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358 lines (242 loc) · 11.1 KB

File metadata and controls

358 lines (242 loc) · 11.1 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

[v0.17.0-alpha2] - 2023-10-30

  • Fix incorrect counter name (#409)
  • Bump from 0.12.1 to 0.12.3 (#400)
  • Bump (#403)
  • Bump from 1.27.10 to 1.28.0 (#404)
  • Bump crazy-max/ghaction-docker-meta from 1 to 5 (#407)
  • Bump from 0.12.0 to 0.17.0 (#408)
  • Bump docker/build-push-action from 2 to 5 (#406)
  • Bump docker/login-action from 1 to 3 (#405)
  • Bump from 1.45.14 to 1.45.19 (#402)
  • Bump codecov/codecov-action from 1 to 3 (#395)
  • Bump docker/setup-qemu-action from 1 to 3 (#397)
  • Bump docker/setup-buildx-action from 1 to 3 (#394)
  • Bump actions/setup-go from 2 to 4 (#393)
  • Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 4 (#396)
  • Add dependabot configuration (#392)
  • Update aws-auth and aws-sdk-go-cache (#391)
  • Update go to 1.19, client-go to v0.24.14, and controller-runtime to v0.12.1 (#389)
  • Set LaunchTemplate as default value for default-scaling-configuration (#387)
  • Bump (#386)
  • Feat: support overriding default scaling configuration (#385)

[v0.16.0-alpha2] - 2023-09-01

  • Make launchtemplates as a default scaling group configuration, instead of launchconfigurations. by @shreyas-badiger in #385

[v0.15.0-alpha2] - 2023-4-17

  • fix: functional test by @vgunapati and @garomonegro in (#383) (#382)
  • chore: Update functional-test.yaml ubuntu-20.04 by @garomonegro in (#381)
  • fix: Not honoring gp3 volume iops and throughput values by @vgunapati in (#380)
  • chore(deps): Bump (#377)
  • chore(deps): Bump (#375)
  • fix: Replace ARN format validation procedure by @srosenberg-apptio in (#374)
  • fix: remove spot dependency from functional test by @eytan-avisror in (#360)
  • feat: add support for container runtime on windows AMIs by @backjo in (#359)
  • chore: Add CodeQL analysis by @backjo in (#358)
  • feat: use IMDS for autoscaling information by @backjo in (#357)

[v0.14.1-alpha2] - 2022-4-6

  • fix: use non-deprecated CRD api by @backjo in #355
  • chore: upgrade dependencies by @eytan-avisror in #353
  • feat: allow resolving EKS AMIs by version/slug for better readability by @backjo in #351
  • fix: Add override instance type for running instances in MixedInstancePolicy by @eytan-avisror in #350

[v0.14.0-alpha2] - 2022-2-14

  • feat: add support for calculating max pods when prefix assignment is … by @backjo in #326
  • fix: check architecture when considering similar instance types in the same family by @backjo in #332
  • feat: automated ami upgrades + upgrade locking by @preflightsiren in #327
  • chore: Add missing bdd templates by @preflightsiren in #334
  • fix: Stop passing in ClusterCA and Endpoint information for Windows nodes by @backjo in #337
  • fix: don't set max pods above kubernetes recommended limit by @backjo in #342
  • chore: update go, improve cross-compilation in docker by @backjo in #343
  • fix: Deduplicate Subnets by @eytan-avisror in #344
  • fix: Enforce Restricted Fields usage when no default value by @eytan-avisror in #345
  • fix: Avoid launch template creation loop when switching from launch config and failing by @sahilbadla in #346

[v0.13.0-alpha2] - 2021-7-21

  • feat: add support for specifying container runtime (#323)
  • fix: calculate cluster dns correctly for non /16 blocks (#319)
  • fix: add throughput parameter for volumes, allow iops to be set for any provisioned iops-supported volume (#316)
  • fix: add addl tags for scale to 0 support for windows nodes (#315)
  • fix: evaluate controller-added tags (#314)
  • feat: Pass API Endpoint & CA Cert directly to bootstrap

[v0.12.1-alpha2] - 2021-6-4

  • fix: Set InstanceTypes before provisioned early exit (#312)
  • refactor: awsprovider file restructure (#296)
  • feat: add support for instance metadata options (#305)
  • fix: Ignore mixedInstancePolicy if type is LaunchConfig (#303)
  • fix: add sorting when resolving securitygroups/subnets (#302)

[v0.12.0-alpha2] - 2021-5-7


  • Warm Pool Support (#286, #290)


  • Fixes for conditionals logic (#287)
  • OsFamily validation (#289)

[v0.11.1-alpha2] - 2021-4-29


  • Only set restricted field to default value if none of the conditionals set it (#284)

[v0.11.0-alpha2] - 2021-4-28


  • Functional-test fixes (#272, #276)
  • Add build stage to Github Actions (#281)
  • Add locking to Namespaces map access (#279)


  • annotation for IRSA enabled nodes (#271)
  • add image default label to nodes (#270)
  • prometheus metrics integration (#274)
  • conditional default values (#273)

[v0.10.1-alpha2] - 2021-4-01


  • Documentation fixes (#257, #260)
  • All logging entries should reference namespaced name (#266)
  • Allow kubeconfig chaining in local-mode (#268)
  • Add validation for provisioner spec (#267)
  • Fix memory leak on caching pagination (#265)

[v0.10.0-alpha2] - 2021-2-10


  • Launch template placement support (#199)
  • Support bootstrap options / maxPods (#216)
  • Automatic caluclation of custom networking maxPods (#244)
  • Support new volume types (#233)
  • Pre/Post bootstrap userdata for Windows Nodes (#220)
  • Pre/Post bootstrap userdata for Bottlerocket Nodes (#227)
  • ConfigMap Namespace Exclusion (#221)
  • Build ARM compatible images (#224)
  • Add MaxRetries to CRD Strategy (#249)


