Releases: wavefrontHQ/wavefront-proxy
Releases · wavefrontHQ/wavefront-proxy
Wavefront Proxy 7.3 [GA release]
- Fix a java detection issue and improve overall detection stability #547
Wavefront Proxy 7.2
- Apply sampling to spans received over HTTP on a unified listening port (#541)
- fix JRE auto-detection for java8 (#529)
- exclude span line data when reporting span logs (#533)
- support sampling/filtering of span logs using updated span log data format (#528)
- update docker image to run as non-root user (#524)
- fix fpm install (#540)
Wavefront Proxy 8.1
- TLS/HTTPS support (#527)
- Notarization for MacOS version (#530)
- fix JRE auto-detection for java8 (#529)
- exclude span line data when reporting span logs (#533)
- include original zipkin id as tag (#532)
- support sampling/filtering of span logs using updated span log data format (#528)
- update docker image to run as non-root user (#524)
- use Wavefront Internal Reporter for RED metrics generation (#526)
- remove unnecessary warnings, print jre version on startup (#531)
- remove unnecessary metric (#525)
- update dependencies: Jackson 2.11.0, Netty 4.1.50.Final, HttpClient 4.5.12, jaeger-thrift 1.2.0, tchannel-core 0.8.29, libthrift 0.13.0 (#523)
- fix fpm install (#540)
Wavefront Proxy 7.1
- Backend-controlled configuration of tracing span sampling rata (#522)
Wavefront Proxy 7.0 [GA release]
Wavefront Proxy 7.0-RC1
- Enhanced preprocessor rules (#509, #515)
- Support global preprocessor rules that apply to all ports (#503)
- Switch to Java 11 runtime (#513)
- Handle data from DataDog of type:rate (#498)
- Cache DD host tags even if no metrics are present (#507)
- Relay DD requests asynchronously (#497)
- Update wavefront-sdk-java to v2.2 and internal-reporter to v1.3 (#517)
- Bump jackson-databind to (#505)
- Fix javadoc issues (#516)
Wavefront Proxy 6.4
Wavefront Proxy 6.3
- Bugfix: Ignore 404 for "DELETE" source tag operations (#511)
Wavefront Proxy 6.2
- Supports test mode that discards all received data (#508).
Wavefront Proxy 6.1 [GA Release]
- Bugfix: fix histogram.points.received metric not reporting (#501)
- Bugfix: fix potential CME (#496)
- Change heartbeat component tag for custom tracing port to 'wavefront-generated' (#495)
- Add span.kind tag to RED metrics (#500)
- Update default config with new settings (#499)
- Bump java-lib from 2020-01.8 to 2020-02.2 version (#504)
- Bump netty.version from 4.1.41.Final to 4.1.45.Final (#502)