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Console Commands

GDrukenmiller edited this page Apr 14, 2023 · 17 revisions

Team Indices

Some commands below require you to provide a team index. This is a numeric value that refers to either Axis or Allied team (or both of them):

  • Axis: 0.
  • Allies: 1.
  • Both or Neutral: 255 (not all commands that accept a team index support this).


AdminLogin <Username:String> <Password:String>

Logs in as administrator.

AdminLoginSilent <Username:String> <Password:String>

Logs in as administrator silently.


Logs out as administrator.

Admin <Command:String...>

Runs a command as the administrator. This is required for running server-side commands from the client (eg. ResetGame etc.).

Server-Side Commands

Round Settings


Starts a 10 second countdown, then resets the round.


This function will initiate a reset game with swap teams


Initiates the mid game vote.

WinRound <TeamToWin:Int>

Ends the round in favor of the specified team.


Timer modifiers accept an optional "operation type" parameter. If omitted, the function will set the time to the provided value.

Operation types:

  • set (default)
  • add
  • subtract

ChangeRoundTime <Minutes:Int> [OperationType:String]

This function is for admins who want to change round time on the fly.

ChangeSetupPhaseTime <Minutes:Int> <Seconds:Int> [OperationType:String]

Modifies the duration of the setup phase. This function is only valid during the setup phase.


  • Increase the time by 30s: ChangeSetupPhaseTime 0 30 Add
  • Set the time to 5:04: ChangeSetupPhaseTime 5 4

Team Ratios

SetAlliesToAxisRatio <Value:Float>

Function for changing the Allies to Axis ratio for testing and real time balance changes.

SetHardTeamRatio <Ratio:Bool>

Function for changing bHardTeamRatio in real time.


SetReinforcements <Team:Int> <Amount:Int>

Changes the amount of available reinforcements.

SetReinforcementInterval <Team:Int> <Amount:Int>

Function for changing a team's reinforcement interval.

SetAttrition <Enabled:Bool>

Toggles the reinforcements attrition.

NOTE: This function won't have an effect until the next NotifyObjStateChanged() call, i.e. you won't be able to enable/disable the attrition after the last objective has been captured. Use with care during a live game!

Objectives & Danger Zone

CaptureObj <Team:Int>

Captures a currently active objective (for the supplied team). Useful for debugging.

SetDangerZone <Enable:Bool>

Toggles the danger zone on and off.

SetDangerZoneNeutral <Factor:Byte>

Adjusts the size of the neutral zone (range: 0..255, default: 128).

SetDangerZoneBalance <Factor:Int>

Shift the balance between axis and allied zones (range -127..127, default: 0).

DebugObjectiveSpawnDistance <Distance:Int>

Change the objective spawn distance threshold value. The distance value is in meters.


DebugSetRoleLimit <Team:int> <RoleIndex:Int> <NewLimit:Int>

Quick test function to change a role's limit. Doesn't support bots.


Stat <All|Audio|FPS|Game|Hardware|Net|None|Render>

Displays debugging stats related to various game subsystems.


Fixes the engine's visibility from your current point of view. You can walk around and see what exactly is being drawn, check that antiportals are working, object cull distances, etc. Useful for visualizing and identifying areas that need culling optimization. Enter it again to turn it off.

RMode <Mode:Integer[0..7]>

Changes the rendering mode. The default render mode is 7.

Slomo <T:Float>

Sets the time dilation of the game logic, where a T of 1.0 is normal speed, 2.0 is twice normal speed, 0.5 is half normal speed etc.

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