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In Foundry, an item [↗︎] is something that can be hold by an actor, but cannot itself hold other items and cannot be represented by a token on the scene.

In the Cypher System game system, there are 19 different types of items, although five of those are variants of base items for the Teen form when playing in Unmasked mode. Below, you can find explanations for all item types. Refer to Dragging & Dropping Items Between Actors for an explanation on how to drag & drop items between actors.

(Teen) Abilities

Abilities are used for special abilities mainly gained from the PC’s type (and flavor), descriptor, or focus. On the character sheet, those are located in the abilities tab.

If roll buttons are enabled in the system settings, a “pay pool point cost” button appears in the ability list, with which you can quickly pay the pool point cost specified in the item. If you hold alt while pressing that button, the roll dialog opens up, where you can make a roll for that ability or specify a different pool point cost without making a roll.

You can specify up to four different ability categories and sort the abilities accordingly. One special category is the spell category, intended for the optional spellcasting rule (or its variants such as the psi abilities from The Stars Are Fire). There are two special features for spells: (1) You can specify how many spells are prepared, when you have some spells as part of your type or focus while the others are unprepared spells, and (2) there’s a button to pay the recovery roll cost associated with unprepared spells, if you want to cast the spell as an action. The idea is to archive unprepared spells, so that it’s apparent, which spells are prepared and which are unprepared.

Teen abilities are abilities that only appear on the Teen form when playing in Unmasked mode. Teen abilities cannot be converted to regular abilities and vice versa. Teen abilities cannot be sorted into different categories.


Ammo is used to count ammo for various attacks. Ammo appears in the combat tab, although the list is disabled by default and can be enabled in the settings.

(Teen) Armor

Armor is used for armor. The armor total values for Speed Effort cost are used in the All-in-One macros, roll buttons, and Spend Effort macro, unless the armor is archived.

Teen armor is armor that only appear on the Teen form when playing in Unmasked mode. Teen armor cannot be converted to regular armor and vice versa.


Artifacts are used for artifacts that appear in the equipment tab of the PC sheet. You need to enable that list in the PC’s actor settings before, though. On the item sheet, you can specify the level, depletion roll, and with the eye icon on the tab, its identification status (if the eye is struck through, it’s unidentified).

If you use a roll formula for the level (1d6, for example), a button appears on the character sheet, with which you can roll the level. The result is automatically added to the artifact, then. You can also use inline rolls [↗︎] in the level and depletion field. An example of that is pre-configured (1 in [[/r d6 # Depletion roll]]).

(Teen) Attacks

Attacks appear on the combat tab of the PC sheet. On the attack sheet, the skill level, damage, attack type, and range can be specified. In the settings, you can set roll button defaults.

Please note that attacks aren’t meant to represent equipment. For example, Griselda the Righteous has a single broadsword and two abilities, Charge Weapon and Power Crash. Both abilities are used in conjunction with the broadsword, so Griselda has three attacks: Broadsword, Broadsword (Charged), and Broadsword (Power Crash), each of which has different properties. If Griselda had another weapon that can be used with the abilities, she’d even have six attacks, but still only two weapons.

Crafting Material

Crafting material is used for iotum & parts in Numenera (and other games that might use something similar). You can specify the number of units and the level of the material on the item sheet.


Cyphers are used for cyphers that appear in the equipment tab of the PC sheet. On the item sheet, you can specify the level and with the eye icon on the tab, its identification status (if the eye is struck through, it’s unidentified).

If you use a roll formula for the level (1d6, for example), a button appears on the character sheet, with which you can roll the level. The result is automatically added to the cypher, then. You can also use inline rolls [↗︎] in the level.


Equipment is the item type for all kinds of items the PCs might hold. If some equipment doesn’t fit any other category, use this one.

(Teen) Lasting Damage

Lasting damage is damage that cannot easily recovered with recovery rolls. Refer to the Cypher System Rulebook, p. 436 for details. In the Cypher system, this is represented by the Lasting Damage items, which appear on the combat tab of PCs. Lasting damage is taken into account when reseting the Pool values.


Oddities are items that are unique (and don’t have a quantity value for that reason).

Power Shifts

Power shifts appear on the skills tab of PCs. Not that they aren’t automatically added to dice rolls. Please modify skills and attacks according to your power shifts.


Recursions are used for The Strange. Refer to Tags & Recursions for an explanation on how to use recursions.

(Teen) Skills

Skills are used for skills. If the roll buttons are enabled, skills are the primary way to make a roll and to modify that roll.

Skills can be sorted into up to four categories, which can be defined in the PC’s sheet settings. Skills can also be used for initiative.


Tags can be used to quickly archive or unarchive items of the PC. Refer to Tags & Recursions for an explanation on how to use tags.