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Islandora Foundation Community edited this page Aug 31, 2022 · 3 revisions


This meeting is held virtually via Zoom, with an open channel for chatter on Slack. Anyone is welcome to join. The hosting can be claimed by anybody with the host ID. The Host ID is in the header of the TAG slack channel.

Chair Roster

These are the core members of TAG and will take on chair of the meeting if there are no volunteers, and will support volunteers who are chairing for the first time:

  • Don
  • Seth πŸͺ‘
  • Rosie
  • Willow


  • Seth Shaw (Chair)
  • Rosie Le Faive
  • Don Richards
  • Yamil Suarez
  • Alexander O'Neill
  • Adam Vessey
  • Jordan Dukart
  • Rebel Cummings-Sauls
  • Annie Oelschlager
  • Willow Gillingham
  • Wade Collins
  • Isabella Nikolaidis (notes)


Feel free to add specific issues/discussions/PRs to the agenda before the roundups, so that we get to them!

  1. Announcements - new release 2.4.2 of islandora with new features.
  2. Announcements - starting Islandora Starter Site, and eventually deprecating Defaults deprecation ticket.
  3. PR of interest: Update generally but specifically the Create a Pull Request section which is slated to be removed.
  4. Issue Roundup - Link sorted by recently updated
  5. PR Roundup- Link sorted by recently updated
  6. Review of mailing list
  7. Feel free to add more, or add something from Islandora Discussions



  • Rosie: New release 2.4.2 of islandora with new features πŸ₯³
    • Any documentation missed?
    • If you're a committer and you see something should be done, please do.
  • Rosie: Update on islandora starter site with DGI
    • Opened repo under islandora github organization.
    • It's going to be a full on Drupal site.
    • It's got all the configs, instructions on how to use it.
    • ISLE and playbook options by the time the project is done.
    • Islandora defualts will be deprecated because it's no longer going to be maintained - announced code freeze.
    • Don: How will that impact existing installations?
    • Rosie: Existing installations should never be doing feature updates from islandora features anyways
      • We've been saying you should tweak this code as you want to and then it's yours.
      • Don't go through the features interface, just uninstall the module using drupal or GUI or drush and then using composer.
    • Install profile impacts - as it currently requires islandora defaults.
    • and there's submodules that will also be uninstalled.
    • Want to check - when you do that, it doesn't uninstall any configs that you may have installed or that have changed?
  • Adam: had to chop a number of enforced module things out before uninstalling the module
  • Seth: Islandora defaults modules does include adding the relators namespace and we need to make sure that those are also set up in the config for the new site before you uninstall that modules so it's not lost as well.
  • Don: Noticed Mirador, OAI-PMH Endpoint, and Islandora Search have defaults as a dependency.
  • Rosie: OAI-PMH is just config and some code that doesn't work so we're going to take the config and put it in the starter site. Calendar is also config so same. Mirador is probably going to be its own module, have these 2 viewers available and the instructions, you'll know you have to install those at the same time.
  • Seth: Are we going to to push this a bit further ointo controlled access terms defaults?
  • Rosie: Not in scope right now.
  • Adam: This has come up as a dependency of defaults - almost but not quite involved.
  • Rosie: Our vision for the Drupal part of the software is that we write Drupal modulse - pure code drupal modules that provide functionality and are documented to someone could use them.
    • They're going to be complex to use - but these will be pure modules useful to other Drupal sites.
    • It ought to be and should be completely agnostic to how you model content.
    • The starter site is going to replace defaults and hopefully the install profile.
    • As the install drupal site that the islandora community can go in and tweak and say, we've got a good way to do this, here's how we're going to do that.
    • Doing things a Drupal-y way so that a Drupal admin can open up the site and see how stuff is done.
    • This is the reason we're providing stuff for the repository item content type - so you can have something out of the box if you want to but also understand where and how to change it.
  • Don: Is this the point of the install profile?
  • Rosie: Except that for the install profile, you can't turn off a bunch of stuff, there are hard-coded things on the install profile to show up based on specific views, locations, paths, - it is not configurable. Don't know how much somebody who opens up the install profile should be allowed to do - you're not expecting people to go in and hard code those specific collection views, or take them off of views where it doesn't work.
  • Don: Concern of how to adapt the ISLE stack?
  • Rosie: The islandora install profile seems to replace islandora defaults. Islandora defaults hasn't ever updated to the changes that the community made to the install profile - so it seems like it's being modeled as an alternative to defaults but it's extremely limiting, not documented, and has no clear plan for maintenance. It's not something you can load up and then configure your way out of. Seems like once you've got that you're locked in that.
  • Don: The install profile was the scaffolding to start. In an environment where you have multiple sites, trying to update and pull from upstream, this was the easiest way to keep things upstream while being customized.
    • The code that's in there now was plopped in to make that replacement for defualts so we're not locked into those configs but once you've installed and any other logic you have can be dynamic. It's not currently.
    • Could make an admin console to turn things on or off.
  • Jordan: But, you can't use multiple install profiles, and can't use an install profile on an existing site.
  • Jordan: Beyond these issues, there was an incomplete demo profile submitted back that didn't get mainteanace and didn't align with community direction for defaults.
    • Drupal is moving away from installed profiles also.
    • Seth's example - wanting to install it on an existing site and couldn't do that.
    • This is an attempt to move around from those paradigms.

Issue Roundup

  • Rosie: Install profile demo issue, screenshots included to look at.
  • Seth: Sounds like a configuration error?
  • Don: Thought this was corrected. Maybe this was fixed on isle but not install profile? You have to change or remove one of the filters. Something is not being applied correctly or used to be applied differently.
    • If you remove field model, external URI under filters, everything comes back the way it's supposed to.

  • Looks like a global find and replace that didn't catch everything.
  • Rosie and Noah working on this.

PR Roundup

  • Updating generally, but specifically the Create a Pull Request section which is slated to be removed.
  • Requesting review.

  • Gavin is approving it and is requesting someone with merge permissions to merge.
  • Don to take a look.

  • Following conversations on Slack, Jared had mentioned adjusting the fcrepo.session.timeout property to handle loading larger files.

  • Adam: It doesn't try to render images that you're not supposed to have access to.
  • Seth: Do we want to throw a warning to the watchdog?
    • If it breaks, there's a clue that something's wrong that needs to be gone and fixed. Should this be flagged somewhere?
  • Adam: Don't believe so, because you could have legitimately have access to view the image. If you have some field with multliple media but you don't have access to all of them, it would just prevent you from seeing those you don't have access to, which is a situation that could happen.

  • Adam: Helps expose the config for its cacheability concerns so you can have things invalidated when config changes appropriately.
  • Seth: Smoke test, check things don't break?
  • Adam: Yes. anything in the openseadragon config you could change and reload the page.
  • Seth: Probably a viewpoint setting?
  • Adam: Sure! Shouldn't have to manually clear the whole cache.
  • Seth self-assigned.

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