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CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – October 6th

Bill McDonald edited this page Oct 7, 2017 · 6 revisions

cmi5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – October 6th


  • Bill McDonald (Working Group Leader)
  • Andy Johnson (Formerly with ADL)
  • Art Werkenthin (RISC, Inc)
  • Clayton Miller (NextPort)
  • Dennis Hall (Learning Templates)
  • Charles Touron (USARMY CAC)
  • Ben Clark (Rustici Software)
  • Henry Ryng - InXSOL
  • Christopher Thompson (Medcom, Inc.)
  • Ray Lowery - Pratt & Whitney


Conformance Testing

The group resumed work on the cmi5 testing requirements document.

Section 10.0 xAPI State Data Model was partially covered.

xAPI Vocabulary Registry Update

Members of the group contacted Jason Haag (ADL) for the status of the xAPI vocabulary registry. Jason is in the process of a creating a "human readable" website for users to search and find definitions for xAPI vocabularies. This site was demonstrated. The actual IRI's for vocabulary items (e.g. verbs, etc) will resolve to a (different) machine readable site.

Previously, the IRI's resolved to an human readable static webpage (containing all items) when using a web browser and would return a JSON structure if the HTTP request used the “Accept: application/json” HTTP Header.

Issue #567 Recommend Satisfied statement upon meeting moveOn criteria for an AU

LMS designers have found it difficult to report on when AU's become "satisfied" because of the number of statements involved. On reviewing this issue the group determined that the following should be done:

  1. Create a Best Practice for having the LMS issue a "satisfied" statement for AU's (in addition to Blocks)
  2. Consider this as requirement in the next version of the cmi5 specification

The group agreed on the following language for the best practice:

Best Practice #13

It is recommended that the LMS create a cmi5 “allowed” statement (with a satisfied verb) when an AU has met its moveOn criteria. The statement should also include the same AU activityId used in cmi5 defined statements.

entitlementKey object

During the review of testing requirements for section 10.0 xAPI State Data Model, the group determined that entitlementKey was not clear documented in the normative language and that there were no examples of it in the LMS.launchdata State document. An example of how entitlementKey should appear in LMS.launchdata is as follows:

"entitlementKey": { "courseStructure": xxx, "alternate": dfdsf}

The group agreed to:

  1. Add clarification to the normative language on the entitlementKey object and its properties
  2. Add examples of the entitlementKey object JSON to the site.

Discussion for next week

  • Develop cmi5 Conformance Testing Requirements

All Previous cmi5 Meeting Minutes

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