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meeting Sept 3rd 2020

Kenneth Hoste edited this page Sep 4, 2020 · 1 revision
  • date & time: Thu Sept 3rd 2020 - 2pm CEST (noon UTC)
    • (every first Thursday of the month)
  • venue: (online, see mail for meeting link, or ask in Slack)
  • agenda:
    1. Short introduction by new partners (if any)
    2. Progress report
      • Brainstorm meeting on Aug 19th
      • Filesystem layer
      • Compatibility layer
      • Software layer
    3. FENIX project proposals
    4. Next steps
    5. Q&A


Short introduction by new people

  • quick introductions by new people attending the meeting:
    • Kees de Jong (SURF, Netherlands)
    • Terje Kvernes (University of Oslo)

Progress in last month

Brainstorm meeting Aug 19th (Peter)

  • notes available at
  • questions:
    • Caspar: which software packages go where (compat layer vs software layers)
      • security updates vs potential impact of installations in software layer (see problems with glibc in the past)
      • we need a good set of tests to evaluate impact of updates in compat layer on software layer
      • evaluate different approach in next iterations of pilot stack (more stuff in compat layer: binutils, X11, ...)
      • discussion to be continued...
    • Terje: how granular would you like to make the software layer w.r.t. CPU architectures?
      • for now only haswell in pilot repository
      • which additional CPU architectures will be supported largely depends on community: availability of build nodes, effort in fixing problems that may pop up for some installations, etc.

Filesystem layer (Bob)

  • (see meeting slides for recent activities)
  • questions:
    • Caspar: why does publishing require root permissions?
      • involves running some CVMFS server commands
      • exact reason is not entirely clear, CernVM-FS developers seems to be working on a solution for this
      • to be discussed in upcoming follow-up meeting with CernVM-FS developers (Fri Sept 18th)
      • this is a problematic requirement for build nodes, would be good if we can avoid this
    • Alan: container to access software stack will also come in useful in CI environments
      • yes, planning to leverage this for evaluating updates in compat layer
      • maybe even to fully automate process of adding software?
  • suggestion by Kees: Ansible Molecule seems like something to look into for filesystem & compat layer
    • also provides a testing mechanism (test subdirectory)

Compatibility layer (Peter)

  • (see meeting slides for recent activities)

Software layer (Kenneth)

FENIX project proposals

  • both proposals rejected, mostly due to technical constraints
  • new call for proposals coming up, deadline should be end of Sept
  • revise proposals after getting in touch with system administrators?
  • (more info in meeting slides)

Next steps

  • lots of possibilities for testing & contributing now pilot software stack is available!
  • (more info in meeting slides)


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