footer (sanidhyas3s) (#5163) (4c550c7d9d)
- alerts: not being able to claim rewards (d0fe0f536f)
- language: fix typo in code matlab (d4ec11f3a4)
- error when trying to update result tags (f7f09d16b1)
- not being able to type in Brave browser due to cookie popup still technically being visible (f35e8fb8)
- Various style and refactoring changes
Looks like somebody forgot to make a release! Most of these were already live, enjoy the wall of text.
Thank you to all the contributors who made this release possible!
- theme: add anti hero theme (mizaagi) (#5018) (becb66dab6)
- language: add english medical (aarnav593) (#5108) (002770ee26)
- theme: add macroblank theme (TheExploration) (#5088) (c29220323b)
- add copy missed words to result screen (fehmer) (#5086) (a1f883b99f)
- accesibility: use button element instead of class button (c1c6972408)
- use dialog element to take advantage of focus trapping (8e0f124028)
- fully prevent typing when a popup is visible (5147e7507c)
- dev: allow docker compose to start the backend server (plbstl, Miodec) (#4995) (a0416d3eba)
- better out of focus message (4d796efb63)
- dev: add recaptcha site key to frontend env (d23dad36ea)
- languages: replace 2 fake code_vim commands with real ones (#5137) (76267baf1e)
- modes notice: not showing decimal places (39ad6f65c3)
- floor accuracy intead of rounding when not showing decimal places (fehmer) (#5120) (69dff92ede)
- dev: showing notifications with unhandled errors (c3f7f0de6a)
- hosting: add precaching to static pages (fd6d1cbbf8)
- typing: always allow lazy mode when in custom mode, no matter the current language selection (8076acf333)
- remove usage of jQuery getJSON (fehmer) (#5109) (81b388af4a)
- caret: better placement, cleaned up some animations, fix right to left issues (8b0c61415d)
- better bug hunter badge description (7e73d47f09)
- save pbs for numbers mode separately (notreallystatic, miodec) (#4946) (1429c2ca8c)
- authentication error messages (c7e122f640)
- add testWords and wordsHistory to copy result stats (#5085) (06c50deb3a)
- funbox: add ` (grave accent, 96) and ~ (tilde, 126) to specials (#5073) (7c0425eb90)
- provide all-time LB results during LB update (fehmer) (#5074) (bf2c4cc5bb)
- funbox: add 46 group languages to wikipedia funbox (RealCyGuy) (#5078) (d1b663a5be)
- quote: add quotes in various languages (NipulM, devdenisalex, NipulM, NipulM, devdenisalex, penguin-teal, OwenJRJones) (#5110, #5125, #5099, #5098, #5094, #5053, #5139) (532c16f089, db34b13b48, bebd11a35e, 9017312a95, 6ef08d4707, 8fd3889dc8)
- alerts panel: unwanted horizontal scrolling (35b87c467f)
- dont modify tab behavior if a modal is visible (a88ba61758)
- fix tags personal bests handling of missing numbers flag (fehmer) (#5146) (91494fb9e3)
- removed "title" text from commandline (399263eddc)
- PB pace caret is always zero (#5143) (668f2612a4)
- result tag popup: active tags not higlighted (f4f1346aa8)
- fix wrong usage of DB.getLocalPB (#5132) (0dcf6c0d15)
- ctrl+backspace replay bug (#ashinberish) (5ff0c3fdec)
- personal bests not shown correctly on user tags (fehmer) (#5119) (2ff0c60072)
- caching: remove precaching and navigation fallback (a8285c068e)
- firebase not defined in email handler (829174983a)
- caret: underline caret too low (91c30cd889)
- dont rewrite static assets to index (a1ba4a9652)
- correctly handling 404 errors when getting quotes (6db321c8fc)
- language: Update turkish_5k.json (myakinx) (#5100) (fd4f1e51e4)
- jquery being undefined (6dbc7371ee)
- email handler not working (2db6a88644)
- input history button alignment (67f0df76c2)
- unfriendly error message when authentication fails on the client side (34161ddffa)
- leaderboard tables having different column width (fehmer) (#5091)...