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CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – April 15th, 2016

Bill McDonald edited this page Apr 15, 2016 · 5 revisions

cmi5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – April 15th, 2016


  • Bill McDonald - cmi5 working group leader
  • Andy Johnson - ADL
  • Art Werkenthin - RISC
  • Ben Clark - Rustici Software
  • Brian Miller - Rustici Software
  • Dennis Hall - eLearning Templates
  • Ray Lowery - Pratt & Whitney
  • Henry Ryng - inXsol
  • David Pesce - Exputo
  • Christopher Thompson - Medcom Inc
  • Mike Kennedy - Workday


Release Schedule

The group reaffirmed its commitment to a June 1 release. Pull requests will be drafted before weekly meetings. Pull requests with 3+ member consensus will be merged before meeting.

Issue #437 - The LMS MUST NOT issue multiple statements with "Satisfied" The group agreed to change section 9.3.9 as follows:

9.3.9 Satisfied

The LMS SHOULD NOT issue multiple statements with "Satisfied" for the same AU within a given AU session or course registration for a given learner.

This issue was corrected and merged immediately following the meeting.

Issue #432 - Multiple Passed/Failed, Completed within a Registration for an AU and MoveOn

After much discussion, the group agreed to resolve this issue in the following manner.

(All specification language for the following will have the "MUST" compliance level) :

  1. Passed & completed are Registration specific. (only one completed & passed statement per registration is allowed)
  2. Failed is session specific (only one failed statement per session)
  3. Failed Statements not allowed after a Passed statement is issued (within the same registration)
  4. AU Violations of these rules are either Rejected or Voided by the LMS.

All Previous CMI-5 Meeting Minutes

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