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Secret Setting Macros

mrkwnzl edited this page Aug 29, 2021 · 3 revisions

Secret setting macros are for some minor settings and interacting with other modules. In order to keep the system and its options as slim as possible, these options have been moved to macros. Most of you won’t need these macros on a regular basis, but for people who really want something to work a little bit differently, these macros are handy. The names of the macros are prefixed with its scope in brackets. For example, [World] is used for world-wide settings, while [Actor] applies to single actors, [Token] applies to single tokens, and [Module] is used for macros that interact with certain modules. They include:

[Module: Bar Brawl] Reset All Token Settings

[Module: Drag Ruler] Reset All Token Settings

[Module: Drag Ruler] Toggle Drag Ruler for Token

[Token] Toggle Armor in Inventory of non-PC Actors

[Token] Toggle Attacks in Inventory of non-PC Actors

[World] Change Symbol for Fractions