Releases: payara/Payara
Releases · payara/Payara
Payara Server 5.182
API Changes
annotation removed. Please use the new MicroProfileorg.eclipse.microprofile.opentracing.Traced
Component Upgrade
- [PAYARA-2676] - Upgrade Jersey to 2.27
- [PAYARA-2709] - Update Hibernate Validator to 6.0.9.Final
New Feature
- [PAYARA-223] - Build EclipseLink HZ Cache Coordination Protocol
- [PAYARA-1394] - Create OAUTH integration
- [PAYARA-1528] - Add SNI SSL support
- [PAYARA-1925] - JACC per Application
- [PAYARA-2545] - Upgrade Config to 1.2
- [PAYARA-2546] - Update Metrics to 1.1
- [PAYARA-2547] - Implement Open Tracing 1.0
- [PAYARA-2548] - Implement Open API 1.0
- [PAYARA-2549] - Implement REST Client 1.1
- [PAYARA-2682] - Support integration of password aliases with microprofile config
- [PAYARA-2718] - Support EL within OAuth authentication mechanism
- [PAYARA-1688] - Redesign the public notifier API
- [PAYARA- 1692] - Minor changes to Security UI in Admin console
- [PAYARA-1864] - Add LetsEncrypt as a trusted CA to the default truststore
- [PAYARA-2041] - Implement Dynamic Logging Configuration
- [PAYARA-2263] - Make jvm-options tag in domain.xml switchable by jdk
- [PAYARA-2349] - Improve data format from SQL tracing data metrics
- [PAYARA-2425] - Add Environment Variable support for JVM-Options
- [PAYARA-2461] - Options to allow the application's name to be used for Portable JNDI name of EJBs contained within an EAR
- [PAYARA-2466] - Finally squash the unnecessary Felix warnings
- [PAYARA-2528] - Payara Micro ignores invalid arguments if they don't start with double dash
- [PAYARA-2559] - Allow to boot AMX at runtime even without enabling JMX monitoring service
- [PAYARA-2568] - The boot of micro does not use multiple threads
- [PAYARA-2575] - Create Yubikey integration
- [PAYARA-2603] - Move autobinding into Grizzly.
- [PAYARA-2611] - Notify Of Missing Alias for HTTP Listeners SSL configuration at startup
- [PAYARA-2612] - Remove underscore from JSON field names in JSON log formatter
- [PAYARA-2614] - Expose Grizzly HTTP2 AddOn settings in the administration console
- [PAYARA-2615] - Specify the SSL cert alias in Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-2616] - Align javaee-api dependency versions to 8.0
- [PAYARA-2618] - Align maven-compiler-plugin dependency version along with compiler version 1.8
- [PAYARA-2632] - Set force-selector-spin-detection in Grizzly to true by default also for other OS than Linux
- [PAYARA-2666] - Show DeploymentException which is hidden behind InvocationException
- [PAYARA-2673] - Clean up code in annotation-framework
- [PAYARA-2678] - Align versions of all maven plugins
- [PAYARA-2679] - refactor groupId definition of hibernate-validator artefact
- [PAYARA-2680] - Add cast method to NotificationData to convert itself into a subclass
- [PAYARA-2697] - Context root defined in glassfish-web.xml always gets overridden when deployed via browser UI
- [PAYARA-2707] - Allow placeholder replacement for AMX beans in MP custom metrics.
- [PAYARA-2708] - Initial cleanup of admin cli
- [PAYARA-2720] - Add missing packages to embedded
- [PAYARA-2725] - The MicroProfile HealthCheck API is not configurable and overrides applications which define a /health endpoint
- [PAYARA-2744] - Add to the Monitoring REST API Bulk Reading
- [PAYARA-2772] - Application targets page doesn't display targets
- [PAYARA-2561] - CORBA security context gets corrupted
- [PAYARA-2654] - update jackson-databind to 2.9.5
- [PAYARA-1620] - Servlet request is executed twice (or n time) if timeout occurs while waiting for jdbc call
- [PAYARA-2189] - Ability for CDI event bus to filter ClassNotFound exceptions with multiple application deployed
- [PAYARA-2229] - Injection in second war in an ear fails
- [PAYARA-2267] - Timestamp JPA conversion failing for Oracle 12c types
- [PAYARA-2375] - Glassfish 5.0 Servlet Parameters (ServerName, ServerPort, ...) broken when HTTP 2 is used
- [PAYARA-2376] - InvocationException when deploying an application with a deployment error
- [PAYARA-2522] - Deploying an application to an Instance in a Deployment Group and the Deployment Group causes the application to only target the instance.
- [PAYARA-2555] - Payara Micro Arquillian Connector Doesn't Allow Spaces In Arguments
- [PAYARA-2558] - Embedded SNAPSHOT dependency fails to run
- [PAYARA-2564] - Multi-threading of InitialContex() causes multiply-defined stub classes
- [PAYARA-2566] - Soteria ignores EL in one attribute of the LdapIdentityStoreDefinition
- [PAYARA-2569] - Undeploying an Application from a Deployment Group requires the instances to be restarted.
- [PAYARA-2570] - asadmin start-database implicit mapping to H2
- [PAYARA-2571] - View monitoring info in admin console throws error
- [PAYARA-2574] - Make Grizzly HTTP/2 Compliant
- [PAYARA-2579] - Add Empty Key File to Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-2580] - Can not change the admin http-listener port and restart the domain via asadmin
- [PAYARA-2581] - In admin console, change text color to dark when background is orange
- [PAYARA-2583] - WebAppClassLoader Leak in ComponentInvocation
- [PAYARA-2586] - Unrecognised JMS-Service Element in Payara Embedded Web
- [PAYARA-2590] - Microprofile Config Property injection of https port fails on Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-2591] - Restarting the DAS results in displayed page using wrong look and feel
- [PAYARA-2593] - Update EclipseLink 2.7.0 with changes on private fork
- [PAYARA-2608] - Excessive use of JDBC connections for listing JBatch job executions
- [PAYARA-2610] - Payara Micro uses wrong password for custom keystore/truststore
- [PAYARA-2613] - Fix warning for Multiple JSF Applications found
- [PAYARA-2621] - Correct case in "GlassFish" in admin console image(s)
- [PAYARA-2624] - Header background on Domain is not responsive.
- [PAYARA-2625] - Hard to read after sorting a table, due to colour change.
- [PAYARA-2628] - Payara Micro copytouberjar duplicates the name of the directory
- [PAYARA-2630] - Payara 5.181 throws exceptions and doesn't start at first attempt
- [PAYARA-2633] - Domain fails to start after setting up file encoding to UTF-8 via JVM options
- [PAYARA-2634] - New Paya...
Payara 5.181
Payara 5.181 Release Notes
Important Information
- Minimum Required JDK version is now 8u162.
- Currently, you cannot drop-in and use a Payara 4 domain.xml with Payara 5.
