Report counting
Report counting was reviewed to give a consistent view in the
command line and at the web UI. The default views (without uniqueing)
shows the reports as they were found by the analyzers.
Support Clang v6
- Some of the Clang6 checker severity levels were not classified #1568 #1557
- Upgrade the checker profiles for Clang6 #1538
CTU on-the-fly
CTU can still work by dumping the AST to the disk. The on-the-fly option
managed the ASTs in memory.
- Removing on-the-fly CTU functionality as it is not supported by Clang6 #1552
Checker renaming in Clang-tidy v6
- Support for Clang-tidy 6 renamed checkers #1548
misc-assert-side-effect -> bugprone-assert-side-effect
misc-argument-comment -> bugprone-argument-comment
misc-bool-pointer-implicit-conversion -> bugprone-bool-pointer-implicit-conversion
misc-dangling-handle -> bugprone-dangling-handle
misc-fold-init-type -> bugprone-fold-init-type
misc-forward-declaration-namespace -> bugprone-forward-declaration-namespace
misc-inaccurate-erase -> bugprone-inaccurate-erase
misc-move-forwarding-reference -> bugprone-move-forwarding-reference
misc-multiple-statement-macro -> bugprone-multiple-statement-macro
misc-string-constructor -> bugprone-string-constructor
misc-use-after-move -> bugprone-use-after-move
misc-implicit-cast-in-loop -> performance-implicit-conversion-in-loop
misc-inefficient-algorithm -> performance-inefficient-algorithm
misc-move-const-arg -> performance-move-const-arg
misc-move-constructor-init -> performance-move-constructor-init
misc-noexcept-move-constructor -> performance-noexcept-move-constructor
readability-implicit-bool-cast -> readability-implicit-bool-conversion
New features/improvements
- Component filters #846
- It should be possible to diff two different tagged versions of the same run #1346
- Generate index.html file by using PlistToHTML #1558
- Review status C style comment format #1551
- Skip duplicate reports when generating HTML output #1556
- Enable passwordless token based authentication #1462
- Getting the run results by providing the version tag #1496
- Create separate filter options for cmd line #1497
- Give better message when source files are missing #1537
- Allow more product endpoint names to be valid #1530
- LDAP hardening and tests #1305
- List out version tag in command line #1485
- List out latest version tag at runs command #1486
- Show full file path in
CodeChecker parse
ouptut #1559 - Handle more gcc/g++ arguments #1550
- Command line header deduplication #1512
- Improved relative path handling in the compile json #1553
- Extend build command escaping in the logger #1506
- Add
-analyzer-config notes-as-events=true
to the clang flags which will convert notes to events #1518 - Skip compiler dependency generation actions from analysis #1488
- bugprone-misplaced-operator-in-strlen-in-alloc checker added to severity map #1560
- Adding static HTML output generation to the HOWTO. #1588
- Checks if no username supplied at login #1571
- Show admins for each product #1474
- Show bug path length for a report in bug report selection (left-hand, dropdown) #1505
- Add check command to run history #1454
- Extend html report information with checker name and severity #1546
- Create tooltips for report table columns #1582
- Detection status viewing and filtering together with uniqueing #1337
- Show tooltip by hovering on unique checkbox label #1576
- New column id in index.html at plistToHtml parser #1579
- Unified report filter #1444 #1510
- Highlight occurences of the selected text #1516
- Clickable 'Entered call from' #508
- Bug tooltip "Review status" should say what the icon means #1549
- New detection date filter values #1437
- New report count and uniqueing style on the UI #1586
- Using NullPool for database connections #1584
- Disable detection status if uniqueing is enabled #1513
- Fix documentation #1583
- Refactor list of products page #1489
- Change analysis statistics total message #1499
Bug fixes
- Skip reports at store #1566 #1575
- Click on run history jumps to wrong tab #1392
- Use file path from main section at plist-to-html #1573
- Initialize run filters with the correct values #1577 #1580
- Set default filter values on run history click #1574
- Fix filtering based on detection dates #1569 #1567
- Fix UI filter tooltip toggling items #1561
- Command line diff does not do deduplication #1465
- Allow html output only for diff and results at cmd #1515
- Inline //codechecker_suppress comment is ineffective in static html output #1423
- Apply ignore first, and ignore -flto flag. #1524
- Fix non existing filter member #1540
- Diff mode run history #1481
- Change server startup timing for the tests #1535
- "unsupported operand type(s)" when using a skipfile #1529
- Ranges associated with issues are not highlighted #1514
- Fix UI file path filter for run results #1521
- In-line suppression is not considered by the parse command #1484
- Do not highlight last bug path message if not absolutely last #1395
- Do not use globals at bug filter view #1494
- Fix review status comment typo handling #1547