iCub Software release 1.19.0
What's Changed
- [iKin] Fix handling of hand abduction/adduction joints in class iCubFinger by @xEnVrE in #695
- FaceExpressions: update doc.dox by @Nicogene in #697
- POS service by @marcoaccame in #696
- faceExpressions: more fixes to the doc by @Nicogene in #698
- Added and fixed typos in help menu by @violadelbono in #699
- Update iCubFindDependencies.cmake by @Nicogene in #700
- gravityCompensator: fix crash due to a move operator after a resize by @Nicogene in #702
- embobjMotionControl: fix windows execution by @Nicogene in #703
- fixed bug in duplicated command line options by @davidetome in #708
- [SWIG] Add support for std::deque of yarp::dev::IControlLimits* by @xEnVrE in #711
- packets_creation: add the icub packet creation via gh action by @Nicogene in #709
- Creation of files for iCub 3 upperarm skin GUI by @simeonedussoni in #713
- Movement of the fingers of the new hand in open/close mode by @marcoaccame in #714
- Warning message for position control PID when config not consistent by @AlexAntn in #716
- fixed the checkJointTypes function for the case of TORQUE control by @AlexAntn in #719
New Contributors
- @violadelbono made their first contribution in #699
- @simeonedussoni made their first contribution in #713
Full Changelog: v1.18.0...v1.19.0