Supported APIs and Applications
- Java EE 8 Applications
- MicroProfile 1.2 API
New Features
- [PAYARA-140] - Bundle an alternative embedded database with Payara (H2)
- [PAYARA-188] - Hazelcast based SSO
- [PAYARA-862] - Integrate JSONB
- [PAYARA-864] - Add support for HTTP/2
- [PAYARA-1079] - Make Hazelcast EJB timer store from Micro available in full profile
- [PAYARA-1305] - Add support for CDI 2.0
- [PAYARA-1541] - Integrate Soteria
- [PAYARA-1815] - Integrate Servlet 4
- [PAYARA-1909] - Create a domain discovery mode
- [PAYARA-1915] - Create Deployment Group as a loose grouping of servers
- [PAYARA-2081] - Create a Roles Permitted CDI annotation
- [PAYARA-2246] - Clustered Singleton beans CDI support
- [PAYARA-2297] - Directory Config Source with support for Kubernetes format
- [PAYARA-2434] - Put Mojarra parallel init behind switch
- [PAYARA-189] - Completely Remove GMS and Shoal
- [PAYARA-1030] - Remove Jettison from Payara
- [PAYARA-1166] - Add configuration for JDK 8 metaspace into production domain
- [PAYARA-1225] - Enhance the production domain template further
- [PAYARA-1541] - Integrate Soteria
- [PAYARA-1740] - Split up application deployment in to prepare and initialize phases
- [PAYARA-1771] - Make default group to role mapping the default
- [PAYARA-1926] - JSF Deployment can be slow - unnecessary validation being done
- [PAYARA-1946] - Set X-Powered By to Servlet 4
- [PAYARA-1986] - Add the Quarter number to the Payara Version in the Logs
- [PAYARA-2079] - Update Truststores
- [PAYARA-2245] - JSF Deployment can be slow - Large XML file parsed
- [PAYARA-2256] - Remove Derby from Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-2286] - Update JSP Compiler
- [PAYARA-2331] - Refactor admin console SAM
- [PAYARA-2365] - Remove info about REST endpoints when there are none in the app
- [PAYARA-2381] - Change version string of Mojarra to not be a SNAPSHOT
- [PAYARA-2382] - Remove GlassFish reference at boot
- [PAYARA-2383] - Switch ANSI colour logging on by default
- [PAYARA-2385] - Sort out Cluster Logging
- [PAYARA-2437] - Mojarra deprecated cdi 1.1 warning
- [PAYARA-2455] - Rename payaradomain to "production"
- [PAYARA-2467] - Remove useless JarFileFactory log message
- [PAYARA-2471] - Tidy up some of the Data Grid terminology
- [PAYARA-2477] - Create asadmin commands for MicroProfile Metrics
- [PAYARA-2504] - Change the Default Value of the allowLinking Property to false
- [PAYARA-2519] - Make the enabled Option of the set-hazelcast-configuration Command Optional
- [PAYARA-2521] - set-hazelcast-configuration Asadmin Command allows you to set the clustermode as anything
- [PAYARA-2523] - Log a message when a user picks an obvious but wrong value when using Payara Micro and domain cluster mode
- [PAYARA-2347] - Reskin Admin Console
- [PAYARA-2379] - Review all INFO logs on boot and remove any that are not useful
- [PAYARA-2438] - Revamp Request Tracing into OpenTracing-style format
Bug Fixes
- [PAYARA-2038] - Payara Micro pom.xml contains non-optional dependencies
- [PAYARA-2148] - @transactional interceptor not fully compatible with CDI 2.0
- [PAYARA-2212] - Weld Warnings for ServletRequestListener for async servlets
- [PAYARA-2283] - Illegal type error in logs when starting Payara
- [PAYARA-2335] - UX Issue on Data Grid Admin console
- [PAYARA-2342] - NoSuchElementException during Hazelcast Bootstrap
- [PAYARA-2346] - CDI event bus listeners not initialized in Payara micro, ManagedExecutorService fixes
- [PAYARA-2352] - Domain Discovery mode doesn't seem to work on Windows
- [PAYARA-2357] - Cannot update the Data Grid Configuration via the admin console
- [PAYARA-2358] - Restart Data Grid does not work
- [PAYARA-2363] - Applications Fail to undeploy cleanly
- [PAYARA-2364] - Soteria warning when deploying applications
- [PAYARA-2378] - start-cluster asadmin command executes but spits out fail message
- [PAYARA-2384] - Missing log messages on boot
- [PAYARA-2387] - Singleton JAX-RS failure
- [PAYARA-2389] - Fault Tolerance retry interceptor log message variable doesn't get inserted
- [PAYARA-2390] - WebSocket in Mojarra fails to obtain the server port
- [PAYARA-2396] - Setting of properties fails
- [PAYARA-2412] - Fix Internal Server Error when using the Java EE Security API with Basic authentication without password
- [PAYARA-2418] - Payara 5 Log Files Display Leftover Version Point
- [PAYARA-2420] - EJB Timer button is broken on Deployment Groups page
- [PAYARA-2421] - "ErrorHandler not set" error on Startup of Payara 5
- [PAYARA-2422] - Enabling an app on the app page doesn't work
- [PAYARA-2424] - Deployed Applications have an incorrect number of targets
- [PAYARA-2427] - Deployed application in Micro logs shows a lot of junk
- [PAYARA-2429] - "Invalid join request" warning periodically printed to Micro logs
- [PAYARA-2430] - Reenabling an app on the Applications page does not reenable ManagedExecutorService
- [PAYARA-2432] - "No valid EE environment for injection of fish.payara.microprofile.metrics.cdi.producer.MetricRegistryProducer" gets thrown a lot when deploying applications.
- [PAYARA-2435] - Payara 5 Embedded is Broken
- [PAYARA-2439] - SSL Certificate Expired spammed to log
- [PAYARA-2440] - Refactor a line within prettyDateFormat
- [PAYARA-2442] - H2 jdbc-connection-pool config
- [PAYARA-2449] - Current master shows started instances as stopped
- [PAYARA-2451] - Remove system.out in Mojarra
- [PAYARA-2463] - Unsatisfied Bean Dependency Error on Startup
- [PAYARA-2464] - asadmin doesn't consider jacc-provider properties
- [PAYARA-2465] - Fix GH #2328 Cannot run payara from Intellij IDEA
- [PAYARA-2468] - Lots of junk in the log from JSF
- [PAYARA-2474] - Missing log message on boot
- [PAYARA-2478] - Creating a instance in the deployment group now results in java.lang.RuntimeException
- [PAYARA-2492] - Jasper Exception when loading an application deployed to Payara Micro Programmatically
- [[PAYARA-2501](htt...
