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Releases: hashicorp/design-system


13 Dec 20:53
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Minor Changes

Postgres service icon added.



13 Dec 20:53
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Patch Changes

Upgraded style-dictionary to 4.2.0



13 Dec 20:53
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4.15.0 documentation

Minor Changes

Time - Added Time component, Time service, and related libraries including:

  • luxon (2.x or 3.x)
  • ember-concurrency (4.x)


Table - Exposed the index of the @each loop over the @model as rowIndex


Patch Changes

Dropdown - Fixed an issue with the ToggleIcon to make the focus ring visible on mouse click


PageHeader - Fixed issue with extra space below title when no metadata is present


Alert - Removed default color applied to the hds-alert__text container (text color is applied via @color argument)


Dropdown, RichTooltip - Fixed ResizeObserver-related errors in tests

Upgraded @floating-ui/dom to 1.6.12


Fixed deprecated Sass syntax (map-get replaced with map.get and @import with @use)


IconTile - Updated visual design of IconTile to make it distinguishable from secondary IconButton.


Aligned private properties of the HDS modifiers to follow a standardized notation

  • hds-anchored-position
  • hds-register-event
  • hds-tooltip


Aligned private class properties to follow a standardized notation

  • Accordion
  • Alert
  • AppHeader
  • AppSideNav
  • CodeBlock
  • Copy::Button
  • Copy::Snippet
  • DisclosurePrimitive
  • Dropdown
  • Flyout
  • Form::SuperSelect
  • Form::TextInput
  • Icon
  • Modal
  • Pagination::Compact
  • Pagination::Numbered
  • PopoverPrimitive
  • Reveal
  • Table
  • Tabs


🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/design-system-tokens@2.2.2
  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@3.8.0


13 Dec 20:53
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Minor Changes

Update v4/dropdown-list-item-interactive codemod to successfully parse nested content blocks such as conditionals



06 Nov 17:20
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4.14.0 documentation

Minor Changes

Dropdown - Added @matchToggleWidth argument


hds-clipboard - Added clipboard-polyfill to support product usage in non-secure environments; this impacts Copy::Button, Copy::Snippet, CodeBlock, and MaskedInput


Patch Changes

SideNav - Made a11y related improvements including:

  • Changed List::Title to h3 & added visually hidden h2 to AppSideNav
  • Replaced aria-label for ToggleButton with aria-labelledby and aria-expanded


Fixed instances where arguments are passed into tracked properties at declaration:

  • MaskedInput
  • TextInput
  • Pagination::Compact
  • Pagination::Numbered
  • SideNav
  • Table
  • Table::ThSelectable
  • Tabs


SideNav - Fixed bug with hidden panels sometimes causing unnecessary overflow scrolling


Dropdown - Fixed the height of the chevron in ToggleButton



24 Oct 16:45
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Patch Changes


  • Fixed error in Description and Body subcomponents, caused by not passing the args argument from the constructor to super


  • Fixed error in Body subcomponent, caused by not passing the args argument from the constructor to super


Export TypeScript signatures for all components and modifiers

#2499 - Thanks @aklkv for the contribution! 🙏

Alert - Removed role="alert" and aria-live="polite" attributes from Alerts with color set to "neutral" or "highlight"



15 Oct 16:50
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Minor Changes

Confluent icon added


Updated okta and okta-color to reflect updated branding.



15 Oct 16:50
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4.13.0 documentation

Minor Changes

Modal - Added returnFocusTo argument to control where the browser focus is returned once the modal is closed

Flyout - Added returnFocusTo argument to control where the browser focus is returned once the flyout is closed


CodeBlock - Added lineNumberStart option to set custom starting number for line numbering


SuperSelect::Multiple - Added @resultCountMessage argument to enable override


Patch Changes


  • Fixed content being preserved in the DOM when closed
  • Removed the isOpen yielded argument
  • Added @preserveContentInDom to optionally control rendering of the content


Modal - Fixed isDismissDisabled functionality
Flyout - Removed isDismissDisabled from signature (not an actual argument)


SuperSelect - Update the the default state of selected list items to Foreground / Primary to match other list items and the Dropdown.


SuperSelect::Multiple - Fixed placeholder style and layout


Dropdown - Update the color of the text and icons in the selected state checkmark list item to match the styling of the ListItems (Radio and Checkbox).


CodeBlock - Decoupled the display of line numbers from highlightLines


Dropdown - Fixed dropdown content not being preserved when interacted with


Upgraded ember-style-modifier to 4.4.0


🔄 Updated dependencies:

  • @hashicorp/flight-icons@3.7.0


26 Sep 18:14
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4.12.0 documentation

Minor Changes

Dropdown - Made the isOpen state available in the yielded block


Patch Changes

IconTile - Fixed @color argument type signature


Interactive - Aligned types with LinkTo


DialogPrimitive - Fixed issue with box-sizing inheritance

Modal/Flyout - Updated box-sizing inheritance via DialogPrimitive fix


Upgraded eslint-plugin-ember to 12.2.0

AppFooter, AppFrame, SideNav - refactored subcomponents to use TemplateOnlyComponent instead of empty classes.



  • Fixed selected border colors to match Figma and interactive states.
  • Updated icon, label, and description colors to use disabled-foreground when
    the RadioCard is disabled.


MaskedInput - Changed textarea scrollbar-width to "thin" to reduce overlap with toggle button.

CodeBlock - Changed textarea scrollbar-width to "thin" to reduce overlap with copy button.


Removed ember-keyboard dependency


Tabs - Fixed signatures for subcomponents


Table - Fixed signatures for subcomponents


BadgeCount - updated the type of the text argument to allow numbers

TooltipButton - made the default value for the placement argument 'top' and fixed the type definition

TooltipButton - made the extraTippyOptions argument optional and allowed to be a partial object


DialogPrimitive - added a guard so the yielded close function is always defined'


Hds::SideNav - Fixed a couple of bugs where SideNav would remain inert when no longer minimized (or would not be inert when minimized)

#2431 - Thanks @DingoEatingFuzz for the contribution! 🙏

Button - aligned type names to convention


Fixed issue with icon sprite not initiated

#2433 - Thanks @aklkv for the contribution! 🙏


18 Sep 20:29
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Minor Changes

bucket icon added.
