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Open AD Kit Working Group

Hiroshi IGATA edited this page Apr 27, 2024 · 22 revisions

Open AD Kit Working Group

Inspired by Scalable Open Architecture For Embedded Edge’s (SOAFEE) take on how to enable the Software Defined Vehicle (SDV), Open Autonomous Drive Kit (Open AD Kit) aims to democratize autonomous drive systems (ADS) by bringing the cloud and edge closer together. In doing so, Open AD Kit will lower the threshold for developing and deploying the Autoware software stack.

Working Group Leaders

  • Oğuz Kağan Öztürk (Leo Drive)
  • David Walmroth (Ann Arbor Autonomous Vehicle Group)
Former leaders
  • Armağan Arslan (Leo Drive)
  • Matt Spencer (Arm)


Accelerate the SDV trend by adopting and extending cloud native technology whilst creating a one stop shop of autonomous drive modules that can be used across commercial, ecosystem and research applications.


Deliver a cloud-native workflow which delivers virtualized components for autonomous solutions utilizing modern software defined methodologies. Open AD Kit will provide a starter kit to enable the ecosystem to bootstrap adoption of cloud native paradigms for developing composable and updateable automotive applications in the cloud which are then deployable to the automotive edge.

Working Group Goals

The Open AD Kit working group's main goals are to:

  • Introduce modern cloud-native development methodologies in the Autoware software stack and CI/CD
  • Add virtualization in the software stack
    • Use a hypervisor to run multiple VMs with the desired OS
    • Enable applications to be deployed in a containerized environment
  • Deploy Autoware as a microservices architecture
    • Enable ease of deployment both in the cloud and at the edge
    • Use a mixed-critical aware orchestrator to manage containers
  • Provide a consistent production environment in which to deploy Autoware by leveraging Edge Workload Abstraction and Orchestration Layer (EWAOL), a hardware-agnostic custom Linux distribution built using Yocto

Benefits of Open AD Kit

  • Developers will be able to include their software alongside Autoware
  • Ease of deployment of Autoware in a production environment
  • Reduce the need to test at the edge, as testing will be moved into the cloud,
    • Also referred to as "shift-left testing"

Open AD Kit Architecture


Relationships between Autoware, Reference Designs, and Open AD Kit

AWF_OpenADKit-ReferenceDesign drawio

  • Autonomous Driving System (ADS) refers to a system installed in an autonomous vehicle which is capable of driving the vehicle without a driver
  • DevOps platform supports the ADS during its development, testing and production stages
  • Reference Design is a design document that exhibits the architecture of ADS and a usage guideline of DevOps Platform
  • Open AD Kit implements software tools and data pipelines of DevOps platform, provides hardware and system software, and supports Autoware

Out of Scope

The Open AD Kit working group does not develop new ADS features.


Overview On-going

  • Adding new features to Autoware's CI/CD
    • Schema and parameter files testing through GitHub actions
    • Reducing the development environment (DE) container size
    • Enable a multi-stage container build pipeline
  • Listing ROS packages and dependencies for each of Autoware's main components (Sensing, Localization, Mapping, Perception, Planning, Control, DBW interface)
  • DevOps Dojo: ROS Node Configuration - see step-by-step instructions for more details

Refer to the Open AD Kit project page for the status of on-going tasks.

Overview Past

  • Planning the scope of Open AD Kit 2.0

Autoware roadmap

  • The ultimate goal is to achieve a Robotaxi MaaS platform:
    • Level 4 autonomous driving in dense urban environments.
    • A ride-hailing platform that allows riders to hail an autonomous car with their smartphone and take a trip.

AWF RoadMap drawio

Meeting Minutes

From March 10th 2022 onward, meeting minutes can be found in GitHub discussions with the meeting:openadkit-wg label.

Archived Meeting minutes from GitLab

How to Participate

The Open AD Kit working group meets every week:

  • Wednesday 1pm UTC

For meeting information, see the Autoware Foundation event calendar for when upcoming meetings will be held.

If you use Google Calendar, you can subscribe to this calendar directly to have it displayed alongside your own calendar events. To do this, click the "+ Google Calendar" link in the bottom right corner of that site. Note that this will not add the events to your own calendar, meaning you may not receive notifications about meetings starting soon. For those not using Google Calendar, you can add the calendar to your own by downloading it as an ICS file and importing that into your calendar software.