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Structure traits: basics

Petrenko edited this page Jun 30, 2011 · 13 revisions

Here you can find the basics of any Structure-Related-Traits.

	AllowsBuildingRepair:			# Building can be repaired by the "repair-button"
	AutoTargetIgnore:			# Will not get automatically targeted by enemy (like walls)
		Power: 0			# If negative, it will drain power, if positive, it will provide power
		Footprint: xxx xxx xxx		# 
		Dimensions: 3,3			#
		Adjacent: 2			# Can be constructed at a higher range (like walls)
		BuildSounds: "".aud		# Sound when building is placed and is brought up
	BaseBuilding:				# This building belongs to the player's base (walls don't do)
	Capturable:				# This building can be captured by an engineer
	EmitInfantryOnSell:			# Building will emit infantry on sell
		ActorTypes: ""			# States what kind of infantry (E1,E2..)
	GivesBuildableArea:			# Building provides buildable area. (Defenses don't do)
	LineBuild:				# Can be built in line (like walls)
		Range: 8			# The range of the line
	Sellable:				# Can be sold
	SoundOnDamageTransition:		# If structure gets destroyed these sounds will play
		DamagedSound: "".aud		# When you see the first rifts
		DestroyedSound: "".aud		# When it gets destroyed completley


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