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693 lines (497 loc) · 25.6 KB

File metadata and controls

693 lines (497 loc) · 25.6 KB




  • Add "metrics", "logs" to default features. With this, default feature list is "trace", "metrics" and "logs".

  • When "metrics" feature is enabled, KeyValue implements PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrder, Order, Hash. This is meant to be used for metrics aggregation purposes only.

  • Removed Unit struct for specifying Instrument units. Unit is treated as an opaque string. Migration: Replace .with_unit(Unit::new("myunit")) with .with_unit("myunit").

  • 1869 Introduced the LogRecord::set_target() method in the log bridge API. This method allows appenders to set the target/component emitting the logs.



  • #1640 Add PropagationError
  • #1701 Gauge no longer requires otel-unstable feature flag, as OpenTelemetry specification for Gauge instrument is stable.


  • Remove urlencoding crate dependency. #1613
  • Remove global providers for Logs $1691 LoggerProviders are not meant for end users to get loggers from. It is only required for the log bridges. Below global constructs for the logs are removed from API: - opentelemetry::global::logger - opentelemetry::global::set_logger_provider - opentelemetry::global::shutdown_logger_provider - opentelemetry::global::logger_provider - opentelemetry::global::GlobalLoggerProvider - opentelemetry::global::ObjectSafeLoggerProvider For creating appenders using Logging bridge API, refer to the opentelemetry-tracing-appender example


  • BREAKING Moving LogRecord implementation to the SDK. 1702.

    • Relocated LogRecord struct to SDK.
    • Introduced the LogRecord trait in the API for populating log records. This trait is implemented by the SDK. This is the breaking change for the authors of Log Appenders. Refer to the opentelemetry-appender-tracing for more details.
  • Deprecate versioned_logger() in favor of logger_builder() 1567.


let logger = provider.versioned_logger(
    Some(vec![KeyValue::new("key", "value")]),


let logger = provider
    .with_attributes(vec![KeyValue::new("key", "value")])
  • Deprecate versioned_tracer() in favor of tracer_builder() 1567.


let tracer = provider.versioned_tracer(
    Some(vec![KeyValue::new("key", "value")]),


let tracer = provider
    .with_attributes(vec![KeyValue::new("key", "value")])



  • #1410 Add experimental synchronous gauge. This is behind the feature flag, and can be enabled by enabling the feature otel_unstable for opentelemetry crate.

  • #1410 Guidelines to add new unstable/experimental features.


  • Modified AnyValue.Map to be backed by HashMap instead of custom OrderMap, which internally used IndexMap. There was no requirement to maintain the order of entries, so moving from IndexMap to HashMap offers slight performance gains, and avoids IndexMap dependency. This affects body and attributes of LogRecord. #1353
  • Add TextMapCompositePropagator #1373
  • Turned off events for NoopLogger to save on operations #1455


  • Removed OrderMap type as there was no requirement to use this over regular HashMap. #1353
  • Remove API for Creating Histograms with signed integers. #1371
  • Remove global::shutdown_meter_provider, use SdkMeterProvider::shutdown directly instead #1412.

This release should been seen as 1.0-rc4 following 1.0-rc3 in v0.20.0. Refer to in individual creates for details on changes made in different creates.


  • Bump MSRV to 1.65 #1318
  • Bump MSRV to 1.64 #1203
  • opentelemetry crate now only carries the API types #1186. Use the opentelemetry_sdk crate for the SDK types.
  • trace::noop::NoopSpan no longer implements Default and instead exposes a const DEFAULT value. #1270
  • Updated crate documentation and examples. #1256
  • Breaking SpanBuilder attributes changed from OrderMap<Key, Value> to Vec<KeyValue> and with_attributes_map method is removed from SpanBuilder. This implies that OpenTelemetry API will no longer perform de-dup of attribute Keys. #1293. Please share feedback here, if you are affected.

This release should been seen as 1.0-rc3 following 1.0-rc2 in v0.19.0. Refer to in individual creates for details on changes made in different creates.


  • Add new method to BoxedTracer #1009
  • Add js-sys as dependency for api crate when building wasm targets #1078
  • Create tracer using a shared instrumentation library #1129
  • Add Context::map_current #1140
  • Add unit/doc tests for metrics #1213
  • Add opentelemetry::sdk::logs::config() for parity with opentelemetry::sdk::trace::config() (#1197)


  • OtelString::Owned carries Box<str> instead of String #1096


  • Drop include_trace_context parameter from Logs API/SDK. #1133
  • Synchronous instruments no longer accepts Context while reporting measurements. #1076.
  • Fallible conversions from futures-channel error types to LogError and TraceError removed. #1201


  • Fix SpanRef::set_attributes mutability requirement. #1038
  • Move OrderMap module to root of otel-api crate. #1061
  • Use the browser-only js-sys workaround only when actually targeting a browser #1008

This release should been seen as 1.0-rc2 following 1.0-rc1 in v0.18.0. Refer to in individual creates for details on changes made in different creates.


