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Getting Started

Marko edited this page Apr 16, 2023 · 15 revisions

Installing the System & Recommended Modules

You can install the system in the Foundry Game System menu and create a world for that system, as described in the Foundry VTT Knowledge Base [↗︎].

Install and enable these recommended modules:

Preparing the Tabletop Scene

When you first open your world, it is blank. You can create characters and items, but you can’t use any tokens without setting up a scene [↗︎] first. If you want a tabletop as a scene, as I do in my games, go to the Compendium tab in the sidebar and select “Cypher System Scenes.” There you find the scene “Tabletop,” which you can import to your game by right-clicking and selecting “Import Entry.” You can then select and modify the scene in the Scene tab in the sidebar.

Preparing System Settings

You can customize the system in the system settings, especially if you want some more automation in form of roll buttons in your games, or if you play with the popular house rule of not decreasing the difficulty before you roll, but instead add or subtract easements and hindrances, respectively, to the difficulty you have beaten after the roll (which I call “effective difficulty”).

Preparing Macros

The system comes with various macros to make your game a little easier. Refer to the macro section for more info about the macros and how to set them up.

Creating Characters & Preparing the Prototype Token

Now that the scene is set and the dice are ready, you can create your first character. Go to the Actor tab in the sidebar and select “Create Actor.” You can then select what kind of actor you want to create. Since you’ll create a character, select “PC,” and enter their name. Double clicking the actor in the sidebar will bring up the character sheet.

One thing you might want to do after creating the character is to prepare the Prototype Token. You can do that by selecting “Prototype Token” in the title bar of the character sheet. There you can set the defaults for the token when you drag & drop the character onto the scene. You find the details explained in the Foundry VTT Knowledge Base [↗︎].

Using the System

Refer to other sections of the Wiki for additional explanations on how to use the system. Most notably, check out the Tips & Tricks section with some of the less salient features and best practice examples, the overview over the actor types, and the explanations of the various macros.

Adding Other Modules

There’s a massive amount of useful modules available for Foundry VTT. I compiled a list with the ones that play nicely with the Cypher System in the Recommended & Useful Modules section.

Introduction Video on YouTube

Qedhup has made a series of introduction videos [↗︎] for the Cypher System using Foundry VTT. It’s a great way to learn how to get started!