  • Move BDD to Github Actions (#228, #229, #231, #232)
  • Readme improvements (#226)
  • Update dependency versions (#222)
  • Move to Go 1.15 (#246)


  • Avoid launch template creation loop (#225)
  • Remove confighash on excluded namespace (#236)
  • Remove handling of upgrade resource name conflicts (#243, #252)
  • Guard cast of launchtemplate with type check (#254)
  • BDD cleanup timing (#245)
  • Set launch template version after creation (#239)
  • Add missing namespace watch permissions (#242)
  • Remove whitespace in userdata (#248)

[v0.9.2-alpha2] - 2020-12-1


  • Fix premature upgrade completion (#211)
  • LaunchID omitted when switching between configuration types (#208)
  • Caching improvements for DescribeInstanceTypes/Offerings (#206)
  • NPE when switching between configuration types (#205)

[v0.9.1-alpha2] - 2020-11-17


  • rollingUpdate does not trigger an upgrade when using LaunchTemplate (#200)
  • Handle length exceeded error for IAM role creation (#202)

[v0.9.0-alpha2] - 2020-11-13


  • Launch Template support (#179)
  • Support windows and bottlerocket images (#188, #186)
  • Cluster Autoscaler configuration support (#183)
  • Lifecycle Hooks support (#176)
  • Add status fields for Strategy & Provisioner (#171)
  • Support additional volume options (#169)
  • Support base64 payload in userData (#168)


  • Make scaling config retention configurable (#172)
  • Refactor: scaling configuration abstraction (#165)

[v0.8.0-alpha2] - 2020-8-7


  • Basic GitOps/Platform Support (#157)
  • Suspend Processes (#132, #136)
  • "Replace" concurrency policy (#138)
  • Configurable AWS API retries (#139)
  • UserData support (#146, #160)
  • Node Label for Lifecycle State (#152)
  • Additional NodeVolume options (#161)
  • CRD Validation on Upgrade (#133)


  • Uniform finalizer (#153)
  • Accept "Name" tag for SecurityGroups / Subnets (#159)


  • Documentation/RBAC/Logging fixes (#134, #154)
  • BDD Fixes (#140, #148)
  • Allow upgrade if nodes NotReady (#147)

[v0.7.0-alpha2] - 2020-6-1


  • Event publishing (#110)
  • Metrics collection (#111)
  • AWS API calls optimization (#123, #124, #126)
  • AWS SDK caching (#127)
  • Default role labels according to cluster version (#125)
  • Node relabling & migration path to Kubernetes 1.16 (#129)


  • Update examples to support Kubernetes 1.16 (#121)

Upgrade Notes

  • This version includes support for Kubernetes 1.16, see further instructions in #129
  • RBAC has been added for patching node objects
  • This version includes CRD changes

[v0.6.3-alpha2] - 2020-5-19


  • Pagination & Launch config deletion fixes (#114)
  • CR Spec validation fixes (#109)

[v0.6.2-alpha2] - 2020-5-16


  • Add retries/logging on AWS throttling (#106)
  • Avoid modifications to desired instances (#108)

[v0.6.1-alpha2] - 2020-5-13


  • Bootstrapping of shared roles (#102)

[v0.6.0-alpha2] - 2020-5-12


  • eks provisioner v2 (#83)


  • eks-cf provisioner deprecated (#94)
  • functional tests improvements (#79)
  • Removed vended code (#91)
  • Use golang 1.13.10 & update SDKs (#90)


  • General fixes, refactor, and code improvements (#93, #92, #75, #80)
  • Documentation improvements (#96)


If you are migrating from 0.5.0 and lower, you MUST delete all instance groups, update CRD, RBAC and controller, and re-create your instance groups using the new eks API. make sure to review the new API spec here.

[v0.5.0-alpha] - 2019-3-03


  • Support for EKS managed node groups (#76)


  • Use latest aws-sdk (#67, #76)


  • Documentation fixes (#74)

[v0.4.2-alpha] - 2019-12-07


  • Support scenarios where existing IAM role is different than existing instance profile (#64)

[v0.4.1-alpha] - 2019-11-07


  • Existing IAM role support (#62)


  • Managed policy prefix including account id (#61)

[v0.4.0-alpha] - 2019-10-30


  • Basic spot-instance support (#36, #41)
  • Additional options for rollingUpdate (#44)
  • CFN stack prefixes (#46)
  • Managed policy support (#55)
  • MetricsCollection support (#57)


  • Switch to aws-auth library (#40, #43)
  • Improve reconcile of error states (#42)


  • Fix rollingUpdate defaults (#59)

[v0.3.2-alpha] - 2019-08-28


  • Changed org name and all references
  • Added tagging for KubernetesCluster

[v0.3.0-alpha] - 2019-08-13


  • CI integration & enhancments (#3, #4, #11, #12)
  • CRD strategy concurrency (#6)

[v0.2.0-alpha] - 2019-08-08

  • Initial alpha release of instance-manager

[v0.3.1-alpha] - 2019-08-20


  • Bugfix: CRD strategy concurrency fix (#20)
  • Bugfix: better management of aws-auth configmap (#23)

[v0.3.0-alpha] - 2019-08-13


  • CI integration & enhancments (#3, #4, #11, #12)
  • CRD strategy concurrency (#6)

[v0.2.0-alpha] - 2019-08-08

  • Initial alpha release of instance-manager