Payara Server
Bugs Fixes
- [PAYARA-2049] - Virtual server log-file property doesn't affect output file
- [PAYARA-2180] - Cannot delete properties from JMX Monitoring
- [PAYARA-2221] - resourceAdapter property of ActivationConfigProperty is not substituted
- [PAYARA-2230] - Asadmin recorder fails to save commands for editing JDBC connection pools properties
- [PAYARA-2258] - Support generic type for injected MicroProfile configuration
- [PAYARA-2268] - Fix upstream issue 21992 in File Upload
- [PAYARA-2281] - System property substitution fails in asadmin recorder for get/set commands
- [PAYARA-2282] - Payara Micro doesn't sort deployments
- [PAYARA-2305] - Remove WARNING that Timer Store is not part of the Web Profile in Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-2326] - Unsupported JDK Version in OpenMQ and 5.1.1-b02.payara-p2
- [PAYARA-2327] - History log files are not retained however their count is less than the maximum
- [PAYARA-2332] - Update Documentation URLs to be correct
- [PAYARA-2333] - Regression in annotation scanning affecting Payara Embedded
- [PAYARA-2336] - Daily log rotation of server.log delay
- [PAYARA-2355] - ServletContext#declareRoles is largely ignored
- [PAYARA-2395] - Unable to load properties from META-INF\ at deployment cause failure
- [PAYARA-2463] - Unsatisfied Bean Dependency Error on Startup
- [PAYARA-2470] - MicroProfile Config method getPropertyNames isn't implemented
- [PAYARA-2475] - Use of java 8 code in Payara 4
New Features
- [PAYARA-1554] - Implement MP-JWT in Microprofile
- [PAYARA-1912] - Implement Microprofile Fault Tolerance
- [PAYARA-1913] - Implement Microprofile Healthcheck
- [PAYARA-2027] - Implement MicroProfile Metrics
- [PAYARA-2297] - Directory Config Source with support for Kubernetes format
- [PAYARA-1862] - Wrappers for SQL should support JDBC 4.2
- [PAYARA-2113] - Misleading message for stop-domain if domain1 is not running
- [PAYARA-2171] - Add timeout parameter to start-instance command
- [PAYARA-2232] - Add link to generated application.wadl into Admin Console and Payara Micro log
- [PAYARA-2257] - A command to remove config from MP configuration source
- [PAYARA-2274] - Add rotation and compression of notification.log
- [PAYARA-2304] - Payara Micro should deploy applications without --deploy option
- [PAYARA-2325] - Change the log level of cache full warning in Frequent SQL Tracer
- [PAYARA-2330] - Add option to disable logging to file
- [PAYARA-2340] - Patch Soteria to make some utility types public
- [PAYARA-2341] - Repackage jcip-annotations to add osgi manifest
- [PAYARA-2356] - Set Last modification time on files in Secret dir test
- [PAYARA-2398] - Add option to disable Payara Notification logging to file
Security Fixes
Upstream Bugs
- [PAYARA-2162] - Instance commands set restart required flag
- [PAYARA-2226] - Access logging fails to take DST correctly into account
- [PAYARA-2278] - Remote EJB lookups in the cluster are updated by GMS incorrectly
- [PAYARA-2309] - CDI Integration regression from Payara 163
- [PAYARA-2311] - Turning off dynamic reloading in Micro 174 results in NPE in the logs
- [PAYARA-2337] - Historical log files are not deleted when log file name isn't server.log
Component Upgrades
Payara Server 5.Beta1
Merge pull request #2219 from Pandrex247/Payara-5.Beta1-Release Payara 5.Beta1 Release
Payara Server
Fixed Issues
This section details the issues that have been fixed for this release.
Bugs & Fixes
- [PAYARA-1615] - HealthCheck machine memory usage inaccurate
- [PAYARA-1679] - Deploying to DAS fails when there are multiple clusters available
- [PAYARA-1797] - When managing virtual servers for an application deployed to a cluster, only the cluster ref is changed
- [PAYARA-1840] - RAR file loading fails from Uberjar when there's no ra.xml
- [PAYARA-1890] - Engine name says weld rather than CDI
- [PAYARA-1904] - The get/set-config-ordinal asadmin command does not accept JNDI as a valid source
- [PAYARA-1906] - JAX-RS resources are displayed as JSP in the Admin Console
- [PAYARA-1907] - CDI Weld probe activated causes exceptions with stateless EJBs
- [PAYARA-1919] - asadmin recorder tab has incorrect highlighting
- [PAYARA-1922] - Wrong file structure when packaging a custom glassfish-acc.xml file with the package-appclient utility script
- [PAYARA-1924] - Some notifiers through a NPE in handleNotification and not configured
- [PAYARA-1949] - Stop JMX monitoring plugin from being packaged with micro
- [PAYARA-1950] - Versioned applications break deployment of other applications
- [PAYARA-1951] - Refactor usage of deprecated addAnnotatedType method from BeforeBeanDiscovery
- [PAYARA-1952] - Payara Embedded throws a NoClassDefFoundError on startup
- [PAYARA-1957] - Post boot commands parser errors out with speech marks
- [PAYARA-1960] - CORBA thread pool issues
- [PAYARA-1962] - Hazelcast Serializer Configuration possibly mistakenly is overridden
- [PAYARA-1966] - Problem when initialising Timer Store' on Payara Micro 173 with --noCluster
- [PAYARA-1968] - Small visual issue in the Batch Admin UI
- [PAYARA-1983] - Payara Fang Resource Bundle
- [PAYARA-1988] - JDBC Connection Pooling - monitoring values can become negative
- [PAYARA-1991] - Micro instances send the name instead of the instance UUID
- [PAYARA-1992] - JMX monitoring data collection not stops and send data with weird frequency
- [PAYARA-1997] - BATCH CLI: NPE on asadmin list-batch-job-executions
- [PAYARA-2001] - Fix time help label on JMX Monitoring page
- [PAYARA-2002] - Tabs on Application are incorrectly displayed
- [PAYARA-2003] - Payara ignores variables in asenv.conf that begin with the letter "S"
- [PAYARA-2005] - Improper message from start-domain -debug mode
- [PAYARA-2006] - The value of "Group List" in "Realm User" cannot be deleted
- [PAYARA-2008] - CPU Healthcheck Percentage Wrong
- [PAYARA-2010] - The connection pool checker is broken and prevents server from starting if configuration exists.
