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Changelog July 27th 2022

Vuthakral edited this page Jul 27, 2022 · 1 revision
  • Global: Modified how DRC:ValveBipedCheck() functions, since apparently someone who shall remain unnamed but absolutely knows who they are is intentionally trying to circumvent this check, causing more problems than it does fix.
  • Global: Changes & fixes to DRC:EMP;
    • Fix: The old "ResistsEMP" setting for entities now works again (woops)
    • Changed/Added: The EMP function can now EMP various base-game Half-Life 2 & Half-Life: Source entities/NPCs. Turrets, scanners, thumpers, etc.
  • Global/Interal: The console command drc_menu is now draconic_menu, the prefix drc_ is now being used internally for dev commands/states which should not be touched. draconic_ prefixed commands are named as such to be known as user-safe.
  • Global/Shields: Added lua function DRC:GetOverShield(ent) -- Returns, in order: the overshield health, number of how many of the ent's shields this overshield makes up (e.g. if their shield's max hp is 100 & the ent's overshield health is 300, this will return 3), and the fraction of the current overshield section health (e.g. if the ent's max shield hp is 100, their overshield health is at 260, this will return 0.6). Usage example: local ovshp, numb, fract = DRC:GetOverShield(LocalPlayer())
  • Global/Shields: Added lua function DRC:AddOverShield(ent, amount) -- Adds numerical amount of "extra health" to the entity's shield, creating an "overshield" system.
  • Global/Shields: Added lua function DRC:AddOverShield_Mul(ent, multiplier, cap) -- Adds overshields by multiplying the entity's max shield amount. (e.g. if the entity's max shield is 100 then setting multiplier in this to 3 will give them an overshield with 300 health, totalling 400 shield health.) The "cap" argument at the end allows you to introduce a hard cap on the amount of shield this function call can give. (e.g. if the ent's max shield is 100 and multiplier is set to 3, but the cap is set to 250 then instead of 300 overshield health added it will only add 250.)
  • Global/Shields: Added lua function DRC:SetShieldInvulnerable(ent, time, mat) -- Makes the given entity, if it has shields, invulnerable for the amount of time supplied. The mat argument is used to overwrite their shield's material with a unique one, if nil it will default to the built-in bright-white-slow-moving invulnerable shield material in the base.
  • Global/Thirdperson: Added console command draconic_thirdperson_toggle -- Does exactly what it sounds like. (User request.)
  • Global/Thirdperson: Added console command draconic_thirdperson_swapshoulder -- Does exactly what it sounds like. (User request.)
  • Global/Thirdperson: Removed the Walk + Alt1/2 built-in hotkeys for thirdperson stuff because people just kept somehow accidentally hitting this and not realizing what caused thirdperson to activate.
  • Thirdperson: Made it so when using Draconic Thirdperson over ASTW2 (modified) that it will automatically run ASTW2's player bone altering functions, preventing some weirdness where player bones would become permanently shrunk. This issue will persist if using regular ASTW2 and not Dopey's modified/continuation version.
  • Thirdperson: Added an automated "Freelook" system. After 3 seconds of no activity while in thirdperson the player's camera unlocks from their looking direction and allows them to freely pan their camera around themselves. Moving or interacting in any way turns this off and restores traditional third person shooter gameplay.
  • Thirdperson: Addendum to the freelook system, when using what the community considers "passive" holdtypes (default, passive, and slam) the camera control scheme goes into a directional movement system, which allows the player to freely move their camera independent of the direction their player is moving.
  • Global/Experimental First Person: Added console command draconic_experimentalfirstperson_toggle -- Does exactly what it sounds like.
  • Global/Experimental First Person: Added debug-usable but mainly internal console command drc_refreshcsents -- Removes the clientside entities related to Experimental First Person so that they may be recreated by the base to fix any issues that may appear when switching playermodels. This runs internally whenever using the "Apply Changes" button in the Draconic Playermodel menu.
  • Experimental First Person: Added player eye attachment inheritence, which adds a little bit of angle bobbing based on the playermodel's animations.
  • Experimental First Person: EFP now shows the player's arms in first person with no weapon equipped at all.
  • Experimental First Person: Added a ValveBipedCheck to the EFP body bone managing code which aborts if the player is using a non-ValveBiped playermodel. This comes at a benefit of no more constant errors if your playermodel is not ValveBiped, but at the cost that those playermodels cannot be reasonably set up in an auto-detection which in English means that their arms/heads will still be visible in first person regardless of weapon or vehicle state.
  • Experimental First Person: Weapon shadow ent now changes to a model which does not cast shadows when the active weapon does not have a worldmodel.
  • Experimental First Person: Fixed lowered crosshair functionality on DRC weapons.
  • Experimental First Person: Mostly fixed ArcCW weapons not having their scripted movement. Sights are still a bit off but everything works at least.
  • Shields: Changed how the Unique ID for the shield timer is generated, as previously it could sometimes return duplicate values under the right (bad) conditions.
  • Shields: Added OverShield functionality. See above notes under "Global/Shields".
  • Shields: Added invulnerable shield functionality. See above notes under "Global/Shields".
  • VoiceSets: Added optional console command rebind for the voice menu, draconic_voicesets_menu_toggle. If not bound it will revert to using the context menu. (User request.)
  • VoiceSets: Added a validation check for weapons in the reload call for voice lines.
  • VoiceSets: Fixed an oversight which caused spotting to not work a lot of the time.
  • Ammo Station Base: Fixed explosion particle call which previously was causing particle traces to get stuck on its own entity causing stuff like huge sparks everywhere.
  • SWEP Base - Crosshair: Cleaned up & optimized old code.
  • SWEP Base - Crosshair: Made the crosshair not auto-center when using sights on a non-scoped weapon in third person.
  • Attachment Base: Added missing material Enums MAT_PLASTER, MAT_CLOTH, and MAT_FABRIC.
  • Attachment Base: Added new section to the Bullet Profile, MuzzleFlash. This addition adds both dynamic & simplistic muzzle flash lighting options to weapons. Documentation on setting the dynamic & simplistic settings will be documented on the wiki as part of the "Bullet Profile" page. Currently muzzle flashes are only for the local player, dynamic will never be for all clients but simplistic will be in the future.
  • Menu: Changed how the menu identifies c_arm entries, fixing a couple of things being sorted incorrectly.
  • Menu: Added client & server settings for the new thirdperson freelook stuff.
  • Material Proxies: Added $energy_Mul for drc_EnergyColour material proxy. This is used pretty much exclusively by the standard overshield example material, since it's relative to the player's energy colour but needed to be brighter.
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