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Islandora Foundation Community edited this page Aug 17, 2022 · 2 revisions


This meeting is held virtually via Zoom, with an open channel for chatter on Slack. Anyone is welcome to join. The hosting can be claimed by anybody with the host ID. The Host ID is in the header of the TAG slack channel.

Chair Roster

These are the core members of TAG and will take on chair of the meeting if there are no volunteers, and will support volunteers who are chairing for the first time:

  • Don
  • Seth
  • Rosie
  • Willow πŸͺ‘


  • Willow Gillingham (Chair)
  • Seth Shaw
  • Don Richards
  • Yamil Suarez
  • Adam Vessey
  • Alexander O'Neill
  • Jordan Dukart
  • Rebel Cummings-Sauls
  • Mike Demers
  • Isabella Nikolaidis (notes)


Note that links are to the document repository only. New issues in other repositories or organizations will not appear in this list, and should be added by interested parties directly to the agenda.

  1. Issue Roundup - Link sorted by recently updated
  2. PR Roundup- Link sorted by recently updated
  3. Review of mailing list
  4. Feel free to add more, or add something from Islandora Discussions


  • update Zoom for Mac - security warning ❗

Issue Roundup

  • Islandora Lite prototype follow up in comment
  • Google format API that can parse the text
  • Alex: Mirador will take several formats including that and HOCR, so people can use different ones
  • Willow: can they edit HOCR?
  • Alex: for correction purposes
  • Willow: getting the reader to highlight, being discussed at Born-Digital meeting

  • Reorganization of documentation, notify/discuss with Rosie when she is back

  • DIG (Michelle and Yamil) collaborating on this documentation

  • Don's comment following up from last tech call - ticket documents, we need to do testing
  • Adam: Opening up to MPEG-DASH, HLS formats? these get into multifile media...
  • Don: Common formats are listed
    • ex. AVI is a container for a video and audio file, and the audio and video file can have different codecs
    • ex. FLV format has logic in it.
  • Solution: Say here's the ones we've tested and what we know works.
  • Seth: Yes it can, but you need to test and tune your own install to the materials you have.
  • Don: If you're audio is 4.1 surround instead of stereo, doesn't always encode teh way you expect to when converting to stereo.

  • Yamil: to add a glossary term for Drupal Context so it is better defined, clearer in our docs what is being referred to

  • Consensus last week composer.lock can be removed

  • Corrected in documentation.

  • Alex tested and approved and merged a ticket from Adam about Openseadragon and ISLE permissions.

Pull Request Roundup

  • Adam: Add file access check to IIIF manifest generation
  • Awaiting another review?

  • Adam: Fix/batch upload children, now this breaks this process into multiple steps so you identify the kind of media you're going to ingest.
  • To test: Go enable it and try hitting endpoints to make sure they work.
  • Alex and Adam to follow up.

  • Seth: Looking at logs, the rest_oai_pmh was throwing errors about a target id showing up to the twig template that shouldn't.
  • If you take an object that has a taxonomy reference to a term that does'nt exist, and then pass it through the entity converter, it passes back an array which makes twig send an error.
  • Not sure why it's passing some invalid values ot it. Only valid options should appear.
  • Happens somewhere between loading the entity and when JSON LD receives it.
  • The item would show up, this is just building the logs.

  • Yamil: Issue templates, there is a way to have an issue choice that's just a link to a different page so that may be of use here

Google Group

  • Scoping Phase 2 questions - these are a to be answered in Phase 1, not addressed.

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