- [PAYARA-2013] - The number of times EJB create method is called is incorrect in JConsole
- [PAYARA-2015] - Threads on remote applications (appclient) using the ORB do not gracefully shut down
- [PAYARA-2016] - JBoss logging needs to be updated
- [PAYARA-2019] - CDI Weld probe activated causes NPE in FilterDefDecorator for Async Request
- [PAYARA-2021] - CDI Dev Mode UI broken in admin console
- [PAYARA-2025] - CDI Dev Mode checkbox enabled by default
- [PAYARA-2029] - Possible NPE in the get-rest-monitoring-configuration command
- [PAYARA-2033] - Support for boolean get method names
- [PAYARA-2034] - CommandRunner parsing extra properties error
- [PAYARA-2036] - With SecurityManager on, Servlet API call for HttpServletRequest.logout() throws AccessControlException
- [PAYARA-2037] - Variable substitution isn't performed in persistence.xml for Properties
- [PAYARA-2040] - JMS physical destination config true/false values incorrectly fetched
- [PAYARA-2047] - CDI Beans annotated with @Traced aren't traced
- [PAYARA-2050] - NPE when deploying versioned applications
- [PAYARA-2052] - Upgrade commons-io to 2.5
- [PAYARA-2053] - update-connector-security-map cannot change user-groups to principals and vice versa
- [PAYARA-2056] - NPE at PoolManagerImpl.handleLazilyAssociatedConnectionPools()
- [PAYARA-2057] - commons-fileupload derived issue
- [PAYARA-2058] - Exception when changing HTTP listener config
- [PAYARA-2060] - HealthCheck service logs WARNING on every CDI event bus event received
- [PAYARA-2063] - Setting Payara Micro system properties fails
- [PAYARA-2065] - Web-service endpoint is not available for the deployed EJB application
- [PAYARA-2066] - Validation for duplicate @ManagedBean names
- [PAYARA-2074] - Handle log messages in MessageFormat by escaping double single quote
- [PAYARA-2075] - asadmin set command throws NPE on beans with readonly properties
- [PAYARA-2086] - Secure Client-Initiated Renegotiation cannot be disabled
- [PAYARA-2110] - Default TimerPool resource absent in cluster-config
- [PAYARA-2111] - Warning in logs with an error page
- [PAYARA-2115] - Direct String references to AS-WEB-GLUE- or AS-WEB-CORE-
- [PAYARA-2117] - {resourcename.isnot.unique} message key is shown when create-connector-resource with same resource name as other pool name
- [PAYARA-2122] - No Content-Type header for JSON files
- [PAYARA-2124] - update-connector-security-map can't delete backend principal password
- [PAYARA-2126] - DataSource returns null connection when obtained from JNDI lookup
- [PAYARA-2127] - asadmin subcommand output CLI031 warning message
- [PAYARA-2128] - A thread pool with a special character cannot be deleted
- [PAYARA-2129] - Web container still does not call AsyncContext.complete() on timeout/exception
- [PAYARA-2131] - Move Managed Bean DOL validation code
- [PAYARA-2132] - Deleting JMS Physical Destinations results in a 404 error
- [PAYARA-2135] - Upgrade commons-io to 2.5
- [PAYARA-2136] - Dead lock occurs when both HttpSession#invalidate() and HttpSession#getAttribute(String) are called at the same time
- [PAYARA-2139] - Number of Stateful session beans in Passive state is not updated (always 0) in JConsole
- [PAYARA-2145] - SessionContext.getCallerPrincipal() returns previous principal on TimerService
- [PAYARA-2155] - Directory traversal exposes file system resources
- [PAYARA-2157] - EE schema metadata-complete attribute should only be applicable to annotations without corresponding deployment descriptor element
- [[PAYARA-2158] - IllegalArgumentException when configuring t...
Payara Blue
Fixed Issues
This section details the issues that have been fixed for this release.
Bugs & Fixes
- [PAYARA-1615] - HealthCheck machine memory usage inaccurate
- [PAYARA-1679] - Deploying to DAS fails when there are multiple clusters available
- [PAYARA-1797] - When managing virtual servers for an application deployed to a cluster, only the cluster ref is changed
- [PAYARA-1840] - RAR file loading fails from Uberjar when there's no ra.xml
- [PAYARA-1890] - Engine name says weld rather than CDI
- [PAYARA-1904] - The get/set-config-ordinal asadmin command does not accept JNDI as a valid source
- [PAYARA-1906] - JAX-RS resources are displayed as JSP in the Admin Console
- [PAYARA-1907] - CDI Weld probe activated causes exceptions with stateless EJBs
- [PAYARA-1919] - asadmin recorder tab has incorrect highlighting
- [PAYARA-1922] - Wrong file structure when packaging a custom glassfish-acc.xml file with the package-appclient utility script
- [PAYARA-1924] - Some notifiers through a NPE in handleNotification and not configured
- [PAYARA-1949] - Stop JMX monitoring plugin from being packaged with micro
- [PAYARA-1950] - Versioned applications break deployment of other applications
- [PAYARA-1951] - Refactor usage of deprecated addAnnotatedType method from BeforeBeanDiscovery
- [PAYARA-1952] - Payara Embedded throws a NoClassDefFoundError on startup
- [PAYARA-1957] - Post boot commands parser errors out with speech marks
- [PAYARA-1960] - CORBA thread pool issues
- [PAYARA-1962] - Hazelcast Serializer Configuration possibly mistakenly is overridden
- [PAYARA-1966] - Problem when initialising Timer Store' on Payara Micro 173 with --noCluster
- [PAYARA-1968] - Small visual issue in the Batch Admin UI
- [PAYARA-1983] - Payara Fang Resource Bundle
- [PAYARA-1988] - JDBC Connection Pooling - monitoring values can become negative
- [PAYARA-1991] - Micro instances send the name instead of the instance UUID
- [PAYARA-1992] - JMX monitoring data collection not stops and send data with weird frequency
- [PAYARA-1997] - BATCH CLI: NPE on asadmin list-batch-job-executions
- [PAYARA-2001] - Fix time help label on JMX Monitoring page
- [PAYARA-2002] - Tabs on Application are incorrectly displayed
- [PAYARA-2003] - Payara ignores variables in asenv.conf that begin with the letter "S"
- [PAYARA-2005] - Improper message from start-domain -debug mode
- [PAYARA-2006] - The value of "Group List" in "Realm User" cannot be deleted
- [PAYARA-2008] - CPU Healthcheck Percentage Wrong
- [PAYARA-2010] - The connection pool checker is broken and prevents server from starting if configuration exists.
