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straight edge

Mark Janssen edited this page Jun 19, 2019 · 31 revisions

Straight edge is a combination of rebelling against the over-consumerist society that turns us into work animals for GDP and it`s reactive mal-adaptations of aimless rebelliousness to arrive at something pure, smart, and aware in the middle.

Straight-edge carries the connotations of abstaining from anything that makes you escape reality. It could be promiscuous sex, drugs, smoking, psyche-meds, your ipod, that prime-rib dinner, or working an office job. It's much like the Jedi path.

Yes, psyche drugs. Jung was right: we have a collective (un)consciousness. Medicines have fucked us up. Medicines favor those who can pay and it helps the individual at the expense of the whole. What happens when you numb all of the emotions in the soul which make us human: anger, sadness, fear...? America is what happened. It's pretty much destroyed us. Perhaps YOU'RE just getting here because of it.

In any event, we need to organize. We need collective housing options, sustainable, healthy, and independent food options, better relationships to our environment, healthier transportation options, cultural venues, and spirituality that is little more sophisticated than "whatever floats your boat" or worshipping some dead man. Come on, we've got thousands of years of history dealing with this latter issue, can't we do better than "different strokes for different folks"?

I'm Mark Janssen. Please get in touch, so that life is reaching for the potential it was meant to be and something more than a race of gargoyles to the bottom. There's a lot of material here for those seeking to attain enlightened states, righteous states, epic states of euphoria. You don't need artificial aids. It's all within. If you're here, you know it somewhere. And if you don't know it, I know it for you.


P.S. I'm having to write this because, is Ian McKaye is getting a bit too soft with being a successful musician? And Henry Rollins, too?
P.P.S. It's not a cult. It's just what's left of a prophesy of a Messiah from Judaism after Christianity got a hold of it.

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