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PyMOL advanced movies

filips edited this page Sep 15, 2020 · 6 revisions
  • Movie -> ray trayce frames

Ogólnie rzecz biorąc:

  1. zapisać/zdefiniować sceny, które chcemy mieć w fimie (Scene - append)
  2. z nich stworzyć film, dla każdej sceny: movie - program - scene loop - nautate; albo program - state loop.

  • viewport 390,390 - initial, potem larger

  • Scene->Store->F1

  • Type zoom i. 200 to zoom on the ligand

  • Scene->Store->F2

  • Movie->Program->Scene Loop->Y-Rock->4 Seconds Each

Simple 360 Scene Rotation

  • To make a movie that simply rotates around your scene 360 degrees, in the menu click on:
  • Movie->Program->Camera->X-Roll->N Seconds

  • Movie - program -state loop
  • File - save movie as: movie.png
  • avconv -r 30 -i movie%4d.png test.mp4
  • lub mencoder -ovc x264 -x264encopts preset=slow -mf fps=30:type=png 'mf://movie*.png' -o film1.mp4
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