- [PAYARA-2013] - The number of times EJB create method is called is incorrect in JConsole
- [PAYARA-2015] - Threads on remote applications (appclient) using the ORB do not gracefully shut down
- [PAYARA-2016] - JBoss logging needs to be updated
- [PAYARA-2019] - CDI Weld probe activated causes NPE in FilterDefDecorator for Async Request
- [PAYARA-2021] - CDI Dev Mode UI broken in admin console
- [PAYARA-2025] - CDI Dev Mode checkbox enabled by default
- [PAYARA-2029] - Possible NPE in the get-rest-monitoring-configuration command
- [PAYARA-2033] - Support for boolean get method names
- [PAYARA-2034] - CommandRunner parsing extra properties error
- [PAYARA-2036] - With SecurityManager on, Servlet API call for HttpServletRequest.logout() throws AccessControlException
- [PAYARA-2037] - Variable substitution isn't performed in persistence.xml for Properties
- [PAYARA-2040] - JMS physical destination config true/false values incorrectly fetched
- [PAYARA-2047] - CDI Beans annotated with @Traced aren't traced
- [PAYARA-2050] - NPE when deploying versioned applications
- [PAYARA-2052] - Upgrade commons-io to 2.5
- [PAYARA-2053] - update-connector-security-map cannot change user-groups to principals and vice versa
- [PAYARA-2056] - NPE at PoolManagerImpl.handleLazilyAssociatedConnectionPools()
- [PAYARA-2057] - commons-fileupload derived issue
- [PAYARA-2058] - Exception when changing HTTP listener config
- [PAYARA-2060] - HealthCheck service logs WARNING on every CDI event bus event received
- [PAYARA-2063] - Setting Payara Micro system properties fails
- [PAYARA-2065] - Web-service endpoint is not available for the deployed EJB application
- [PAYARA-2066] - Validation for duplicate @ManagedBean names
- [PAYARA-2074] - Handle log messages in MessageFormat by escaping double single quote
- [PAYARA-2075] - asadmin set command throws NPE on beans with readonly properties
- [PAYARA-2086] - Secure Client-Initiated Renegotiation cannot be disabled
- [PAYARA-2110] - Default TimerPool resource absent in cluster-config
- [PAYARA-2111] - Warning in logs with an error page
- [PAYARA-2115] - Direct String references to AS-WEB-GLUE- or AS-WEB-CORE-
- [PAYARA-2117] - {resourcename.isnot.unique} message key is shown when create-connector-resource with same resource name as other pool name
- [PAYARA-2122] - No Content-Type header for JSON files
- [PAYARA-2124] - update-connector-security-map can't delete backend principal password
- [PAYARA-2126] - DataSource returns null connection when obtained from JNDI lookup
- [PAYARA-2127] - asadmin subcommand output CLI031 warning message
- [PAYARA-2128] - A thread pool with a special character cannot be deleted
- [PAYARA-2129] - Web container still does not call AsyncContext.complete() on timeout/exception
- [PAYARA-2131] - Move Managed Bean DOL validation code
- [PAYARA-2132] - Deleting JMS Physical Destinations results in a 404 error
- [PAYARA-2135] - Upgrade commons-io to 2.5
- [PAYARA-2136] - Dead lock occurs when both HttpSession#invalidate() and HttpSession#getAttribute(String) are called at the same time
- [PAYARA-2139] - Number of Stateful session beans in Passive state is not updated (always 0) in JConsole
- [PAYARA-2145] - SessionContext.getCallerPrincipal() returns previous principal on TimerService
- [PAYARA-2155] - Directory traversal exposes file system resources
- [PAYARA-2157] - EE schema metadata-complete attribute should only be applicable to annotations without corresponding deployment descriptor element
- [[PAYARA-2158] - IllegalArgumentException when configuring t...
Payara Blue
- [PAYARA-820] - jms destinations can be edited to contain a / in the physical destination name.
- [PAYARA-1072] - Startup, Deployment and Shutdown errors on distributed Cache with Custom POJO as Key or Value
- [PAYARA-1077] - JBatch table creation fails on MySQL with strict mode enabled
- [PAYARA-1375] - Flashlight Listener configuration failures in EJBs
- [PAYARA-1555] - The asadmin recorder should handle passwords
- [PAYARA-1590] - Malformed SQL Query caused by EclipseLink with Table per class inheritance and secondary tables
- [PAYARA-1619] - Upon start some healthchecks do not run when enabled
- [PAYARA-1640] - Oauth Token Problems
- [PAYARA-1652] - Reentrant calls to Stateful EJB beans throw exception
- [PAYARA-1681] - Corruption of HTTPS post request bodies since v164
- [PAYARA-1690] - asadmin get-log-notifier-configuration fails
- [PAYARA-1691] - useSeparateLogFile is not optional in notification-log-configure command
- [PAYARA-1694] - Healthcheck still prints out error in log
- [PAYARA-1695] - JACC not correct after request.authenticate
- [PAYARA-1696] - Reconfiguing a notifer starts an additional thread
- [PAYARA-1701] - payara-embedded-all no longer standalone in
- [PAYARA-1702] - Datadog notifer should return error with invalid response code
- [PAYARA-1704] - stop-all-domains erroneously accepts an operand
- [PAYARA-1708] - Incorporate the fix for JAVASERVERFACES-4240 in Mojarra
- [PAYARA-1715] - @JMSConnectionFactoryDefinition ignores transactional false attribute
- [PAYARA-1722] - --kill is ignored for stop-all-domains
- [PAYARA-1723] - JMX Connector doesn't listen on all configured IPs when hostname is or *
- [PAYARA-1730] - When lazy-init is set to true, Payara can hang if the ORB is accessed too early
- [PAYARA-1732] - Unexpected error when retrieving JDBC connections on remote applications
- [PAYARA-1738] - Some minor refactoring to the MDB container
- [PAYARA-1739] - Pre and Post-boot commands parsing problems
- [PAYARA-1742] - List Rest Endpoints throws NPE when no package
- [PAYARA-1753] - ORBServerHost system property is ignored
- [PAYARA-1759] - The Admin Console log levels page loads incorrect values which disables logging
- [PAYARA-1762] - Race condition in Payara Micro boot when many instances started quickly
- [PAYARA-1763] - Adding a jar to MICRO-INF/runtime prevents creation of Uber Jar
- [PAYARA-1764] - NPE when listing REST endpoints in Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-1770] - Editing a HTTP listener with monitoring enabled should show "Requires Restart"
- [PAYARA-1780] - healthcheck-configure gives errors if deprecated option --notifierEnabled is missing
- [PAYARA-1787] - 'Redirect Port' won't allow resetting in http listener config
- [PAYARA-1792] - Env replacement does not work in glassfish-resources.xml
- [PAYARA-1800] - Notifiers should not start on boot if not enabled
- [PAYARA-1802] - "Description" is not displayed in "JMS Connection Factories"
- [PAYARA-1809] - Payara Micro EventBus sends same for Instance and ServerName
- [PAYARA-1810] - Restart of EJB Timers fails when Hazelcast is enabled on a clustered instance.
