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Changelog November 23rd 2022

Vuthakral edited this page Nov 23, 2022 · 1 revision

NOTE: This update was pushed out prematurely due to the severity presented by a security vulnerability regarding one of Draconic's development tools being actively exploited on community servers. Due to this, unexpected bugs may appear due to having such a short time to bugtest all the current changes.

  • Security: Fixed an oversight with the DRC_Nuke net message which triggered the payload regardless of administrator status, which was being abused by exploited clients to cause extreme mayhem on various servers.
  • Internal: Added a weapon tracker, all currently valid (spawned) Draconic weapons can be accessed from the table DRC.ActiveWeapons
  • Internal: Fixed DRC:Health call for Simfphys
  • Internal: Added new lua function DRC:SetHealth(<entity> ent, <number> health, <number> max health) -- For all the people who just wanted to change the health of stuff generally but other authors just had to reinvent the wheel, this will work with most custom entities. Any that it doesn't just let me know and I'll add support for it. The arg "max health" is optional.
  • Internal: Added new lua function DRC:GetSubMaterials(entity) -- Returns a table of all current submaterials. Table order is accurate to the material index.
  • Internal: Added new lua function DRC:CopyLayerSequenceInfo(layer, ent1, ent2) -- Intended to copy layer information for overlaying animations from one entity to another, but I am unable to currently get related functions to work. So this does nothing until I can figure out why. This was supposed to be used so I could finally have overlay animations work on the Experimental First Person mode's body but nooooo....
  • Internal: Added new lua function DRC:CopyPoseParams(ent1, ent2) -- Copies pose parameter values from one entity to another.
  • Internal/Debug: Removed old redundant code from before DRC:Health() was integrated.
  • Menu: Made it so the Draconic Menu can be moved outside of the game's screen margins. (Many user requests)
  • Menu: The "Map version:" text has been replaced with "Compiled for:" and will list the Source SDK version & vbsp version number, instead of the seemingly random number returned previously.
  • Menu: Made the playermodel preview start at a lower FOV & with a slightly offset angle to give a better default preview opposed to the previous high-fov center-angle shot.
  • Menu: Playermodel preview now blinks at a random internval. (so long as it has a flex to do so)
  • Menu/Internal: Menu animation selection now follows the following chain of hierarchy: sequence drc_menu > sequence drc_menu_xdr_default (Used by DRC XDR Extension) > activity ACT_HL2MP_IDLE.
  • Player Extensions: Moved revolver from "two hand" triggers to "one hand" triggers for weapon swap animations.
  • Player Extensions: Added the ability for players to display armed/unarmed struggling animations while grabbed by a barnacle.
  • Weapon Base: Added the ability to use a table for projectiles, and one will be picked at random when the weapon is fired. (User request)
  • Weapon Base: Fixed an error which could occur if the weapon is removed during an inspection swap.
  • Weapon Base: Added lua function SWEP:SetLoadedAmmo(amount), convenience function for developers & myself to easily set both the source engine clip value & the base's NWInt simultaneously.
  • Weapon Base: Switched melee animation for one-handed holdtypes on guns back to the "one handed shove" gesture slot.
  • Weapon Base: Changed how weapon tracers and general visual shots are done. NOTE This is something that has been very untested due to the nature of this update/hotfix. This is supposed to hopefully make burst fire behave a bit better in multiplayer; but as stated, untested.
  • Weapon Base/Menu: Added infinite ammo system, this can be found under the "Server Settings" subtab in the Draconic Menu. Disabled by default. Has two settings for enabling, a traditional infinite ammo and a "bottomless mag" setting which prevents ammo from being taken from the weapon itself & prevents overheating on battery-based weapons. Convar is sv_drc_infiniteammo 0/1/2. (Many user requests)
  • Weapon Base/Crosshair: Added a secondary interpolation to the dynamic crosshair which provides both a more accurate and smooth display of the current spread.
  • Weapon Base/Internal: Rewrote how SWEPs "GlowLights" are rendered, the new method works as a background system which enables them to work when weapons are on the ground / used by an NPC.
  • Experimental First Person: Made the first person body use the Skin setting of the player's model now.
  • Experimental First Person: Adjusted offset of bones on the first person body, which prevents the torso in first person from clipping off in certain scenarios.
  • Material Proxies: Fixed preview of energy colour in the Draconic Menu so it doesn't show the dead-flicker state.
  • Material Proxies: Fixed preview of energy colour in the Draconic Menu to show an accurate colour.
  • Material Proxies: Updated generic drc_ReflectionTint to use updated versions that player-tint versions use (I forgot to previously, oops).
  • Material Proxies: Fixed an error that could occur on playermodel previews using the scaling rimlight proxy if they didn't define the optional rimlightpower value.
  • Material Proxies: Rewrote/Optimized ancient material proxy for player colour which in hindsight was pointlessly complicated.
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