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API Changes SC 5.17

GeckoN edited this page Aug 11, 2018 · 2 revisions


  • Added an option to customize position of the view model. Exposed the functionality as two CBasePlayer methods - SetVModelPos() and ResetVModelPos().
  • Added SVC_STUFFTEXT to the NetworkMessageType enum.
  • Changed return type of CBasePlayer::DropPlayerItem() from CBasePlayerItem to CBaseEntity. This is necessary because some weapons drop entity that is not based on CBasePlayerItem (i.e. the Shock rifle).
  • Exposed new global object CModelFuncs g_ModelFuncs. Provides various model-related methods (i.e. bodygroup configuration functions).
  • Exposed new member variable CBasePlayerWeapon::m_iDefaultSecAmmo.
  • New hook EntityCreated - called whenever a new entity is created.
  • New hook PlayerTakeDamage - called when a player takes damage. Attacker, inflictor, damage amount, and damage flags can all be changed from the hook handler.
  • New object DamageInfo - used by the PlayerTakeDamage hook.
  • Removed CBasePlayerItem::Drop(). This wasn't really a drop method and it was exactly the same as CBasePlayerItem::Kill().
  • The engine no longer crashes when unused sprite handle is passed in by the client library.
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