- [PAYARA-1839] - Update the documentation links and text in the Admin Console
- [PAYARA-1841] - --deployFromGAV won't accept RAR files
- [PAYARA-1842] - "Restart Required" Warning not appearing when changing Logger settings
- [PAYARA-1861] - Corba lookup failures
- [PAYARA-1868] - list-historic-requesttraces fails
- [PAYARA-1870] - Upgrade commons-fileupload reference in sun-web.xml to 1.3.3
- [PAYARA-1873] - j-interop-repackaged.jar is missing in Payara Server 172
- [PAYARA-1874] - ZenDesk integration keeps you signed in
- [PAYARA-1876] - JCache api is packaged twice into the payara distribution
- [PAYARA-1878] - System.out.println need converting log
- [PAYARA-1884] - Enable multi-homed processing only if listening on all interfaces
- [PAYARA-1886] - NPE when starting server with hazelcast enabled
New Feature
- [PAYARA-161] - Healthcheck Service Stuck Thread Checker
- [PAYARA-571] - Create asadmin command to purge the JBatch repository
- [PAYARA-812] - Create Jolokia type functionality
- [PAYARA-1133] - Slow SQL Logger should keep Top SQL and Slowest SQL traces
- [PAYARA-1154] - Integrate Weld dev mode and Probe dev tool into Admin console
- [PAYARA-1361] - Zendesk integration
- [PAYARA-1362] - Add ability to login in to the Payara support portal
- [PAYARA-1393] - Deploy without checking the database
- [PAYARA-1531] - Support Microprofile Config 1.0
- [PAYARA-1560] - Add support for third party library classloading on Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-1580] - CDI Eventbus Notifier
- [PAYARA-1724] - Create Payara version of Arquillian container
- [PAYARA-248] - Change GroupId of payara-jbatch Artefact
- [PAYARA-1317] - Admin Console integration for listing historical traces of Request Tracing
- [PAYARA-1494] - Update installation requirements in readme
- [PAYARA-1875] - Devise proces to support both JDK 8 and JDK 7 builds
- [PAYARA-1877] - Admin Console Integration for Stuck Thread Checker
- [PAYARA-1132] - Make Enabling Slow SQL Logging Dynamic
- [PAYARA-1153] - Enable to turn on Weld development mode and the Probe tool in a web app
- [PAYARA-1183] - Default Login configuration in glassfish-ejb-jar
- [PAYARA-1322] - Store deployment time of an application to be displayed in Admin console
- [PAYARA-1411] - More helpful healthcheck-list-services
- [PAYARA-1415] - Add a test-notification button into admin console for all notifiers
- [PAYARA-1561] - Payara Micro should die if it can't bind to the HTTP/SSL ports given
- [PAYARA-1616] - Don't restart service when multiple notifiers are configured
- [PAYARA-1618] - Payara Micro's --outputUberJar should package up applications already deployed to a rootDir
- [PAYARA-1642] - Payara Micro does not support JMS deployment annotations
- [PAYARA-1663] - Provide capability to disable support view from the console.
- [PAYARA-1683] - Make the parameters of the set-environment-warning-configuration asadmin command optional
- [PAYARA-1698] - POM clean-up on versions
- [[PAYARA-1699] - Add...
Payara Server
- [PAYARA-820] - jms destinations can be edited to contain a / in the physical destination name.
- [PAYARA-1072] - Startup, Deployment and Shutdown errors on distributed Cache with Custom POJO as Key or Value
- [PAYARA-1077] - JBatch table creation fails on MySQL with strict mode enabled
- [PAYARA-1375] - Flashlight Listener configuration failures in EJBs
- [PAYARA-1555] - The asadmin recorder should handle passwords
- [PAYARA-1590] - Malformed SQL Query caused by EclipseLink with Table per class inheritance and secondary tables
- [PAYARA-1619] - Upon start some healthchecks do not run when enabled
- [PAYARA-1640] - Oauth Token Problems
- [PAYARA-1652] - Reentrant calls to Stateful EJB beans throw exception
- [PAYARA-1681] - Corruption of HTTPS post request bodies since v164
- [PAYARA-1690] - asadmin get-log-notifier-configuration fails
- [PAYARA-1691] - useSeparateLogFile is not optional in notification-log-configure command
- [PAYARA-1694] - Healthcheck still prints out error in log
- [PAYARA-1695] - JACC not correct after request.authenticate
- [PAYARA-1696] - Reconfiguing a notifer starts an additional thread
- [PAYARA-1701] - payara-embedded-all no longer standalone in
- [PAYARA-1702] - Datadog notifer should return error with invalid response code
- [PAYARA-1704] - stop-all-domains erroneously accepts an operand
- [PAYARA-1708] - Incorporate the fix for JAVASERVERFACES-4240 in Mojarra
- [PAYARA-1715] - @JMSConnectionFactoryDefinition ignores transactional false attribute
- [PAYARA-1722] - --kill is ignored for stop-all-domains
- [PAYARA-1723] - JMX Connector doesn't listen on all configured IPs when hostname is or *
- [PAYARA-1730] - When lazy-init is set to true, Payara can hang if the ORB is accessed too early
- [PAYARA-1732] - Unexpected error when retrieving JDBC connections on remote applications
- [PAYARA-1738] - Some minor refactoring to the MDB container
- [PAYARA-1739] - Pre and Post-boot commands parsing problems
- [PAYARA-1742] - List Rest Endpoints throws NPE when no package
- [PAYARA-1753] - ORBServerHost system property is ignored
- [PAYARA-1759] - The Admin Console log levels page loads incorrect values which disables logging
- [PAYARA-1762] - Race condition in Payara Micro boot when many instances started quickly
- [PAYARA-1763] - Adding a jar to MICRO-INF/runtime prevents creation of Uber Jar
- [PAYARA-1764] - NPE when listing REST endpoints in Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-1770] - Editing a HTTP listener with monitoring enabled should show "Requires Restart"
- [PAYARA-1780] - healthcheck-configure gives errors if deprecated option --notifierEnabled is missing
- [PAYARA-1787] - 'Redirect Port' won't allow resetting in http listener config
- [PAYARA-1792] - Env replacement does not work in glassfish-resources.xml
- [PAYARA-1800] - Notifiers should not start on boot if not enabled
- [PAYARA-1802] - "Description" is not displayed in "JMS Connection Factories"
- [PAYARA-1809] - Payara Micro EventBus sends same for Instance and ServerName
- [PAYARA-1810] - Restart of EJB Timers fails when Hazelcast is enabled on a clustered instance.
- [PAYARA-1839] - Update the documentation links and text in the Admin Console
- [PAYARA-1841] - --deployFromGAV won't accept RAR files
- [PAYARA-1842] - "Restart Required" Warning not appearing when changing Logger settings
- [PAYARA-1861] - Corba lookup failures
- [PAYARA-1868] - list-historic-requesttraces fails
- [PAYARA-1870] - Upgrade commons-fileupload reference in sun-web.xml to 1.3.3
- [PAYARA-1873] - j-interop-repackaged.jar is missing in Payara Server 172
- [PAYARA-1874] - ZenDesk integration keeps you signed in
- [PAYARA-1876] - JCache api is packaged twice into the payara distribution
- [PAYARA-1878] - System.out.println need converting log
- [PAYARA-1884] - Enable multi-homed processing only if listening on all interfaces
- [PAYARA-1886] - NPE when starting server with hazelcast enabled
New Feature
- [PAYARA-161] - Healthcheck Service Stuck Thread Checker
- [PAYARA-571] - Create asadmin command to purge the JBatch repository
- [PAYARA-812] - Create Jolokia type functionality
- [PAYARA-1133] - Slow SQL Logger should keep Top SQL and Slowest SQL traces
- [PAYARA-1154] - Integrate Weld dev mode and Probe dev tool into Admin console
- [PAYARA-1361] - Zendesk integration
- [PAYARA-1362] - Add ability to login in to the Payara support portal
- [PAYARA-1393] - Deploy without checking the database
- [PAYARA-1531] - Support Microprofile Config 1.0
- [PAYARA-1560] - Add support for third party library classloading on Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-1580] - CDI Eventbus Notifier
- [PAYARA-1724] - Create Payara version of Arquillian container
- [PAYARA-248] - Change GroupId of payara-jbatch Artefact
- [PAYARA-1317] - Admin Console integration for listing historical traces of Request Tracing
- [PAYARA-1494] - Update installation requirements in readme
- [PAYARA-1875] - Devise proces to support both JDK 8 and JDK 7 builds
- [PAYARA-1877] - Admin Console Integration for Stuck Thread Checker
- [PAYARA-1132] - Make Enabling Slow SQL Logging Dynamic
- [PAYARA-1153] - Enable to turn on Weld development mode and the Probe tool in a web app
- [PAYARA-1183] - Default Login configuration in glassfish-ejb-jar
- [PAYARA-1322] - Store deployment time of an application to be displayed in Admin console
- [PAYARA-1411] - More helpful healthcheck-list-services
- [PAYARA-1415] - Add a test-notification button into admin console for all notifiers
- [PAYARA-1561] - Payara Micro should die if it can't bind to the HTTP/SSL ports given
- [PAYARA-1616] - Don't restart service when multiple notifiers are configured
- [PAYARA-1618] - Payara Micro's --outputUberJar should package up applications already deployed to a rootDir
- [PAYARA-1642] - Payara Micro does not support JMS deployment annotations
- [PAYARA-1663] - Provide capability to disable support view from the console.