  • Add WithContext to public api #893.
  • Add support for instrumentation scope attributes #1021.


  • Implement Display on Baggage #921.
  • Bump MSRV to 1.57 #953.
  • Update dependencies and bump MSRV to 1.60 #969.

This release is the first beta release of the trace API and SDK. If no other breaking changes are necessary, the next release will be 1.0. The metrics API and SDK are still unstable.


  • Pull sampling probability from OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER_ARG in default sdk config #737
  • Add schema_url to Tracer #743
  • Add schema_url to Resource #775
  • Add Span::set_attributes #638
  • Support concurrent exports #781
  • Add jaeger remote sampler #797
  • Allow Custom Samplers #833
  • Add SpanExporter::force_flush and default implementation #845


  • Deprecate metrics ValueRecorder in favor of Histogram #728
  • Move IdGenerator to SDK, rename to RandomIdGenerator #742
  • meter_with_version accepts optional parameter for version and schema_url #752
  • Unify Event and Link access patterns #757
  • move SpanKind display format impl to jaeger crate #758
  • make TraceStateError private #755
  • rename Span::record_exception to Span::record_error #756
  • Replace StatusCode and message with Status #760
  • Move TracerProvider::force_flush to SDK #658
  • Switch to static resource references #790
  • Allow O(1) get operations for SpanBuilder::attributes [breaking] #799
  • Allow ref counted keys and values #821
  • Bump MSRV from 1.49 to 1.55 #811
  • bump MSRV to 1.56 #866
  • Update metrics API and SDK for latest spec #819
  • Switch to pin-project-lite #830


  • Update dashmap to avoid soundness hole #818
  • Perform sampling as explained in the specification #839
  • Remove internal message queue between exporter and exporting tasks #848
  • Fix span processor exporting unsampled spans #871


  • Remove serialize feature #738
  • Remove StatusCode::as_str #741
  • Remove Tracer::with_span #746


  • Implement Serialize & Deserialize for Sampler, SpanLimits #622, #626
  • Allow &'static str and string in span methods #654
  • Allow String data in instrumentation library. #670
  • Remove std::fmt::Debug and 'static requirements from TracerProvider, Tracer, and Span #664
  • Remove unused Tracer::invalid method #683
  • Split TracerProvider::tracer and TracerProvider::versioned_tracer methods #682
  • Reduce dependency on futures crate #684
  • Switch to parent context references #687
  • Spec-compliant trace and span ids #689
  • Optimize span creation internals #693
  • Add instrumentation library to ShouldSample parameters #695


  • Fix default resource detection for tracer provider #641
  • Fix TraceState::valid_key crashes #665


  • Add default resource in TracerProvider #571
  • Rename get_tracer to tracer #586
  • Extract trace::noop module and update docs #587
  • Add Hash impl for span context and allow spans to clone and export current state #592
  • Enforce span status code's order #593
  • Make SpanRef public #600
  • Make SpanProcessor::on_start take a mutable span #601
  • Renamed label to attribute to align with otel specification #609


  • Small performance boost for Resource::get #579


  • More resource detectors #573


  • Expose the Error type to allow users to set custom error handlers #551
  • Allow users to use different channels based on runtime in batch span processor #560
  • Move Unit into metrics module #564
  • Update trace flags to match spec #565


  • Fix debug loop, add notes for #[tokio::test] #552
  • TraceState cannot insert new key-value pairs #567


  • Adding a dynamic dispatch to Aggregator Selector #497
  • Add global::force_flush_tracer_provider #512
  • Add config max_attributes_per_event and max_attributes_per_link #521
  • Add dropped attribute counts to events and links #529


  • Remove unnecessary clone in Key type #491
  • Remove #[must_use] from set_tracer_provider #501
  • Rename remaining usage of default_sampler to sampler #509
  • Use current span for SDK-less context propagation #510
  • Always export span batch when limit reached #519
  • Rename message events to events #530
  • Update resource merge behaviour #537
  • Ignore links with invalid context #538


  • Remove remote span context #508
  • Remove metrics quantiles #525


  • Allow users to use custom export kind selector #526


  • Improve simple span processor performance #502
  • Local span perf improvements #505
  • Reduce string allocations where possible #506

Upgrade note: exporter pipelines do not return an uninstall guard as of #444, use opentelemetry::global::shutdown_tracer_provider explicitly instead.


