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CMI 5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – March 26th

Bill McDonald edited this page Apr 2, 2021 · 2 revisions

cmi5 Working Group Meeting Minutes – March 26th


  • Bill McDonald (Working Group Leader)
  • Andy Johnson (ADL)
  • Florian Tolk (ADL)
  • Brian Miller (Rustici)
  • Henry Ryng (InXSOL)
  • Megan Bowe (Making Better)
  • Simon Hsu (KeyBridge Technologies)
  • Yifei Dong (KeyBridge Technologies)
  • Jack Bowden ()
  • Christopher Thompson (Medcom, Inc.)
  • Russ Engoran ()
  • Derek Redmond (PointClickCare)


cmi5 Extensions Page

The group drafted a page for listing cmi5 "extensions" which are proposed ways of extending cmi5 (while remaining compliant). This will used to store the cmi5 course property proposals recently discussed by the group (collateralCredit and requires). A separate document will be created for each and linked to this page.

cmi5 Extensions

The cmi5 working group has developed the following methods for extending features within the framework of the cmi5 specification. These are not required for cmi5 conformance (and are not part of the formal specification) but provide functionality that is compatible with cmi5. If these features meet your use case for what they provide, we recommend that you use them for interoperability and let us know if you have implemented them. If you have a cmi5 extension and would like it considered for this list, please notify us on our GitHub issues list as follows:

  1. Create A New Issue with a description of your extension
  2. Label Your Issue "cmi5 Extension"

cmi5 working group will monitor the usage/adoption of the features described here and consider them for possible adoption in future versions of the specification.

Course Structure Extensions

  • requires (link) – A property that defines a specified list of AU’s must have met their moveOn criteria before a given AU is accessible by the learner
  • collateralCredit (link) – A property that defines a List of Block and AUs that the LMS MUST issue Waived statements when a given AU is satisfied.

Runtime Extensions

None at this time

cmi5 Articles Page

The group also discussed the creation of dedicated page for cmi5 articles and presentations.

The recent ADL webinar on Project Catapult would be added to this page:

"requires" Course Structure Property

The group added the following XSD definitions for "requires", following the pattern used by "collateralCredit"

XSD – for requires

(additional) cmi5 XSD definition for AU Type <xs:element name=" requires" type=" requiresReferenceType " minOccurs="0"/>

(additional) cmi5 XSD definition for Block Type <xs:element name=" requires" type="requiresReferenceType " minOccurs="0"/>

XSD definition for requiresType

<xs:complexType name="requiresReferenceType"> xs:sequence

<xs:element name=" require" maxOccurs="unbounded">


<xs:attribute name="idref" type="xs:anyURI"></xs:attribute>



<xs:group ref="anyElement"/>


<xs:attributeGroup ref="anyAttribute"/>


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