- [PAYARA-1683] - Make the parameters of the set-environment-warning-configuration asadmin command optional
- [PAYARA-1698] - POM clean-up on versions
- [[PAYARA-1699] - Add...
Payara Server
- [PAYARA-798] - EJB Remote Calls Hang out contacting server with multiple network interfaces
- [PAYARA-902] - EJB Remote Multiple Calls Hangout when exceeding thread-pool max size
- [PAYARA-933] - Admin console shutdown.jsf has erroneous "submit query" button
- [PAYARA-992] - Monitor dynamic configuration not working for JMX monitoring
- [PAYARA-1085] - Making changes to the admin-thread-pool does not cause "Restart Required" to show in the admin console
- [PAYARA-1128] - Subset of buttons have a different look-and-feel
- [PAYARA-1200] - Injection doesn't work for beans created by CDI extensions
- [PAYARA-1223] - WELD-000163: Non-unique bean deployment identifier detected
- [PAYARA-1284] - JMX Monitoring service "set-monitoring-configuration" command should not require the "--enabled" option to be set every time it is called
- [PAYARA-1288] - Fix GZip compression
- [PAYARA-1289] - ClassCastException(s) with remote EJB
- [PAYARA-1290] - JNDI conflict with local data sources
- [PAYARA-1359] - Reload from admin console fails
- [PAYARA-1426] - Healthcheck service isn't dynamic on Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-1467] - The help text in the admin console is wrong for the EJB container pool
- [PAYARA-1468] - Fix "Severe: Unknow type constant pool 15 at position xxx" typo
- [PAYARA-1473] - When historicaltraceenabled is true on healthcheck-configure notifierenabled is required
- [PAYARA-1480] - Payara Web does not start
- [PAYARA-1486] - The XMPP notifier incorrectly has the attribute "roomName" instead of "roomID"
- [PAYARA-1489] - SNMP Notifier not working correctly
- [PAYARA-1492] - Payara Micro, bootstrap and jdbc resource adapters not expanded
- [PAYARA-1495] - SEVERE exception from HttpServiceStatsProviderBootstrap during startup
- [PAYARA-1501] - Illegal non String type errors when JMX accessed
- [PAYARA-1502] - Fix the assertion in OSGIObjectInputOutputStreamFactory to correctly check prefix for an array type
- [PAYARA-1503] - @Model CDI annotation is not supported by Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-1508] - Admin console login page and restart page footers have 2016 copyright
- [PAYARA-1516] - Accept env var references in values which accept multiple properties
- [PAYARA-1517] - Hazelcast uses server config rather than the specific config
- [PAYARA-1518] - PayaraInstance is not injectable in micro or server
- [PAYARA-1524] - Payara Web throws an error on startup
- [PAYARA-1525] - Remove the Password Encryption Algorithm from JDBCRealm configuration
- [PAYARA-1532] - The command list-historic-requesttraces prints redundant empty lines
- [PAYARA-1536] - Admin console healthcheck must use notiferEnabled
- [PAYARA-1537] - JSF Fileupload not working on Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-1539] - Request tracing configure notifer throws exception
- [PAYARA-1540] - Payara API should import javax.inject
- [PAYARA-1542] - Embedded Payara Micro doesn't shut down
- [PAYARA-1543] - Have the Admin Console show "Requires Restart" when a pool is reconfigured and monitoring is enabled
- [PAYARA-1563] - Connecting via JMX with security manager enabled gives access exceptions
- [PAYARA-1565] - Payara Micro is not running Exception
- [PAYARA-1571] - Cannot create LDAP Realm properly
- [PAYARA-1577] - Race condition when initializing JAX-WS endpoints
- [PAYARA-1585] - Async servlet access is not correctly logged
- [PAYARA-1586] - logtofile for Payara Micro does not work in uber jar
- [PAYARA-1589] - jboss.classfilewriter needs to be updated after update to Weld 2.4.x
- [PAYARA-1614] - list-historic-healthchecks when historic health checks are enabled and healthcheck isn't throws NPE
- [PAYARA-1621] - --outputUberJar ignores --sslport option
- [PAYARA-1625] - Data-source from application.xml not available for JPA
- [PAYARA-1626] - Get eventbus configuration fails
- [PAYARA-1632] - Health Check shows an error when page first viewed
New Feature
- [PAYARA-943] - Monitoring Logger needs integration with administration console
- [PAYARA-1152] - Create maven plugin for packaging a Payara Micro jar
- [PAYARA-1161] - Ability to customize the contents of Payara Micro uber jar
- [PAYARA-1395] - Enable full server to deploy applications from a maven repository like Nexus
- [PAYARA-1484] - Create notifier for DataDog
- [PAYARA-1485] - Create notifier for New Relic
- [PAYARA-1529] - Support JMS Clients and JCA MDBs in Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-1572] - Add pre- and post-boot commands to run from file
- [PAYARA-539] - Change self signed certs in payaradomain to Payara ones
- [PAYARA-1006] - Improvement to prevent ClassNotFoundExceptions on Hazelcast threads
- [PAYARA-1142] - Rename the Standalone Instances page to be a general instances page
- [PAYARA-1182] - Add in a stop-domains command to asadmin
- [PAYARA-1199] - Allow disabling of iiop-service when MDBs present
- [PAYARA-1255] - Enhance System Property Substitution on Deployment Descriptors or Annotations
- [PAYARA-1292] - Display information about REST endpoints after boot
- [PAYARA-1299] - Create a "production mode" for the admin console with a red bar or highlight as a warning
- [PAYARA-1318] - Admin Console integration for listing historical traces of Health Check
- [PAYARA-1378] - Make setting up a Hazelcast cluster from the command line easier
- [PAYARA-1382] - Admin Console integration for selecting Request Tracing Notifiers
- [PAYARA-1398] - Enable configuration of max-post-size-bytes in admin console
- [PAYARA-1404] - Deselect the tickbox for micro instances when a command fails
- [PAYARA-1445] - Add support for CDI event bus into Web Profile server
- [PAYARA-1451] - Add support for qualifiers on Outbound and Inbound events
- [PAYARA-1461] - Refactor core server to use the new public api jar
- [PAYARA-1471] - Clarify the default unpack behaviour of Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-1475] - The email notifier in the admin console does not have very obvious field names
- [PAYARA-1487] - Expand Cluster Executor Service to use the new Clustered Scheduled Executor in HZ 3.8
- [PAYARA-1499] - Add a support element to the tree view
- [[PAYARA-1507]...
