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SDK Troubleshooting

GDrukenmiller edited this page Jun 20, 2023 · 12 revisions

Travel/Go/Viewport Position command



JUMPTO -10185.0, 8791.0, -627.0

NOTE: You must have spaces after the commas or else it'll take you to some random location

The static 'myLevel' package is showing many statics that aren't even used in the level.

This is an issue with naming of textures. You likely have a terrain layer or a texture named the same as an actor, static, or something else in the level. For example: I once had the height map layer named the same as the terrain actor, which caused me a huge headache on why the myLevel package was bugging out. This might also be true for naming of any type of asset, not just textures.

Cannot move an actor in the editor

bLockLocation in the actor's Advanced property tab is true, you must set it to false to move it.

Paste to original location does not paste to the original location

This is a problem with the editor, you must use a script to adjust for the offset or move the actors by -32 uu in XYZ after pasting in.

Players are just randomly dying for no apparent reason in a certain spot

This could be several issues. Kill-Z is a height at which pawns are killed, so check to make sure it is low enough in the zone info. BSP brushes set to have invisible sides can slay nearby players. Check for a physics volume, mine volume, or any nearby actors which can cause damage.

Load error regarding Bondarevo_T.Glass : Shader Bondarevo_T.Glass.glassShader

Your level references shawjBondarevo_SM.usx which has a ghost reference to the above shader, which doesn't exist. Never reference any assets in shawjBondarevo_SM.usx and to remove references to it, you can just convert the assets you do reference to myLevel package

Terrain Layers Have Seams or Black Sections In-Game

Ensure that all terrain layer alpha maps match the terrain heightmap in resolution. Check that the base layer of the terrain is painted to cover 100% of the terrain. Lastly, try changing sector size of the terrain in the TerrainInfo actor to a different value, then back to its original.

Tearing Effect on Terrain Layers

If you notice that certain terrain layers have a "tearing" effect when looking at them while moving, try matching the U and V scales of said layers. Significantly offset scaling may cause this issue.

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