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Bakkeby edited this page Feb 27, 2024 · 3 revisions
Function Expected argument Default keybindings
togglefullscreen N/A Super+f

The togglefullscreen function allows for a single keybinding to be used put a window in fullscreen mode.


In principle this is similar to pressing F11 in most browsers to go into fullscreen.

The main difference here is that the window manager is telling the window to go into fullscreen as opposed to the window asking the window manager if it can go into fullscreen.

Ultimately this means that any window can be put in fullscreen even if they do not advertise that as a feature. Terminal windows are a typical example of this.

That said some windows that expect to be of a certain size or aspect ratio may consequently not work well if placed in fullscreen mode.

External command:

$ duskc run_command togglefullscreen  # toggle fullscreen on and off for current client

Also see the togglefakefullscreen function.

Back to Functions > Fullscreen.

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