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Story Outline

Toby Mac edited this page Aug 28, 2017 · 13 revisions

Book of Thoth Story Line

Intro Scene?


  • Set in ancient ruin
  • Learn what the Book of Thoth is
  • Learn how to write spells and cast them appropriately
  • Meet ghost who helps you

Cut Scene (NOTE: cut scenes will be narrated in 3rd person)


  • Come out of Tutorial ruin, get ambushed
  • Combat level
  • Fight the Society of Set
  • Learn a basic understanding of who the Society of Set is

Cut Scene


  • Indoor Level
  • Rebellious Escape from the Palace
  • Told it’s too dangerous to explore outside the palace
  • Escape using spells

Cut Scene

Ancient Temple of Set Ruin (Maybe temple of someone who is a part of the Society of Set)

  • Learn about Society of Set more
    • Learn that they want the Book of Thoth
    • Learn a 1 Dimensional reason for why they want the Book
  • Room to Room
  • Puzzle
  • Walking in certain places activate cut scenes

Cut Scene: Going to learn more about the Society of Set

Tomb Raiding, Set of Tombs, Section of Gameplay, might not be Linear, might not have to visit all temples, different temples affect Order/Chaos?

  • Tomb of Tutankamen
    • Spell: ?
  • Tomb of Hatshepsut
    • Spell: Teleport
  • Tomb of Ramesses
    • Spell: Water Wave? Forcefield/Forcepush?
  • Tomb of Akhenaten
    • Monotheist
    • Spell: Zap—sun ray that zaps target

Intersperse Story missions in the section, this is essentially a training section in which you gather spells and learn how to use them

LAST RUIN IN THE SECTION/Gathering of the Society of Set

  • Walk in on meeting, learn some info
  • They hear you…battle
  • Learn: Society of Set want Book of Thoth for more complex reason, they talk about Setna (player), more nuanced motivations, Great Pyramid mentioned

Cut Scene

Walk to the Great Pyramid

  • Fight off the Society of Set
  • Get past natural obstacles

Cut Scene

Great Pyramid

  • Find your way through the Great Pyramid
  • Last room has map to the Book of Thoth
  • Boss Battle with Society of Set Person (who?)
  • Escape sequence where interior is collapsing
    • Timing based puzzles

Cut Scene: Reading the Map and following it from point to point

Valley of Kings

  • Natural obstacles
  • Perhaps more old ruins where you can change order/chaos

Cut Scene

City Level (Memphis/Thebes?)

  • Citizens don’t know who you are
  • Learn citizens’ views of the royal family

Cut Scene

Crossing the Nile

  • Fight crocodiles

Cut Scene

Meeting Set

  • Set lays out complex motivations for the Society of Set
  • Explains why they dislike Setna
  • Likes that Setna defeated them because he believes that the strongest should prevail

Cut Scene: Thoth is introduced into the story

Entrance to the Book of Thoth Temple

  • Temple located on Island guarded by serpents
  • The ghost that has been helping you, appears to be changing slightly

Cut Scene: Thoth cut scene 2

Thoth Temple Part I

  • Make your way to a room with an entrance to the underworld

*Cut Scene: *


  • DRASTICALLY DIFFERENT level from the rest in the game to this point
    • Different style, different lighting, different layers
  • Meet Set for a 2nd time
  • Opportunity to increase chaos
  • Set sometimes helps you and sometimes makes things more difficult
  • Puzzle

Cut Scene: Thoth—“Don’t touch my book!”

Thoth Temple Part II

  • Ghost’s motivations change (he wants the book)
  • Thoth wants no one to get the book
  • Aquire Book of Thoth at end of Temple


Loose Ends:

  • Set
  • Thoth
  • Ghost
  • Book

Branching Ideas/Possibilities

  • Fighting Thoth
  • Not taking the Book (getting boom), Ghost takes book
  • Fighting Ghost
  • Joining forces with Set
  • Fighting Set