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Marko edited this page Apr 6, 2022 · 8 revisions

The Cypher system comes with a number of compendia, where markers, macros, scenes, and settings can be found.

The Cypher System Compendium [↗︎] has a lot more compendia with all of the over 1200 abilities and all the cyphers, artifacts, and equipment from the Cypher System line of books, plus some pre-made scenes, and a collection of NPC meeples that you can use for a quick NPC on the canvas.

Basic Skills

In this compendium, you can find pre-configured skills for initiative and defense rolls. They just come with a custom icon each and the appropriate pool pre-selected. The initiative skill is also setup as such.


In this compendium, some pre-made markers are prepared so that you can use them quickly in your game. This includes:

  • Cypher (Book, p. 00): This marker is meant as a quick way to have cyphers in the player areas of the scene that comes with the system. By default, all players should have ownership of this actor, so that each token of that actor can quickly be used by everyone. See the screenshot in Design Principles for how that looks.

    In my games, I just copy & paste the name and the source (including the page reference) into the name of the Cypher. We have the books with PDFoundry loaded, so all players have quick access to the rules in the PDF.

  • Negative Effect, Positive Effect, Special Effect, Timer: These markers are meant to be used as effect/time trackers.

  • NPCs: This marker is intended as a stand-in actor for all NPCs for the combat tracker. If you give this actor the level of the highest NPC in a combat, all PCs can roll initiative and you see when the NPCs act.

  • Position Marker: The position marker is used on maps to signify the current position of the PCs.

  • Trade: The trade actor is meant as a way for the PCs to exchange their items. Give all players ownership of this actor so that they can drag & drop item unto the character sheet and other players can take what they need. This also works great as a shared inventory.

  • XP: The XP marker is used as, well a marker for XP. See the screenshot in Design Principles for how that looks. (Note that in the screenshot, I’m using a different token image for the XP.)


This compendium contains the scene seen in the screenshot Design Principles in a light and a darker version.

Macro Compendia

The Cypher system also comes with three compendia for macros. See Roll Macros, Secret Setting Macros, and Utility Macros for details.