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Changelog May 17th 2023

Vuthakral edited this page May 17, 2023 · 1 revision
  • Internal: Fixed an issue where the Draconic Menu's c_arm selection system didn't account for cl_playerhands being set to a blank string, fixing a conflict with the "Enhanced Playermodel Selector" addon.
  • Internal: Added a "convert from" mode for DRC:ConvertUnit(), automatically handled.
  • Internal: Added support for "halo" conversion type in DRC:ConvertUnit() to automatically convert Halo units to Hammer Units.
  • Internal: Added IsValid checks for the clientside light glow rendering of Draconic SWEPs.
  • Internal: DRC:GetBaseName() can now return ma2 for Mech Assault mechs.
  • Internal: DRC:Health() now also accounts for parent entities, allowing it to properly work when targeting the seats of a scripted vehicle/entity base.
  • Internal: New lua functioon DRC:GetName(ent, fallback) -- Used to reliably pull a string name from a given entity. Still working out support for all the various bases out there (aka simfphys). The fallback variable is optional, and used to provide a fallback string in the event this function is not able to retrieve the entity's name.
  • Internal: New clientside table, DRC.HudAnchors. Precalculated x/y positions for HUD development. Anchors are TL, T, TR, L, C, R, BL, B, BR
  • Internal: New clientside lua function DRC:DrawCroppedRect(material, vector position, vector scale, table UV coords, colour). -- Wrapper for surface.DrawTexturedRectUV to save my sanity.
  • Internal/Shields: Fixed damage bleedthrough on shields (side effect that the shield deplete effect will trigger twice. Still trying to figure out why this happens.)
  • Internal/Shields: Added ENT:DoCustomShieldHit(dmg) and ENT:DoCustomShieldPop(dmg) support so that developers can make their entities, vehicles, and NPCs integrate with the shield system. (User request)
  • Internal/Weapon Base: Added "smooth" value to crosshair values for png crosshairs, helping low-resolution crosshairs appear less blocky.
  • Internal/Weapon Base: ^ This, but scope elements.
  • Internal/Weapon Base: Fixed viewmodel sway choppiness.
  • Weapon Base/Attachment Base: Added support for setting the HullSize of bullets by using the HullSize = <value> value on the bullet profile attachment type.
  • Weapon Base/Attachment Base: Added support for HullDamage, with a default value of 0.25 which makes hits which only hit because of the hull size do 1/4 damage aka limb damage. This is because shots which miss but hit from being within the hull of the bullet will deal a flat damage amount, resulting in a ton of extra damage when hitting the space around hitboxes such as limbs, where damage should not be full.
  • Weapon Base: Default HullSize of bullets is now 1, after having put up with years of people with bad aim playing on 12-tick servers complaining about "bad hit registration". This will hopefully let you cope even harder.
  • Material Proxies: Fixed drc_ScalingRimLight.
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