Releases: MITLibraries/thing
Releases · MITLibraries/thing
v2.5.4 Dependency updates
v2.5.3 clock drift auth fix and MARC lang fix
What's Changed
- MARC 040$b should be eng by @JPrevost in #953
- testing allowing more clock drift during auth by @JPrevost in #956
Full Changelog: v2.5.2...v2.5.3
v2.5.2 New authorization workflow and dependency updates
v2.5.1 Additional reporting functionality and dependency updates
What's Changed
- Add holds by source report by @jazairi in #919
- Update dependencies by @jazairi in #924
- 🚨 [security] Update all of rails: → (patch) by @depfu in #925
- Debug marc by @JPrevost in #922
- Report for authors without confirmed graduation by @jazairi in #916
- Update bootsnap: 1.10.3 → 1.11.1 (minor) by @depfu in #927
- Update sentry-ruby: 5.1.1 → 5.2.0 (minor) by @depfu in #926
- Fix bug in summary report for authors not graduated by @jazairi in #928
- Add term filter to summary of authors_not_graduated data by @jazairi in #930
- Dependency updates by @matt-bernhardt in #935
- Dedup authors not graduated summary data by @jazairi in #932
- Update rubocop-rails: 2.13.2 → 2.14.1 (minor) by @depfu in #936
- Fix publication status update logic by @jazairi in #937
- Update letter_opener: 1.8.0 → 1.8.1 (patch) by @depfu in #940
- Update rubocop-rails: 2.14.1 → 2.14.2 (patch) by @depfu in #938
- Update sentry-ruby: 5.2.0 → 5.2.1 (patch) by @depfu in #939
Full Changelog: v2.5.0...v2.5.1
v2.5.0 Additional preservation features and MARC export workflow
What's Changed
- Refactor bag class by @jazairi in #884
- Create and attach zipped bag to SIP by @JPrevost in #887
- Create batch jobs for preservation by @jazairi in #890
- Map ETD data to MARC by @JPrevost in #891
- update rubysaml by @JPrevost in #895
- Enqueue preservation job within publication results job by @jazairi in #896
- Update dependencies by @jazairi in #897
- Show count of preserved theses in publication results email by @jazairi in #898
- Add data loading documentation to README by @hakbailey in #899
- Adds Administrate Dashboard for SIPs by @JPrevost in #900
- Adds Thesis scopes for sips by @JPrevost in #903
- Update location of metadata CSV in SIPs by @jazairi in #910
- Fix dcterms.isPartOf in metadata CSV by @jazairi in #911
- Update deps by @matt-bernhardt in #912
- Implement MARC export workflow by @jazairi in #909
- Guard against nil tempfiles in MARC export job by @jazairi in #914
Full Changelog: v2.4.2...v2.4.3
v2.4.2 Dependency updates and Initial Preservation work
What's Changed
- Create structure for BagIt bags by @jazairi in #863
- Optional settings for test runs by @JPrevost in #869
- Initial work on the preservation metadata csv by @JPrevost in #867
- updates deps by @JPrevost in #874
- Update listen: 3.7.0 → 3.7.1 (patch) by @depfu in #875
- updates deps by @JPrevost in #881
- Update sentry-ruby: 4.8.3 → 5.0.1 (major) by @depfu in #880
- Update pg: 1.2.3 → 1.3.0 (minor) by @depfu in #878
Full Changelog: v.2.4.1...v2.4.2
v.2.4.1 Resolves N+1 problems on some reports
Merge pull request #864 from MITLibraries/publication_status_report Resolve N+1 queries in pub status report and index
v2.4.0 Publishing to DSpace
What's Changed
- Implemented Publishing to DSpace workflows
- Added various reports
- Allow thesis_admin role to delete theses
- Update thesis fixtures to have files attached automatically
- Updated dependencies
Full Changelog: v2.3.0...v.2.4.0
v2.3.0 Reporting (and more DSS preparation)
This release implements a set of reporting pages to allow processing staff to summarize the state of thesis records. Additional work includes more preparatory work for the coming DSpace Submission Service.
The full list of merges since the last release (in merge order):
- Creates the reporting area, with a basic by-term report (#778)
- Adds reporting about theses with multiple subrecords (many authors, many degrees, and/or many departments) (#788)
- Enables the upload of thesis metadata to AWS (#791)
- Constructs the SQS message based on that AWS upload (#792)
- Adds a summary dashboard with information from across terms to the reporting area (#790)
- Adds a report of files without a defined purpose (#795)
- Adds a report listing thesis records with no attached files (#797)
v2.2.7 Foundations for DSpace Submission Service, and some UI updates
This release lays the foundations for a coming integration with a new DSpace Submission Service, and also makes a variety of small changes to the student-facing and staff-facing user interface.
The full list of merges since the last release (in merge order):
- Adds support for line breaks in abstracts (#775)
- Enables the creation of thesis metadata to be sent to the DSpace Submission Service (#781)
- Changes to the user instructions on the departmental transfer form (#785)
- Updated display of copyright records in the administrative display, including theses with each copyright (#783)
- Adding a new condition for which theses are editable by students, preventing records flagged as having issues being edited (#780)