  • Pull configrations from environment variables by default when creating BatchSpanProcessor #445
  • Convert doc links to intra-doc #466
  • Switch to Cow for event names #471
  • Use API to configure async runtime instead of features #481
  • Rename trace config with_default_sampler to with_sampler #482


  • Removed tracer provider guard #444
  • Removed from_env and use environment variables to initialize the configurations by default #459


  • Instrumentation library support #402
  • Batch observer support #429
  • with_unit methods in metrics #431
  • Clone trait for noop tracer/tracer provider/span #479
  • Abstracted traits for different runtimes #480


  • Dependencies updates #410
  • Add Send, Sync to AsyncInstrument in metrics #422
  • Add Send, Sync to InstrumentCore in metrics #423
  • Replace regex with custom logic #411
  • Update tokio to v1 #421


  • Moved http dependencies into a new opentelemetry-http crate #415
  • Remove tonic dependency #414


  • Fix possible deadlock when dropping metric instruments #407


  • Fix remote implicit builder context sampling #405


  • Add force_flush method to span processors #358
  • Add timeout for force_flush and shutdown #362


  • Implement Display trait for Key and Value types #353
  • Remove Option from Array values #359
  • Update ShouldSample's parent parameter to be Context #368
  • Consolidate error types in trace module into TraceError #371
  • Add #[must_use] to uninstall structs #372
  • Move 3rd party propagators and merge exporter into sdk::export #375
  • Add instrumentation version to instrument config #392
  • Use instrumentation library in metrics #393
  • start_from_context renamed to start_with_context #399
  • Removed build_with_context as full context is now stored in builder #399
  • SpanBuilder's with_parent renamed to with_parent_context #399


  • Fix parent based sampling in tracer #354
  • StatusCode enum value ordering #377
  • Counter adding the delta from last collection #395
  • HistogramAggregator returning sum vs count #398


  • Add support for baggage metadata #287


  • Remove api prefix from modules #305
  • Move mark_as_active_span and get_active_span functions into trace module #310
  • Revert renaming of SpanContext to SpanReference #299
  • Default trace propagator is now a no-op #329
  • Return references to span contexts instead of clones #325
  • Update exporter errors to be Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static> #284
  • Rename GenericProvider to GenericTracerProvider #313
  • Reduce SpanStatus enum to Ok, Error, and Unset variants #315
  • update B3 propagator to more closely match spec #319
  • Export missing pub global trace types #313
  • Ensure kv array values are homogeneous #333
  • Implement Display trait for Key and Value types #353
  • Move SpanProcessor trait into sdk module #334
  • Ensure is_recording is false and span is no-op after end #341
  • Move binary propagator and base64 format to contrib #343
  • Ensure metrics noop types go through constructors #345
  • Change ExportResult to use std::result::Result #347
  • Change SpanExporter::export to take &mut self instead of &self #350
  • Add MSRV 1.42.0 #296


  • Fix parent based sampling #354


  • Remove support for u64 and bytes kv values #323
  • Remove kv value conversion from &str #332


  • Allow metric instruments to be cloned #280


  • Fix single threaded runtime tokio feature bug #278


  • Add resource detector #174
  • Add fields method to TextMapFormat #178
  • Add support for tracestate in TraceContextPropagator #191
  • Propagate valid span context in noop tracer #197
  • Add end_with_timestamp method for trace span #199
  • Add ID methods for hex and byte array formatting #200
  • Add AWS X-Ray ID Generator #201
  • AWS X-Ray Trace Context Propagator #202
  • Add instrumentation library information to spans #207
  • Add keys method to extractors #209
  • Add TraceState to SpanContext #217
  • Add from_env config option for BatchSpanProcessor #228
  • Add pipeline uninstall mechanism to shut down trace pipelines #229


  • Re-write metrics sdk to be spec compliant #179
  • Rename Sampler::Probability to Sampler::TraceIdRatioBased #188
  • Rename HTTPTextPropagator to TextMapPropagator #192
  • Ensure extractors are case insensitive #193
  • Rename Provider to TracerProvider #206
  • Rename CorrelationContext into Baggage #208
  • Pipeline builder for stdout trace exporter #224
  • Switch to async exporters #232
  • Allow ShouldSample implementation to modify trace state #237
  • Ensure context guard is !Send #239
  • Ensure trace noop structs use new constructor #240
  • Switch to w3c baggage header #246
  • Move trace module imports from api to api::trace #255
  • Update tonic feature to use version 0.3.x #258
  • Update exporters to receive owned span data #264
  • Move propagators to sdk::propagation #266
  • Rename SpanContext to SpanReference #270
  • Rename SamplingDecision's NotRecord, Record and RecordAndSampled to Drop RecordOnly and RecordAndSample #247


