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Changelog November 28th 2022

Vuthakral edited this page Nov 28, 2022 · 2 revisions
  • Security: Locked down a few other net messages which were potentially exploitable, even if not all that harmful.
  • Internal: Added new lua function DRC:CreateProjectile(class, pos, ang, force, owner, inheritvelocity). Simple function to create & launch an entity. -- Usage example: local proj = DRC:CreateProjectile("drc_asm4", owner:GetShootPos(), owner:EyeAngles(), 1000, owner, false), the final two arguments are optional. (User request)
  • Internal: Modified/Fixed how player hand changing works, preventing the Draconic Base from overriding a player back to their model's hands on respawn even while the "disabled" (Red X) selection was active.
  • Experimental First Person: Changed how playermodel detection is handled, preventing bones from becoming wacky regardless of playermodel selector used.
  • Experimental First Person: Child bones of the spine2 & 4 bones now get scaled as well.
  • Menu: Made the "Apply Changes" button taller, as well as some extra vertical padding around it to prevent misclicking from making the mouse re-center onto the model panel. (User request)
  • Menu: Moved the formerly easy-to-miss "tools" button to the bottom with a larger button which utilizes an icon.
  • Menu: Moved the "Controls" hint button to the right side of the preview window.
  • Menu: Fixed the slight overlap of the background image on the preview window into the playermodels menu.
  • Menu: "Tools" rollout now toggles useful information for playermodel authors such as the number of bodygroups, skins, bones, and materials. (Plus some misc stuff)
  • Weapon Base: Fixed a very bad error which could occur in thirdperson which would cause the weapon to stop reporting the muzzle information.
  • Projectile Base: Added ENT.LifeTime with a default value of 60. Explosives will auto-detonate when this time is reached, anything else will just remove itself. (User request)
  • Player Extensions: Revisited & fully implemented the drc_speaking poseparameter at last. This enables playermodel authors to create poseparameter-based voice-powered effects.
  • Player Extensions: Added an animation trigger for when the player is underneath a barnacle when it dies. This is tied to the activity ACT_GESTURE_BARNACLE_STRANGLE.
  • Player Extensions: Changed the activities used for weapon swapping animations. This is a one-time change and will not happen again in the future. Reason for this being the currently used ones have the potential to conflict with external animation extensions but the newly picked activities do not. These are as follows, by holdtype:
    • pistol, revolver: ACT_VM_DEPLOY_1
    • ar2, smg, shotgun, crossbow: ACT_VM_DEPLOY_2
    • rpg: ACT_VM_DEPLOY_3
    • physgun: ACT_VM_DEPLOY_4
    • melee, knife, grenade, slam, magic, camera: ACT_VM_DEPLOY_5
    • melee2: ACT_VM_DEPLOY_6
    • dual: ACT_VM_DEPLOY_7
  • VoiceSets: Added subcall to Action category "Jump". Called when the jump key is pressed & player is on the ground. (User request)
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