Payara Blue
- [PAYARA-798] - EJB Remote Calls Hang out contacting server with multiple network interfaces
- [PAYARA-902] - EJB Remote Multiple Calls Hangout when exceeding thread-pool max size
- [PAYARA-933] - Admin console shutdown.jsf has erroneous "submit query" button
- [PAYARA-992] - Monitor dynamic configuration not working for JMX monitoring
- [PAYARA-1085] - Making changes to the admin-thread-pool does not cause "Restart Required" to show in the admin console
- [PAYARA-1128] - Subset of buttons have a different look-and-feel
- [PAYARA-1200] - Injection doesn't work for beans created by CDI extensions
- [PAYARA-1223] - WELD-000163: Non-unique bean deployment identifier detected
- [PAYARA-1284] - JMX Monitoring service "set-monitoring-configuration" command should not require the "--enabled" option to be set every time it is called
- [PAYARA-1288] - Fix GZip compression
- [PAYARA-1289] - ClassCastException(s) with remote EJB
- [PAYARA-1290] - JNDI conflict with local data sources
- [PAYARA-1359] - Reload from admin console fails
- [PAYARA-1426] - Healthcheck service isn't dynamic on Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-1467] - The help text in the admin console is wrong for the EJB container pool
- [PAYARA-1468] - Fix "Severe: Unknow type constant pool 15 at position xxx" typo
- [PAYARA-1473] - When historicaltraceenabled is true on healthcheck-configure notifierenabled is required
- [PAYARA-1480] - Payara Web does not start
- [PAYARA-1486] - The XMPP notifier incorrectly has the attribute "roomName" instead of "roomID"
- [PAYARA-1489] - SNMP Notifier not working correctly
- [PAYARA-1492] - Payara Micro, bootstrap and jdbc resource adapters not expanded
- [PAYARA-1495] - SEVERE exception from HttpServiceStatsProviderBootstrap during startup
- [PAYARA-1501] - Illegal non String type errors when JMX accessed
- [PAYARA-1502] - Fix the assertion in OSGIObjectInputOutputStreamFactory to correctly check prefix for an array type
- [PAYARA-1503] - @Model CDI annotation is not supported by Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-1508] - Admin console login page and restart page footers have 2016 copyright
- [PAYARA-1516] - Accept env var references in values which accept multiple properties
- [PAYARA-1517] - Hazelcast uses server config rather than the specific config
- [PAYARA-1518] - PayaraInstance is not injectable in micro or server
- [PAYARA-1524] - Payara Web throws an error on startup
- [PAYARA-1525] - Remove the Password Encryption Algorithm from JDBCRealm configuration
- [PAYARA-1532] - The command list-historic-requesttraces prints redundant empty lines
- [PAYARA-1536] - Admin console healthcheck must use notiferEnabled
- [PAYARA-1537] - JSF Fileupload not working on Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-1539] - Request tracing configure notifer throws exception
- [PAYARA-1540] - Payara API should import javax.inject
- [PAYARA-1542] - Embedded Payara Micro doesn't shut down
- [PAYARA-1543] - Have the Admin Console show "Requires Restart" when a pool is reconfigured and monitoring is enabled
- [PAYARA-1563] - Connecting via JMX with security manager enabled gives access exceptions
- [PAYARA-1565] - Payara Micro is not running Exception
- [PAYARA-1571] - Cannot create LDAP Realm properly
- [PAYARA-1577] - Race condition when initializing JAX-WS endpoints
- [PAYARA-1585] - Async servlet access is not correctly logged
- [PAYARA-1586] - logtofile for Payara Micro does not work in uber jar
- [PAYARA-1589] - jboss.classfilewriter needs to be updated after update to Weld 2.4.x
- [PAYARA-1614] - list-historic-healthchecks when historic health checks are enabled and healthcheck isn't throws NPE
- [PAYARA-1621] - --outputUberJar ignores --sslport option
- [PAYARA-1625] - Data-source from application.xml not available for JPA
- [PAYARA-1626] - Get eventbus configuration fails
- [PAYARA-1632] - Health Check shows an error when page first viewed
New Feature
- [PAYARA-943] - Monitoring Logger needs integration with administration console
- [PAYARA-1152] - Create maven plugin for packaging a Payara Micro jar
- [PAYARA-1161] - Ability to customize the contents of Payara Micro uber jar
- [PAYARA-1395] - Enable full server to deploy applications from a maven repository like Nexus
- [PAYARA-1484] - Create notifier for DataDog
- [PAYARA-1485] - Create notifier for New Relic
- [PAYARA-1529] - Support JMS Clients and JCA MDBs in Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-1572] - Add pre- and post-boot commands to run from file
- [PAYARA-539] - Change self signed certs in payaradomain to Payara ones
- [PAYARA-1006] - Improvement to prevent ClassNotFoundExceptions on Hazelcast threads
- [PAYARA-1142] - Rename the Standalone Instances page to be a general instances page
- [PAYARA-1182] - Add in a stop-domains command to asadmin
- [PAYARA-1199] - Allow disabling of iiop-service when MDBs present
- [PAYARA-1255] - Enhance System Property Substitution on Deployment Descriptors or Annotations
- [PAYARA-1292] - Display information about REST endpoints after boot
- [PAYARA-1299] - Create a "production mode" for the admin console with a red bar or highlight as a warning
- [PAYARA-1318] - Admin Console integration for listing historical traces of Health Check
- [PAYARA-1378] - Make setting up a Hazelcast cluster from the command line easier
- [PAYARA-1382] - Admin Console integration for selecting Request Tracing Notifiers
- [PAYARA-1398] - Enable configuration of max-post-size-bytes in admin console
- [PAYARA-1404] - Deselect the tickbox for micro instances when a command fails
- [PAYARA-1445] - Add support for CDI event bus into Web Profile server
- [PAYARA-1451] - Add support for qualifiers on Outbound and Inbound events
- [PAYARA-1461] - Refactor core server to use the new public api jar
- [PAYARA-1471] - Clarify the default unpack behaviour of Payara Micro
- [PAYARA-1475] - The email notifier in the admin console does not have very obvious field names
- [PAYARA-1487] - Expand Cluster Executor Service to use the new Clustered Scheduled Executor in HZ 3.8
- [PAYARA-1499] - Add a support element to the tree view
- [[PAYARA-1507]...