  • Add custom span processors to Provider::Builder #166


  • Separate Carrier into Injector and Extractor #164
  • Change the default sampler to be ParentOrElse(AlwaysOn) #163
  • Move the Sampler interface to the SDK #169


  • New ParentOrElse sampler for fallback logic if parent is not sampled. #128
  • Attributes can now have array values #146
  • Added record_exception and record_exception_with_stacktrace methods to Span #152


  • Update sampler types #128
    • Always is now AlwaysOn. Never is now AlwaysOff. Probability now ignores parent sampled state.
  • base64 and binary_propagator have been moved to experimental module. #134
  • Correlation-Context header has been updated to otcorrelations #145
  • B3Propagator has been updated to more closely follow the spec #148


  • Add http and tonic features to impl Carrier for common types.


  • Removed span_id from sampling parameters when implementing custom samplers.


  • Make Context Send + Sync in #127


  • Derive Clone for B3Propagator, SamplingResult, and SpanBuilder
  • Ability to configure the span id / trace id generator
  • impl From<T> for common Key and Value types
  • Add global tracer method
  • Add Resource API
  • Add Context API
  • Add Correlations API
  • Add HttpTextCompositePropagator for composing HttpTextPropagators
  • Add GlobalPropagator for globally configuring a propagator
  • Add TraceContextExt to provide methods for working with trace data in a context
  • Expose EvictedQueue constructor


  • Ensure that impls of Span are Send and Sync when used in global
  • Changed Key and Value method signatures to remove Cow references
  • Tracer's start now uses the implicit current context instead of an explicit span context. start_with_context may be used to specify a context if desired.
  • with_span now accepts a span for naming consistency and managing the active state of a more complex span (likely produced by a builder), and the previous functionality that accepts a &str has been renamed to in_span, both of which now yield a context to the provided closure.
  • Tracer's get_active_span now accepts a closure
  • The Instrument trait has been renamed to FutureExt to avoid clashing with metric instruments, and instead accepts contexts via with_context.
  • Span's get_context method has been renamed to span_context to avoid ambiguity.
  • HttpTextPropagators inject the current context instead of an explicit span context. The context can be specified with inject_context.
  • SpanData's context has been renamed to span_context


  • Update the probability sampler to match the spec
  • Rename Traceparent header to traceparent


  • TracerGenerics methods have been folded in to the Tracer trait so it is longer needed
  • Tracer's mark_span_as_inactive has been removed
  • Exporters no longer require an as_any method
  • Span's mark_as_active, mark_as_inactive, and as_any have been removed


  • New async batch span processor
  • New stdout exporter
  • Add trace_id to SpanBuilder


  • Add attributes to Events.
  • Update Span's add_event and add_event_with_timestamp to accept attributes.
  • Record log fields in jaeger exporter
  • Properly export span kind in jaeger exporter
  • Add support for Links
  • Add status_message to Span and SpanData
  • Rename SpanStatus to StatusCode
  • Update EvictedQueue internals from LIFO to FIFO
  • Switch span attributes to EvictedHashMap


  • Call shutdown correctly when span processors and exporters are dropped


  • New Base64 propagator
  • New SpanBuilder api
  • Zipkin Exporter crate


  • Switch to SpanId and TraceId from u64 and u128
  • Remove &mut self requirements for Span API


  • circular Tracer debug impl


  • Make trace and metrics features optional
  • ExportResult as specified in the specification
  • Add Futures compatibility API
  • Added serde serialise support to SpanData
  • Separate OpenTelemetry Jaeger crate


  • Rename HttpTraceContextPropagator to TraceContextPropagator
  • Rename HttpB3Propagator to B3Propagator
  • Switch to Apache 2 license
  • Resolve agent addresses to allow non-static IP
  • Remove tracer name prefix from span name


  • Remove add_link from spans


  • trace-context propagator


  • Prometheus API cleanup


  • Parent option for default sampler


  • SDK tracer default span id


  • Ensure spans are always send and sync
  • Allow static lifetimes for span names
  • Improve KeyValue ergonomics


  • Implement global provider


  • Documentation and API cleanup
  • Tracking of active spans via thread local span stack

Initial debug alpha