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TAG: October 11, 2023

rebeccapower edited this page Oct 11, 2023 · 4 revisions

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  • Seth Shaw
  • Willow Gillingham
  • Amy Blau
  • Rosie Le Faive
  • Luke Taylor
  • Rebecca Power ✏️


  • Add action items from previous meetings
    • Interest Group updates?
    • Islandora Events?
  • Think about events for next year
  • Read over node-media direction switch proposal
  • Think about ICC/LG roadmap: where do you want to see islandora in 18 months? Goals for the community & software
  • Crayfits move to Islandora

Meeting Minutes

  • (Amy) Upcoming Open Meeting
    • October 31–talking about what we’re working on.
    • November Open Meeting is on Oral Histories
  • (Rosie) MIG: gone through field by field and made a wishlist including a typed string field, and other things you can do with metadata. Will be pitched as a sprint to see if we can make one or two of these things happen
  • Crayfits move to Islandora
    • How easy is it going to be to move over? Rosie: possibly really easy, just change where it’s coming from and make sure the playbook and build kit get it from the correct source
    • Rosie: May need to solve the PHP8 issue with fits first
    • Do as a PR against Crayfish to avoid transfer agreement
  • Read over node-media direction switch proposal:
    • No new updates and there has been back and forth on it
    • There’s a meeting on Friday where final decisions about this should be made
    • This would be an Islandora 3.0–planning for the future and ensuring that there is an easy upgrade path for people
      • Do we want to allocate more time to this discussion in weekly calls or in a separate meeting?
      • There are also a lot of PRs just waiting because they would be breaking changes–when do we want to push those?
  • Think about ICC/LG roadmap: where do you want to see islandora in 18 months? Goals for the community & software
    • In the next month or so we would like to get a 3.0 out
    • In the next 18 months: Node-media relation
    • In the next 18 months, how to reconcile the two different types of Islandora users: those who want plug-and-play and those who know Drupal and can write modules as they need them
    • Fedora integration
  • Think about events for next year
    • Encourage Interest Groups to have their own sprints

Action Items

  • Node-media direction switch proposal update
  • Rosie to write to the mailing list about version updates
    • Here’s what to expect in 3.0
    • Drupal updates are small
    • Version updates aren’t a big deal
  • Roadmap: spend next 4 weeks coming up with lists to bring back to the group

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