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Releases: nhn/tui.editor


10 Sep 03:37
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New Features


const editor = new Editor({
  frontMatter: true


Case 1: tab (or shift + tab) key

Pressing the tab key in the markdown table moves the cursor cell by cell.

Case 2 : enter key

Pressing the enter key in the markdown table adds the syntax for the new row.

  • 151f98e [Viewer] Add an internal attribute to disable task markers when using the customHTMLRenderer option (#1163)

Bug Fixes


  • 60e747a Type inference is wrong when table-merged-cell plugin is set in the plugin option (#1160)
  • b312e15 [Markdown] Syntax highlighting is broken when wrapping text containing blank lines with fence code block syntax (#1167)
  • be8f7b3 [WYSIWYG] Format is broken when copying or pasting a list in MS Office (#1153)


10 Sep 05:27
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New Features


29 Jul 08:51
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Bug Fix


8ca00e8 [WYSIWYG] Wrong widget element position when scrolling (#1113)
e3cd805 [WYSIWYG] List in the table is broken after changing to markdown when using table-merged-cell plugin (#1119)


23 Jul 02:49
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Bug Fix

  • e3cd805 [WYSIWYG] <span> tag in the table is broken when converted to markdown (#1059)


20 Jul 10:53
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New Features


  • d0b7501 [Markdown] Smart task's marker (#1080) : This is a function to change the state of the marker in the task list according to the user's action

Case 1 : When pressing the x or backspace key in square brackets corresponding to the task marker


Case 2 : When pressing the shift + ctrl + x shortcut in the task list


Bug Fix


  • 5a5ae7d [Markdown] Remove highlight from preview after blur (#1093)
  • f98ffc4 [WYSIWYG] Remove newlines in copied text when pasting to table (#1102)
  • 6be680c [WYSIWYG] Script error occurs in table when selecting or adding column (#1110)


  • 75e48c3 Update dev-dependency version with security vulnerability
  • 6bcec75 Change environment of to-mark library


20 Jul 10:57
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Bug Fix

  • 337e860 Add button type on confirm button for preventing to submit form (#1091)


16 Jun 09:33
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  • 5f62f5e Improve default HTML sanitizer module to solve XSS vulnerability (#734)
  • 75c7da5 Set contenteditable attribute on paragraph block type using custom renderer (#998)
  • 609e89d [Markdown] The code block's language is case-insensitive (#1004)
  • ec405e2 [Markdown] Add a margin to separate the code blocks when highlighting the code block syntax (#1032)
  • 739dfe4 [WYSIWYG] Remove span tag with default color when copying/pasting text in the Viewer (or the Preview) (#1036)

Bug Fixes


  • 5ec7db0 form is submitted when the mode switch button is clicked (#969)
  • dfe4382 Remove types of removed API (setValue, getValue) (#970)
  • 5ec7db0 Editor and viewer font styles are different (#1045)
  • a2f95ae [Markdown] Typing is slow when the list depth is long or there is a lot of content (#1012)
  • d9b9412 [Markdown] Shortcut for shift-tab in list does not work correctly (#1014)
  • ec405e2 [Markdown] Syntax highlighting of code blocks is broken under certain situations (#1032)
  • 22a1744 [WYSIWYG] Script error occurs when text corresponding to a block of code is pasted (#693, #939)
  • d03b508 [WYSIWYG] change event does not fire when list bullet is entered (#757)
  • 7c00b60 [WYSIWYG] Typed text disappears when changing style in heading (#878)
  • 964009c [WYSIWYG] Text in table context menu overflows in certain languages (#891)
  • 1f6a54d [WYSIWYG] Resizable box is created on the element with min-height applied in Internet Explorer (#984)
  • 6f983b4 [WYSIWYG] Enter the tag string related to XSS in the code block and move the cursor to execute the script (#1021)


13 May 10:05
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  • c9295c7 Fix: pasting error in table when using custom sanitizer (fix #980) (#981)


08 May 03:21
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Bug Fixes


  • e81b843 Fix: list disappear when parent container is list (fix #972) (#973)


29 Apr 08:53
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Syntax Highlighting (#910)

The syntax highlighting of the Markdown Editor has been enhanced. Colors are clearly separated so that the actual content is more visible than the syntax used in the markdown, and the look and feel of the editing area and preview area are unified as much as possible to give a feeling similar to the actual content. If you look at the image below, you can see that the readability and unity are noticeably better than the previous version. You can now check for syntax errors in entered text accurately and quickly in the editing area.

  • Old Style


  • New Style


New Features

Preview Highlighting (#946)

In Markdown Editor, the function to display the position of the editing text in real time has been added. The preview area is displayed in block units according to the cursor position of the markdown editor, and the edit position can be quickly identified.


The previewHighlight option has also been added so that you can disable preview highlighting only if you wish.

const editor = new Editor({
  // ...
  previewHighlight: false // default: true

referenceDefinition Option (#887)

The option to use the link reference definitions has been added, and set the referenceDefinition: true to enable the link reference definitions. Links commonly used in the document can be defined as link reference definitions for convenient use.

const editor = new Editor({
  // ...
  referenceDefinition: true // default: false
[TOAST UI Editor]:

Thanks for loving [TOAST UI Editor] of [NHN].

customHTMLRenderer Option (#894)

The customHTMLRenderer option has been added to allow users to customize markdown data that is converted to HTML through the Markdown Renderer. The option value is an object that assigns a callback function to the markdown node type defined in ToastMark, and returns a token object for generating HTML in each callback function. You can find detailed usage in the tutorial documentation.

const editor = new Editor({
  // ...
  customHTMLRenderer: {
    paragraph(node, context) {
      const { entering, origin } = context;
      const result = origin();

      if (entering) {
        result.attributes = { 'data-my-attr': 'custom-attr' };
        result.classNames = ['custom-class1', 'custom-class2'];

      return result;

    heading(node, { entering }): {
      const tagName = `h${node.level}`;
      if (entering) {
        return {
          type: 'openTag',
          classNames: ['my-heading']
      return {
        type: 'closeTag',

customHTMLSanitizer Option (#945)

The customHTMLSanitizer option has been added so that you can use the desired sanitizer module, such as DOMPurify, instead of the built-in sanitizer.

import DOMPurify from 'dompurify';

const purifyOptions = { ... };
const editor = new Editor({
  // ...
  customHTMLSanitizer: html => {
    return DOMPurify.sanitize(html, purifyOptions) || ''

Provide CSS File Excluding Viewer Style

If you want to customize and use only the Viewer style, you can minimize the use of duplicate styles using the toastui-editor-only.css file.

  • npm
- @toast-ui/editor/
   ├─ dist/
   │     ├─ toastui-editor-only.css
   │     ├─ ...
  • CDN
   ├─ 2.1.0/
   │     ├─ toastui-editor-only.css
   │     ├─ toastui-editor-only.min.css
   │     ├─ ...

Bug Fixes

  • Prevent to remove heading tag when press the enter key (fix #872) (#888)
  • Replace form tag to div tag to prevent script error (fix #837) (#890)
  • Wrong position of the tooltip on the toolbar item (#918)
  • Wrong position of table and code block gadgt (#947)
  • Press enter key inside code block makes autolinks (#911)
  • Sanitize empty figure element (#913)
  • Wrong ordered list regexp when extending list by pressing the enter key (#925)
  • Can't apply linkAttribute to wysiwyg editor (#931)
  • Not working shortcut of CodeMirror in markdown editor (#951)