2 commits
to cryostat-v2.1
since this release
@andrewazores, @dependabot, @dependabot[bot], @ebaron, @hareetd and @jan-law
- feat(notfound): generate NotFound from routes (#418) @andrewazores
- feat(tests): Setup unit testing framework (#393) @hareetd
- feat(archives): split views for per-target and universal archives (#397) @andrewazores
- feat(credentials): Manage target JMX credentials (#389) @jan-law
- feat(settings): user can enable/disable notifications by category (#387) @andrewazores
- feat(recordings): Add metadata recording labels (#383) @jan-law
- feat(rules): add match expression evaluation component to rule creation form (#381) @andrewazores
- feat(rules): add rule creation form and deletion action (#380) @andrewazores
- feat(rules): add UI for displaying automated rules (#378) @andrewazores
- feat(templates): use notifications to update state without query (#373) @andrewazores
- feat(notifications): service handles and displays all incoming WS messages (#367) @andrewazores
- feat(auth): Add OAuth logout (#355) @jan-law
- feat(targets): Add example JMX service url (#357) @jan-law
- feat(auth): Add OAuth redirect authentication (#350) @jan-law
- feat(auth): Display username on masthead (#322) @jan-law
- feat(auth): Store credentials in sessionStorage (#261) @jan-law
- feat(AppLayout): Group related menu links together (#316) @jan-law
- fix(snapshots): remove successful snapshot creation notification handling (#427) @hareetd
- fix(labels): Prevent duplicate labels POST call (#424) @jan-law
- fix(archives): Only display archives for selected target (#422) @jan-law
- fix(notfound): Update 404 page with missing routes (#417) @hareetd
- fix(loading): ensure loading spinners are displayed (#412) @andrewazores
- fix(jmx): populate credentials table via notification only (#404) @jan-law
- fix(api): include Authorization header for all requests (#401) @jan-law
- fix(rules): fix header concatenation (#394) @jan-law
- fix(recordings): disallow whitespace in labels (#392) @jan-law
- fix(notifications): handle labels nested within metadata (#391) @andrewazores
- fix(health): process health configured/available results (#385) @andrewazores
- fix(notifications): add template notification handling (#371) @andrewazores
- fix(health): handle version separate from Grafana config (#370) @andrewazores
- fix(activerecordings): use notifications to update state without query (#369) @andrewazores
- fix(archivedrecordings): use notifications to update state without query (#366) @andrewazores
- fix(notifications): Show stopped recording notification (#361) @jan-law
- fix(reports): Delete cached report upon archived recording deletion (#360) @hareetd
- fix(targets): Validate connectUrl before submission (#358) @jan-law
- fix(notifications): Show newest unread notification first (#356) @jan-law
- fix(recordings): Ensure ActiveRecordingsTable properly refreshes recordings list (#353) @hareetd
- fix(snapshot): Cleanly handle empty snapshots (#346) @hareetd
- fix(websocket): fix repeated disconnect/reconnect spin (#342) @andrewazores
- fix(notifications): Do not show temporary reconnection errors (#339) @jan-law
- fix(archiveuploads): display prompt on cancel or navigation (#333) @andrewazores
- fix(auth): Skip login when using noop auth (#328) @jan-law
- fix(recordings): Display Snapshot creation warning when no Active recordings present (#329) @hareetd
- fix(auth): Fix repeat auth calls on logout (#321) @jan-law
- fix(NotFound): Improve 404 page styling (#324) @hareetd
- fix(downloads): do not download into browser memory (#319) @andrewazores
- fix(archiveuploads): display prompt on cancel or navigation (#333) @andrewazores
- fix(targets): Deselect nonexistent target (#315) @jan-law
- fix(notifications): Sort notifications into exactly one category (#314) @jan-law
- chore(tests): Add credentials table test (#408) @jan-law
- ci(release): update CI for cryostat-v2.1 branch (#406) @ebaron
- chore(settings): refactor for dynamic settings cards (#386) @andrewazores
- chore(api): use API endpoints promoted from beta to v2.1 (#374) @andrewazores
- build(deps): bump url-parse from 1.5.3 to 1.5.10 (#379) @dependabot
- build(deps): bump follow-redirects from 1.13.3 to 1.14.7 (#362) @dependabot
- chore(devserver): set server authority to localhost (#364) @andrewazores
- chore(ApiService): Ensure all API requests return a useable boolean where it makes sense (#352) @hareetd
- chore(auth): Move credentials encoding into one service (#330) @jan-law