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Will M edited this page Feb 3, 2017 · 20 revisions

Fantasy pixel art that looks like Egyptian wall paintings

Visual Elements

This game is 2D and will be rendered in top-down view. Visual elements can be 2.5D (i.e. they can incorporate perspective/pretend to be 3D even if they are actually 2D as far as the game is concerned). There are two general classes of objects which will be rendered on the screen: Entities and Tiles.


Tiles are arranged in a space-filling array called a Level, with each position (i, j) holding a Tile enum (TREE, SAND, etc.). Thus, Tiles will be used to draw the game's background as well as to differentiate pathable and non-pathable terrain.

Tile textures have pixel dimensions 32x32. Gradient Tiles like sand should fit together continuously (like in Minecraft). Here is a preliminary list of basic Tiles. Other Tiles welcome at artists' discretion!

  • Sand (Multiple varieties)
  • Wall (Multiply varieties)
  • Grass
  • Palm Tree -- a tree tile whose corners are sand/grass (multiple varieties)
  • Marsh -- terrain that both boats and players can go through
  • Swamp -- solid land that is near water
  • Reeds -- plants growing near water
  • Water
  • Deep Water -- like the other water, but darker/deeper
  • Rock -- a rock tile whose corners are sand/grass (multiple varieties)
  • Abyss -- abyss tiles can be used to make big ass holes that nothing can go over (unless flying)
  • Column


Entities are dynamic objects in the game world. Each Entity has a position in the world, as well as a radius. Thus, Entities can be easily moved around, and collisions between them can be detected. Although all Entities have circular colliders, their visual sprites can take any shape. A "sprite" is the picture which is drawn for an entity each frame. Sprites will be stored in PNG format. An animation is a sequence of sprites that an entity goes through to represent some action (walking, shooting, etc.). Animations can be developed in applications like Flash and then exported as a bunch of PNG files.

All units (the player, enemy mummies, etc.) will be represented as entities. In addition, projectiles which units fire are also entities. Finally, static scenery that doesn't quite fit into the grid (e.g. a large pyramid image) can be drawn as an entity.

Examples of entities needed:

  • Player
  • Enemies
  • Pots
  • Projectiles
  • Fire
  • Spikes
  • Background images

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