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Upgrading to Foundry V10 and Cypher System v2

Marko edited this page Oct 31, 2022 · 3 revisions

Both Foundry V10 and the Cypher system v2 have massive internal changes, which needs your existing worlds to migrate to the new versions. Please make sure to read all of this before upgrading!

Before upgrading

  1. Time your upgrade: Don’t upgrade if your game starts in an hour. Stop reading this and come back when you have more time and the next game session is still a few days away. Nothing in there is so important that you need it in this session. Take your time with the upgrade, and do it right. Rushing this will only lead to pain and suffering.

  2. Make a backup: There’s always a possibility that something in the migration of worlds might go wrong, so having a backup is absolutely necessary. In the case of the Cypher system, the whole data structure has been re-organized in order to make it easier to create macros and modules. That means that existing data must be migrated to the new data structure. There are a lot of data points, and if I made a mistake, this will result in irreversible data loss. If data is lost, I cannot fix the bug and get the data back. After I fix the bug, you need to restore your backup of your world and migrate that anew to get back your lost data. Without a backup, if any data is lost, it will be lost forever.

    Follow these instructions on how to make a backup:

  3. Make sure you have a backup: Verify that you have a backup. Where is it located? Is it stored in a place so that you remember where it is and it isn’t accidentally deleted? You might need to keep the backup for a while, so maker sure it’s saved in a safe place. If your backup folder is on your Desktop, move it to a more secure place. The desktop is a bad place to store important data!

  4. Make a note of your backup: Write down where you saved you backup. On a paper note, with the date you saved your files. File your note somewhere safe.

  5. Really do step 4: That was not a joke.

  6. Upgrade Foundry to V10, and update your modules: Make the upgrade of Foundry V10, and then (meaning after the update of Foundry) update all your modules. Delete the modules that aren’t compatible with Foundry V10. During beta testing, one user experienced problems with the data migration due to some module that wasn’t compatible with Foundry V10. Deleting all those modules resolved the issue, but it was needed to restore the backup first.

  7. Upgrade to Cypher v2: Update your systems last.

  8. Check your backup: The next step is crucial and the step at which irreversible data loss can occur. So check you Backup one last time. Is it stored where you expected it? Is that a safe place?

  9. Open you Cypher worlds: Lastly, open your Cypher worlds. You are told that there will be an irreversible migration of the world data to Foundry V10. That notification is not lying. If you don’t have a backup and there’s a problem, you can’t reverse to Foundry V9 with this world anymore. You need to restore your backup. If you confirm, your world will be opened, which will then start the Cypher migration process, where your actors and items are being migrated to v2. Please be patient and wait until the blue notification tells you that everything is done before doing anything else.

After upgrading

  1. Check your data: Check the actors and items of your world. Is everything there and where it should be? If yes, I did my job right and everything worked. If not, please refer to the Troubleshooting section below.

  2. Update your custom macros: Since the data structure of Foundry and the Cypher system has changed dramatically, it’s needed that you update your macros. You can find the new data paths here: Actor Data Structure (this is a work in progress, the other actor and items come shortly)

    If you need help, feel free to contact me on Discord or here on GitHub.

  3. Migrate the data of your compendia in modules: If you have a module to share your compendia across worlds, you need to migrate these as well. Before moving forward, make a backup of your module, the same way as above.

    Migration is not done automatically (I’m not going to touch your stuff without asking), but there’s a macro in the Secret Setting compendium called “[Module] Migrate Compendium Data.” You are going to need to specify the package name in there, and it will migrate all compendia that are part of that package.


The migration is taking a long time

Depending on how many actors and items you have in your world, migration can take up to a few minutes. If you have, for example, basically the complete CSRD Compendium imported into your world, you can safely take a coffee break and come back after that. If you suspect that something went wrong, open the console (F12 on Windows, option-cmd-I on macOS) and see if there’s an error. If there are the names of your actors and items popping up, the migration isn’t done yet. If there’s error, refer to the next section.

There’s an error in the console during migration

See if the error message makes any sense to you, and act accordingly. If the error doesn’t make sense to you, try disabling all modules and reload your world (F5 on Windows, cmd-R on macOS). The migration should start again. If it doesn’t, use the Macro “[World] Migrate Data” to start that process manually. If the error is gone, and you get the message that the migration is complete, check your data (see the section above). If the error persists, make a screenshot of the error (expand the message!), and then contact me on Discord or here on GitHub. You’ll likely need your backup, then!

There wasn’t an error in the console, but something is not working

Check the console for errors (F12 on Windows, option-cmd-I on macOS). Try disabling all modules and reload your world (F5 on Windows, cmd-R on macOS). If the error persists, make a screenshot of the error (expand the message!), and then contact me on Discord or here on GitHub.